Pure Vampire

Chapter 50



Maximus Pov

The iron clad doors opened loudly revealing the sentencing room. It was set up much like a court house in the human world. A judging table was up front with benches surrounding for the witnesses. Elite guards covered in chain-mail ushered Maximus forward.

He was starting to think coming back here was a mistake. As he entered the room he saw a man he hoped to never see again.

"Lord Henry" Maximus said with a stiff bow. Lord Henry was the king"s right hand man. It was a position that Maximus himself used to have, until Marcos destroyed them all.

"Maximus, you"re a fool to have come here. You do realize showing up at the palace after banishment is punishable by death" Lord Henry said with a devious smile.

Henry was the sly type of man to do anything to get to the top. He was all too thrilled to jump into Maximus position after Marcos was caught. Lord Henry was the one to convince the king that Maximus should be punished for the crimes of his brother.

And now Maximus was back after all these years to take what was rightfully his.

"I have come here today to report treason to my king" Maximus stated. Henry ran his fingers along his short beard as he studied him.

"Treason? You have no duty to the king" lord Henry replied. Maximus tried to keep his face neutral but all he wanted to do was rip Henry"s throat out.

"I may not be in the elite guard anymore but I still feel a duty to protect my king" Maximus bit out.

Lord Henry just laughed, as if this was all some grand joke. When he stopped he approached Maximus with slow purposeful strides until they were face to face.

"You know old friend I will enjoy watching you die tonight" Henry said smiling.

This time Maximus didn"t hide the snarl on his face. With lightning fast speed Maximus spun around, punched the guard closest to him and swiped his sword. Before the other guards could react he jumped in the air flipping over Henry and landing behind him. Henry tried to turn around but he was too slow, Maximus already had the sword pressed against his bobbing Adams apple.

"Don"t move! Or this platinum dipped blade will be the last thing you feel before it rips through your throat" Maximus said voice filled with venom. Henry held is hands up in surrender and motioned the guards to stay back.

"You won"t get away with this!" Lord Henry shouted while struggling to break Maximus hold. Too bad Maximus was always stronger than he.

"Call the king here now!" Maximus ordered.

He however didn"t need to make the command because seconds later the doors burst opened. More elite guards entered first before the entrance of the vampire ruler.

King Ferox glided into the room with grace. Unlike the old fashioned styled palace, the king looked completely modern in his dark blue suit and tie. His deep red eyes penetrated Maximus but he held his ground. If he showed weakness now the king would kill him before he had a chance to explain himself.

King Ferox stopped a few feet away from him and surveyed the scene.

"Maximus. It"s been a long time" King Ferox stated

"My king" Maximus replied with a quick bow of his head. He refused to drop to one knee and bow because then be would lose his hold on Henry.

"It"s seems you"re in a bit of a situation right now. So please explain why you have broken the laws, storm the kingdom and taken one of my men hostage" the king asked in a controlled voice. Not even a dark hair was out of place on the kings head. He was always in control

"I"m sorry my king for my actions but I still believe it is my duty to warn you of a new threat" Maximus said tightening his hold on a squirming Henry.

"Threat?" The king questioned

"Yes my king. It"s my brother Marcos. He feels he has found a way to destroy you with a newly turned vampire" Maximus explained. King Ferox raised a brow at him before running his fingers through his short dark hair.

"Marcos is trying to kill me? How does he plan to accomplish such a task" King Ferox said watching Maximus intently. Maximus didn"t miss the iris of the king turning brighter red. He only hoped Ferox wouldn"t use his ability on him before he had time to fully explain.

"My brother came to with a plan using a newly turned vampire to kill you. He believes this girl is kinetic" Maximus explained

"Impossible!" Lord Henry shot out. Maximus pressed the blade further against his neck until a thin line of blood surfaced. Henry stiffened

"I wouldn"t be here if it were a lie" Maximus spat out. King Ferox regarded the men for a moment not saying a word. His eyes burned with anger but otherwise he was completely emotionless.

"What evidence do you have that this girl your brother speaks of exists?" The king asked

"My brother and I haven"t spoken since the exile. Yet a couple days ago he came to me asking for my help tracking the blue eyed vampire he turned. Marcos wouldn"t risk coming to me if this weren"t true" Maximus ended watching Ferox for a reaction.

"I"ll send some men after them immediately" The king replied after a long pause

"NO! My king, Maximus tells lies! This cannot be true! Kinetic vampires haven"t existed in millennia! Your father made sure to kill all the children of the creator! The only one being Arc!" Lord Henry argued. At this point he would say anything to keep Maximus out of the kingdom and in exile.

"A wise king doesn"t ignore threats, big or small. My men will find this girl and bring her to me to see for myself" Ferox stated. The king began to turn away, but Maximus wasn"t done yet

"My king I want to lead the team in the search" Maximus stated firmly. The king rose a brow at him "I know I"m banished but this is my way to prove my loyalty. Besides I am the best tracker in the world. I could find her much faster than your men can" Maximus stared the king in the eye, willing him to hear his words.

"Very well. Lead my men and return with the girl and you can have your place back in the guard. Fail and I"ll kill you" King Ferox said

"What?! Bu-but my king-" Lord Henry started

"I suggest you brush up on your fighting skills Henry, because if Maximus succeeds you will have to battle him to keep your current position" King Ferox stated before turning to leave the room just as gracefully as he entered.

Maximus finally released Henry. The slit on his neck began to heal instantly. Henry spun around angrily and punched Maximus in the face. The blow barely caused Maximus head to move. Seems as if Henry still hasn"t improved his fighting talents even after all these years. But when you"re a master manipulator, hand to hand combat doesn"t feel like a priority. Maximus straightened up and face a very mad Henry

"You know old friend I will enjoy killing you" Maximus remarked humorlessly. Henry"s lip curled up in an ugly snarl

"You won"t pull this off" Henry snapped. Maximus just shrugged casually and brushed by his old enemy.


