Pure Vampire

Chapter 56



Ana Pov

"Lily, just jump. Seb will catch you" I said gently to my chubby friend.

We were standing above the sewer entrance that everyone else had already gone into; everyone except Lily. I"ve been gently coaching her to make the leap but it was proving to be more difficult than I first expected

"No! Seb is hot and all but what if those things are waiting down there" she whined. I rolled my eyes. This is getting irritating. Jace"s spell is getting ready to wear off and I know Talon won"t be long after that. Lily was wasting time so I took matters into my own hands.

"One way to find out" I said and then I pushed her into the hole. She screamed and flapped like a fish out of water. A humph sounded when she landed into the waiting arms of Seb.

"Not cool Ana!" Lily shouted up at me. I chuckled before jumping down myself. After landing gracefully into three inches of sewer water I turned on my flashlight and surveyed the area around us. It was extremely dark, wet and smelled horrible but other than that it was somewhat normal. As normal as a disgusting sewer gets anyway.

"Alright stick close and keep quiet. The next exit is only a few miles if we run into trouble" Seb spoke before leading us deeper inside.

I listened to everyone"s heart and they were a little erratic, with the exception of Lily. Her heart was beating so out of control I was sure she would faint at the first sign of danger or maybe even a rat. Speaking of rats, I could hear a few rummaging about. The others couldn"t and there is no point telling them. We walked along in a tense silence for a while after no sign of dwellers everyone seemed to relax a little

"It smells so bad!" Lily exclaimed. Since I was walking behind them I couldn"t see her face but I"m sure she was scrunching it up unpleasantly.

"My readings said dwellers have a smell similar to rotten meat." Simon informed

"Oh! I think that"s what I smell!" Lily shot out flashing her light frantically around

"No what you smell is feces. Mostly rat and it"s what you"re stepping in too" Marie added. Lily jumped and squealed. We chuckled at her dramatics. The droppings were everywhere; she couldn"t get away if she tried.

"This is so gross! Witch boy can"t you cast a spell and zap us there already?" She asked Jace of course

"My name is Jace and no. I"m not skilled enough for transport spells" Jace replied sighing when Lily clutched onto his arm. We had already walked a few miles, pa.s.sing the first exit. Seb didn"t say anything. I a.s.sumed he didn"t want to give the others a chance to try and get out before we were far enough away. Not that I blame him.

Suddenly the atrocious smell of spoiled flesh and grim a.s.saulted my nostrils. I whipped around flashing my light into the darkness behind me.

There was nothing there. But I knew that was a lie.

The others continued walking and chatting unaware of my pause. Something wet and slimy hit my right shoulder. I wiped off the snot like substance with disgust. Where did that come from?

Slowly I turned my flashlight up. When my eyes met the ceiling I almost gasped. Covering the roof was hundreds of dwellers apparently sleeping all over each other. Their skin was pale and almost translucent. You could see the outline of every bone in their thin, long bodies. The hands and toes were claws similar to a lions but longer and sharper. Ears were large and pointed.

These things were frightening…

"Guys!" I whispered yelled. Lily"s ranting caused them not to hear me. I glanced up again and could tell the dwellers were waking up. Their flat noses were wiggling with the fresh scent of us drifting to them.

We need to go and fast…

"Guys!" I whispered louder again

"All I"m saying is what kind of a witch can"t summon food at will? It seems pretty useful to me" Lily remarked.

"Witches have more important things to do than summon-"

"Jace, Lily shut up!" I yelled cutting Jace off and finally getting everyone"s attention. The dwellers stirred more...

"Ana what"s wrong" Seb said cutting through the group and walking back to me. I cut my eyes upward instead of actually speaking to him. Seb caught on and followed my action. His throat bobbed when he saw what lay just above our heads. Good thing he"s not one to panic.

We stared at each other for a full minute, not even daring to move. I was thinking of a way to get the others out without waking up the monstrous creatures. But of course Lily ruined that by looking up

"AHH!" She screamed so loud it echoed. Now everyone knew where the dwellers were and the dwellers had been woken.

"RUN!" Seb yelled.

All at once they began sprinting off down the tunnels. The dwellers began dropping like flies from the ceiling. I pulled two guns from my waist band and started to go to work. Every dweller that dropped was met with a bullet right between the eyes. Yeah I"m a good shot.

