Pure Vampire

Chapter 39



Ana Pov

This is so awkward. We all sort of just stood there staring at one another for a full minute. It might not seem like much but with the tension in the air it was excruciating.

"I"m so happy to see you!" Marie said sweetly breaking the weird silence. She engulfed me in a hug which I eagerly returned. I missed my tiny friend so much too.

"How did you guys find me here?" I asked her when we pulled apart.

"Well Marcos and Talon left to see Maximus that"s when we took our chance and got out. Lucky for us most of the guards were human and not very well trained. We took out who we had to and ran. I knew you would come home so we made our way to this small town. We actually just got here and had no clue where to find you. Seb wanted to cross the woods and that"s when we heard the loud music. We followed it out and here you are with him..." Marie trailed off the end bringing back the current awkward moment.

I have no clue how to explain the whole Jace kiss so I"m just going to ignore it. Besides I don"t even know how I feel about it

"Well I"m so glad you guys made it out safely" I said smiling at Marie whom gladly returned it. When I looked back at Seb though, a smile was the furthest thing from his face. This is just perfect. What else can go wrong?

"Hey! Hey! Best friend!" A loudly shrieking girl was sprinting around the corner. From the too tight skirt and bouncy blonde curls I knew exactly who this was. How the h.e.l.l did she get here?!

She was still running towards us from the side of the house. Her impractical heels caused her to trip and fall face first into the gra.s.s. Oh gosh.

"I"m okay!" She yelled getting back up pulling down the shirt stuck to her fat rolls. I smacked my palm to my forehead. You have got to be kidding me!

"Hey best friend! I found you!" Lily said out of breath. I stared at the girl with my jaw dropped. She"s nuts! That"s it!

"Lily, how the h.e.l.l did you find me?" I asked rubbing my temples. If one more person shows up in this backyard I"m going to explode

"That"s easy! I used your picture from the security cam at the house and hired a private investigator. With money you can find anyone. At first he couldn"t find you like you didn"t exist. But then your face turned up on some security cam at a s.h.i.tty motel here. So I drove here, showed your picture to some teen boys and they said you would probably be at this raging party!" She told me excitedly. There is something wrong with this girl

"Why would you have someone track me?!" I asked very irritably

"Duh we are like best friends now! You saved me and I couldn"t have my new BFF running around all homeless" she said like that made perfect sense. I could just scream right now!

I opened my mouth to yell at her for her clingy, crazy behavior but Simon cut me off

"Ooh I"m not feeling well..." He said rolling over onto his stomach. c.r.a.p! I can"t handle all this s.h.i.t right now! All these conflicting emotions running through me are enough to make me insane! Geez! My first party sucked!

Taking matters into my own hands I yanked Simon off the ground and tossed him over my shoulder. Both Jace and Lily gave me stunned looks. Probably not expecting me to be so strong. Right now I don"t care. All I know is that I need to get away from this house before someone else comes back here and I literally hype out.

"Lily, I want you Seb and Marie to follow me Simon and Jace back to my motel. Now!" I said voice not leaving any room for arguing. Lily and Marie quickly left the yard with Seb angrily striding behind them. I don"t know what his problem is exactly but I have an idea. Which is why I asked him to ride with Lily. Seb isn"t the easiest person to deal with when he"s upset.

"That was interesting. Are those friends of yours?" Jace asked looking puzzled

"Just show me where your car is." I responded flatly. I"m not trying to be rude but I"m still a little ticked he just kissed me like that. Jace nodded his head and walked toward the front of the house. The party was still going strong but at this point I was beyond over it.

We crossed the front lawn into the street. I could see Lily"s shiny expensive car parked on the side of the road. She was waving out of the driver"s side window like an idiot. All I could do was roll my eyes. One way or another I have to get rid of her. Ditching didn"t work so well last time. Maybe if I scare her she"ll run back home.

We got into Jace"s truck and I strategically placed Simon"s pa.s.sed out body in the middle. The more distance in between us the better.

"Which motel are you staying at?" Jace asked briefly taking his eyes off the road to look at me.

"The one at the towns entrance" I replied looking out the pa.s.senger side window. Simon moaned in his sleep and dropped his head onto my shoulder. Why in the world would he get so drunk? Maybe he has a lot on his mind. I certainly do. Too bad the only way I"ll ever be drunk is if I drink his blood. I quickly kill that thought. Never would I drink from Simon.

