Pure Vampire

Chapter 60



"Jace, what do we do?" Lily"s voice was shaking and she was on the verge of tears. Jace didn"t respond. The witch looked as scared as she was as he stared frozen at the large animals closing in.

One darker gray wolf seem to lead the others as it drew closer to them....

"I"ma pee my pants" Lily whispered with a few tears escaping.

She was petrified that she would die soon. These wild wolves didn"t seem happy at all. She wanted to scream out for Ana to save her but was afraid they would attack if she yelled.

The dark wolf was now inches from them…

Out of nowhere Seb came bursting through the trees!

He immediately jumped in front of them putting himself face to face with the beast. Seb didn"t have an ounce of fear as he stared down the much larger animal.

Seb exuded power and dominance.

The wolf growled ferociously in his face; drops of saliva even hit him. Seb didn"t bat an eye. Lily couldn"t believe what she was seeing! She wondered if Seb has temporarily lost his mind. He couldn"t fight that thing, he was outnumbered one to eight.

They all watched fearfully as Seb"s chest began to heave. It bounced up and down faster and faster...

When suddenly he opened his mouth and a deep rumbling growl left his lips. It stunned everyone. But that wasn"t the most surprising part...

All of the wolves began to bow their heads...One by one each wolf bowed down to Seb.

And the leader got down on its belly and exposed the side of its neck to Seb. It was some weird submission, Lily got that much.

But what she didn"t understand was what the h.e.l.l Seb just did….

Ana Pov

I knew as soon as I felt the warm liquid drop on my lips it was blood. Whose? I didn"t care. My vampire instincts took over and I latched on to it and sucked like my life depended on it. I was so weak from the power I used on the dwellers and I needed this blood. As I drank the taste began to catch my attention. It wasn"t Seb"s that I was clear of, but who then? I opened my eyes to see the last person I expected to give me blood….


Quickly I took my fangs from his hand and pushed him off.

"Why the h.e.l.l did you do that Sy?!" I angrily questioned him

"You needed blood!" he answered defensively wrapping his hand to stop the bleeding.

"Not from you! Where"s Seb…-" I trailed off after I took in my surroundings for the first time. It was really sunny here. The sky was a shade of green with a moon on each side of the sun. The clouds were fluffy and white. Beneath me the gra.s.s was extremely soft and a beautiful blue color. I plucked a piece and watched as the once blue gra.s.s turned green. "Where are we?" I wondered running my hands over it. In front of me was a long trail that led to a large forest.

"According to Jace we are in Nexus" Simon replied sitting next to me. My mouth dropped. Nexus. That is unbelievable. This is definitely not like the Nexus I saw when I was in the past vortex

"How? Where is everyone?" I noticed we were alone

"Jace opened a door that happened to be a portal that we also happened to lose. So the others went to find it" Simon explained to me

"And you happened to stay behind" I add elbowing him. He smiled back

"I had to! Those two would have fought over the right to be at your unconscious side. What"s up with that anyway?" Simon asked casually. My mind began to run with thoughts of the two out of three mates. I"ve been trying to avoid dealing with it but it isn"t helping

"There"re both your mates huh?" Simon said catching me off guard. I whipped my head toward him.

"How"d you know that?" I was beyond curious

"First I"m not blind. It"s clear they both have feelings for you. But the mate part I figured it from this book. As soon as I put together that you"re the daughter of Celeste it was easy from there" Simon"s words shocked me to the core. So much so I sprung to my feet.

"What?! I"m in that book?" I asked in utter disbelief

"Well not exactly" Simon started standing too "It doesn"t say your name but after reading about Celeste and the war on Nexus it all made sense. I figured out how you fit in the picture. You"re the daughter she saved to end the war she couldn"t" He ended. From his tone you would think he was talking about last night"s homework. Sometimes I forget how smart he is, because no one else would have been able to piece that together so fast.

"So whose lucky mate number three?" he asked cheerfully. I shook off my thoughts

"Oh umm I don"t know" I replied honestly. At this rate I"m in no rush to find out. Unless I already know. I glanced over my best friend of all these trying to see something I"ve never seen before. Could my third mate be right in front of me?

"Why are you staring at me like that?" he questioned with scrunched brows.

"Just thinking" I mumbled back. I started to do a slow circle around him. Simon squirmed a little. All these years I"ve never had that sort of connection to him, but we did have a strong connection. Was it more than friends? I can"t tell! I knew I didn"t feel towards him what I felt towards the other two. But no one said all my bonds would feel the same. There is one sure way to find out the truth.

"Sy, let me see the back of your neck" I said. He instantly put his hand on it to cover it

"No, why?" he asked suspiciously backing away.

"I need to see if you have my mark" I replied back. From his widening eyes and increased heart rate he knew exactly what I meant. I took a step to him

"Wait! Can I ask you a question first?" I knew he was stalling but I was willing to entertain it for a moment. I would see his neck whether he liked it or not. I nodded for him to ask away.

"Uh ok. Umm while you were gone did you think about me? I mean you never called or anything I just wondered if I ever crossed your mind because you crossed mine everyday" he said. His words. .h.i.t me deep. Everything has been moving so fast lately I haven"t even had the time to really talk to my best friend.

"Simon I missed you like crazy! But I admit I forced myself not to think of you. I always felt I was the reason you didn"t have any other friends. That it was your friendship with me that held you back. So when I left I a.s.sumed your life was better without me" I told him sadly

"You were so wrong Ana" He said to me slightly disappointed

"I know. I"m sorry for abandoning you" My apology reached him easily and he engulfed me into a hug. I feel so much better getting that out. But now it"s on to another important issue…

"So about your neck-"

"Wait! I have another question" Simon said breaking the hug and jumping away from me. I laughed at him through my glossy eyes.

"Uh Uh ummm…" He trailed off fishing for something to stall me with "Um Oh! Lily! Yea why is she here? What does she have to do with anything?" he finally found a question. I thought about it for a second before speaking

"Well I saved her and she followed me but it"s more than that. I see myself in her" I stopped and thought about the chubby girl and her wild antics. I knew there was something special about her but I didn"t know what exactly. "It"s hard to explain but I have a feeling that she is meant to be here and she has a weird way of breaking tension" I ended laughing just thinking of her crazy comments.

"Yes I can see that" Simon added laughing too. Once our laughter died down I gave him my serious face. He knew exactly what I was thinking.


"No more questions Sy, I want to see that neck" I said interrupting him. He gave me one look and took off sprinting away. "Really? I"m a vampire Sy!" I yelled after him. I watched for a few seconds just entertained by how funny he runs with his arms flailing about.

Using my speed I literally appeared right in front of him. He screamed and fell back, but that didn"t stop him. He shot back up and took off running in the opposite direction.

I"m not an idiot I was aware he didn"t want to have my mark because he was crushing on Marie. I hoped he didn"t have it either but I needed to know for sure. Once again I ran so fast I blocked his next step. Simon fell to the ground again. When he tried to get up I grabbed his ankle and knocked him back down. Before he could stand again I sat on his back.

"Sorry buddy I have to do this" I tried to reason with my struggling friend. Geez he must really like her. Or he really doesn"t want to be mated to me. I hope it"s the first one.

"Ana this could change everything" He mumbled into the earth. I knew that but it doesn"t matter.

We had to know…

Slowly I lifted the curly hair off the back of his neck…

"Oh my G.o.d...…."