I fired off rounds with precision and confidence, taking out at least twenty in less than two minutes. One dweller caught me from behind; it grabbed me by the back of my neck and tossed me into the wall. For a skinny creature it was sure strong. More dwellers began coming down and another landed on top of me. Its white eyes were moving around not seeing me but sensing me. The ugly thing hissed ferociously in my face, fanning me with horrid breathe and saliva.

"Someone needs a breath mint" I said reaching up and snapping its neck.

I quickly jumped up and grabbed one of my guns. The other was too far away. Shots were being fired a few feet away and I knew I had to catch up to my friends. If only there wasn"t thirty dwellers surrounding me. They moved in slowly, sniffing the air around to get my exact location.

"ANA!" Someone shouted. I couldn"t tell who it was but that didn"t matter. I used the wall the dwellers were cornering me in as a launch and leaped into the air. I back flipped over them firing rounds and killing some until I landed in a crouch outside the circle.

Wasting no time I took off the way my friends went.

Lily was being held by a dweller who was seconds away from biting into her neck. It opened its mouth revealing tiny sharp teeth but missing fangs. I quickly put a bullet in its head. It fell lifelessly behind her and Lily jumped back squirming.

"Oh thank G.o.d!" She said running to me. I heard more shots going off up ahead

"Come on we need to catch up" I said. I took her hand and practically dragged her with me as I sprinted in the dark.

When we caught up, my friends were in trouble. Seb was fist fighting a small group. Marie was expertly firing shots at any closing in on her and Simon. Jace was just tackled down by a dweller. I instantly ran to him and grabbed the dweller on top of him and broke its neck. Then I ran over and took out the few gaining on Marie and Simon. I used all the fighting techniques I"d learned over the last two years to kick some dweller a.s.s. Punching some so hard that it killed them.

"Get out of here now!" I commanded my friends before jumping to help Seb.

As usual he didn"t need help. He was beating the c.r.a.p out every dweller he touched. And he didn"t even look winded. Jace led the others away while Seb and I fought. The only problem was every one we killed it seemed as if two more replaced it. We were outnumbered in the worst way...

"Seb follow the others. I"ll handle this" I said without looking at him. He was right next to me and we were both taking slow cautious steps backwards; keeping our eyes on the growing number of dwellers creeping closer to us.

"You know I"m not leaving you" He replied. I could feel the sensation of my ability running through. I held onto it and strengthened it. My eyes were sparking as well as my skin.

"This time you don"t have a choice" I said. Without giving him a chance to argue I yanked his shirt and tossed him down the path. I knew he wouldn"t be hurt from the throw but he would be p.i.s.sed.

Turning back to the dwellers I prepared to give them a taste of who I was. It was after all my mother that cursed them

"Well, it"s just you ugly b.a.s.t.a.r.ds and me. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is a.n.a.lise. Daughter of Celeste" I honestly didn"t think they understood English but at my mother"s name loud hisses sounded around. My vampire instincts had me hissing back with my erupting fangs.

The dwellers charged...

Let the fun begin!

Lightning bolts shot out from my fingertips, combusting every creature that came into contact with it. I zapped dwellers left and right but I needed more. I knew what I was about to was dangerous and I had never tried it before, but I didn"t have any options left. I needed to kill these things; now.

I searched deep within myself and pulled all the strength I could. It felt like this huge power in my gut. I dropped to one knee, almost overwhelmed by it. The dwellers took advantage of my state.

They all pounced on me; drowning me in a sea of their disgusting bodies. The power I felt growing inside me reached a level I hadn"t felt before.

I latched onto it and released...

A huge, blinding surge of blue energy shot out from my core. It was so bright and powerful it blasted all of them off me and turned every dweller into white ash mid-air.

The sheer force of the surge sent my own body plunging back…

Marie Pov

"Wait, we have to help my brother and Ana" Marie said. They had run off like Ana told them but she was done running. She wouldn"t leave her brother alone to fight those creatures.

"No crazy girl we need to find an exit like we were told" Lily said back panting hard.

Marie was growing irritated by the cowardly large girl. She didn"t care what she was told. Seb would never leave her and she would never leave him. Marie began rummaging through her backpack for another gun. The only ones left were the ones with the platinum bullets. Seb wanted to save these for other vampires they might run into but oh well. He needed her and she wouldn"t let him down.

"Marie is right. We have to do something" Simon said standing beside her "Jace, what can we do?"



To be continued ...

Extra chapter drops in few minutes.....??