"Uh I"m sorry I just kissed you like that. I-I couldn"t help myself" Jace said tearing me from my thoughts

"You had no problem with that two years ago" I sneered. The more I think about kissing Jace the madder I become. Since he came to our school he"s been stuck on Kim. Now he wants me to believe it"s me he wants? Yeah, sure.

"Look I know back then it seemed like I wasn"t into you-"

"You dated my sister! You ignored me for years! It more than seemed like it Jace, that was it" I said voice getting a little louder than I wanted. I tore my eyes away from him and continued looking out the window

"Ana, please let me explain. I was a coward then it"s true but I never had feelings for Kim. You and I always shared this connection-"

"Jace, please just stop" I said cutting him off. His eyes darted to me for a second.

Jace slammed the car into park and turned his body to fully face me

"Ana I"m not giving up. I let you go once it won"t happen again" Jace"s eyes held so much determination I had no choice but to believe him. Words were lost to me at that moment. What could I really say to that anyway?

Jace opened his door and got out the truck. I looked around and noticed that we had arrived at my motel. Slowly I got out too. Simon was still pa.s.sed out so I scooped him into my arms. Lily and the others were all standing around looking at each other in silence.

Seb still looked p.i.s.sed.

He walked over to me and I almost got scared by the hard look on his face. When he was right in front of me I opened my mouth to ask what he wanted but he simply reached out and took Simon from my arms. I raised a brow but he just nodded his head toward the motel room.

Then it dawned on me that he took Simon so it wouldn"t look strange to everyone seeing a small girl carrying a boy. Just like Seb to always think ahead.

"Come on guys" I said walking to the motel

"This is a c.r.a.ppy motel" Lily said once we entered my room. I chose to ignore her.

Seb laid Simon on the bed, and then stood next to Marie by the door. Jace stood next to the bed and Lily was looking around in disgust.

Now for the hard part. What the h.e.l.l do I say to all of them?

This was not in my plan. Well I didn"t really have a plan but still. Two people know the truth about me but the other three don"t. Heck I don"t even know fully what I am or where I came from. I guess I can"t really explain to them the situation if I don"t fully understand it. Or maybe I"m just stalling.

"Can I speak with you for a second?" Seb asked. I nodded. I"m not too eager to talk to him but I need a moment away.

We left the room and stood outside. The dark night and open s.p.a.ce was inviting. I faced Seb taking in his large muscular frame. The stubble on his jaws grew making him look tough and strong. And attractive a voice somewhere in my head added.

"Uh so how was the escape?" I asked to start the conversation.

"It went according to plan. Marie had to do some shooting but she handled it well" Seb"s voice was very even and controlled. I was however proud that Marie was able to protect herself. She was never big on violence so it worried me but now I know she took care of business.

"That"s great. Uh what about Marcos and Talon?" I wondered

"Marcos is losing his mind and Talon is hiding things. I believe he knows who you are. We have to leave here soon" Sebs serious voice made me realize I"ve been wasting time here. How could I forget I have crazy vampires on my tail?! Although, the thought of leaving Simon so soon hurts I know it"s for his own safety.

"Maybe it"s time you say bye to your little boyfriend" Seb bit out.

Okay whoa! Yeah he is still p.i.s.sed about that kiss. But you know what he has no right. I declared my love to him and he walked out on me. The pain of that is still fresh.

d.a.m.n it! I"m so tired of these guys playing with my head and emotions like this! They never think about how their actions make me feel. Well Ana maybe it"s time you play back.

Placing a s.e.xy smile on my face I casually shrugged

"Maybe I don"t want to leave him" I lied. Actually s.p.a.ce from Jace is exactly what I want. Seb"s jaw ticked angrily

"So he is your boyfriend?" He asked voice tight. I love every minute of this. I spice it up a bit by slowly dragging my long hair to one side of my head.

"Maybe, maybe not. What"s it to you?" I replied with a smirk. Seb quickly grabbed me and slammed my body against the wall. It didn"t hurt at all. Actually it was kind of a turn.

"Ana, don"t" he said pressing his body to mine. The sensations of him spread through me like wild fire!

"Don"t what?" my voice came out a little more breathless than I intended.

Seb pressed his face into the crook of my exposed neck. His warm breath on my skin was so enticing it almost caused my knees to buckle. These reactions are making me feel like a s.l.u.t. After all I did just make out with Jace not too long ago. My mind was trying to fight it but my attraction to Seb is just as strong as it always was.


