Pure Vampire

Chapter 64



Maximus lost his cool and flew into a rage. His eyes bled black and his fangs exploded. The vampire gracefully pulled a sword strapped to his back and dove it into Talon"s midsection. It happened so fast, Kim couldn"t stop it had she tried. Talon grunted in pain but wouldn"t show any more emotion as he held onto the sword preventing it from going in any further.

"Please don"t hurt him!" Kim shouted to Maximus; he ignored her as he pushed the blade further inside Talon. She was so afraid that any moment this man would finish Talon off.

"Your c.o.c.kiness will be the death of you. If you want to live tell me where the girl is?" Maximus said.

Talon was still holding onto the blade but he was shaking. However he managed to flash an arrogant smile and Kim knew he wasn"t going to corporate with Maximus. She had to do something; she loved Talon and wouldn"t let him die.

Maximus forced the sword in a little further...

"Wait! Wait! What girl? May-maybe I can help" She pleaded. Maximus turned his head to look at her for the first time. He glanced over her up and down but didn"t look impressed at all.

"The one my brother claims to be a blue eyed vampire. Where can I find her?" Maximus asked. Kim huffed annoyed. There is no way in h.e.l.l he could be talking about her sister. Could he?

"Ana? Are you looking for Ana?" She asked unbelieving. It"s not like she knew any other blue eyed vampires running around. Maximus perked up and swiftly withdrew the sword from Talon"s abdomen. Talon dropped to his knees gripping the wound.

"Kim! Keep your mouth shut!" Talon ordered. Maximus kicked him the face to silence him and then made his way over to her.

"Tell me where she is and I will spare his life and yours" Maximus deep voice penetrated her fear. There is no way she would risk her life for her sisters. With a shaky hand Kim pointed in the direction of the woods.

"Last time we saw her she was with her friends in the woods. We shot her so her blood is still there if you need a scent" Kim told him. Talon taught her a little about tracking so she knew if these vamps couldn"t find her it was because they didn"t know her scent.

"NO!" Talon grunted, rolling over on the ground. She didn"t understand why he wanted to protect Ana since he was the main one trying to kill her.

"Thank you" Maximus replied before gesturing to his men. The soldiers gathered a wounded Talon up and disappeared from sight.

"NO! You said you would let us go!" Kim screamed. She looked in all directions but couldn"t find any leads on where the men took off with Talon.

"I said I would spare your lives. I did. Talon is being taken to our king for punishment" Maximus stated. Without a second glance he and the rest of his army ran off toward the woods...

Kim was left standing alone in an empty parking lot. She couldn"t believe the events that took place in last few minutes.

Talon was gone...

She was all alone....

This was all somehow Ana"s fault like everything else. Kim wasn"t going to give up so easily. She promised Talon she wouldn"t leave him again. And she was going to find him…..

No matter what…

Ana Pov

"h.e.l.lo a.n.a.lise, daughter of Queen Celeste, and future destroyer of us all" Cora said like her words didn"t send an unpleasant chill down my spine.

"Wh-what?" I choked out.

"Please come inside. You must all be tired" Cora ignored my question and stepped aside to let us in her home.

We all entered the living room noticing all the floral coated furniture covered in plastic. From around the corner a pre-teen brunette girl came bouncing into the room.

"This is my granddaughter Zara. She will take you all into the kitchen for food and water" Cora said from behind us. The short chubby girl smiled, revealing her silver braces with blue rubber bands.

"Oh thank G.o.d! I"m starving! These people never eat!" Lily piped up pushing her way through us to get to Zara. Everyone began to follow Zara but Cora"s hand on my shoulder stopped me.

"Not you a.n.a.lise. We need to talk. Come." She ended opening a door that had steps leading down to a bas.e.m.e.nt. I glanced at Seb and then Jace before following her.

As soon as I took one step inside the door closed on its own behind me. That can"t be a good sign. I hope she doesn"t try to kill me. I"ve had enough of that lately . Even so I slowly walked down each creaking step, praying this isn"t s trap.

When I reached the end and caught sight of what was in front of me, I knew my prayers were denied.

Standing next to each other were three people I was sure I didn"t trust yet. All three of the woman regard me coolly and I had to force myself not to snarl.

To the left was Cora, on the right was Verna and in the center was Helia...

"h.e.l.lo a.n.a.lise" Helia said. Seeing the white haired woman instantly had my mind flashing back to the last time I saw her. When she nearly killed Seb. He hasn"t been the same since he drank her potion.

My anger at Helia took over and I charged her; fangs bursting out. Before I could even touch her, she waved the back of her hand and sent me flying back into the brick wall. My body slammed against it hard, knocking the wind from my lungs.

"We are not your enemies a.n.a.lise. Its time you understand that" Helia said calmly.

"I can"t tell." I snapped getting to my feet "What did you do to Seb?" I demanded

"Like I said before I didn"t harm him. It was just a test, but that is not your concern" Helia replied.

Is she kidding? Not my concern? Of course it is. I let my ability bubble to my core. If I couldn"t get a decent response, I would force one from her. I channeled the tingling energy to the palm of my right hand. Once I felt it was strong enough I held out my hand and watched the blue bolt shoot out from the center.

Right before it reached them, all three witches held up a hand and froze my bolt midair.

"We are linked a.n.a.lise. You can"t over power us" Cora said. I kept my palm up trying to push the bolt but it barely moved an inch. It was costing me a lot of energy to hold it and eventually my hand dropped and the bolt disappeared.

"What do you want from me?!" I questioned. I was beyond irritated.

"We only want to help you. We are good witches" Cora said gently

"Ha! Verna sent me to my death. And Helia almost killed my friend" I accused. Helia shook her head as if she was disappointed in me.

"Seb only reacted badly to the wolfsbane because of who he truly is. And Verna is a seer, it is her duty to fate to follow her visions. Which is why we are here today" Helia said.

The crone pointed to the ceiling and a huge crystal ball floated down. It was bigger than any crystal ball I"d ever seen and it stay suspended in the air in the center of the room.

"Cora has the gift of foresight. When she opens her third eye she can see the mostly likely future of anyone in the world. It is rare to be as gifted and accurate as her. So when she called and told me she had looked into the future and saw the death of my grandson, how do you think I reacted?" Helia said looking at me with disappointment and sadness. My heart would have dropped to my stomach had I been human at her words

"What?! Jace dies? Ho-how, why?" I fire questions with a shaky voice

"Because of you. And not just him but everyone upstairs. All of your friends" Cora said with pity.

I fell to my knees. She couldn"t be right? I would never hurt any of them. Never! I love all my friends! How is this possible? I could feel my eyes well up with tears. A warm hand lifted my chin. My eyes met the cool grays of Helia

"There, there child. It hasn"t happened. That"s why we are here. To warn you" She explained

"I would never hurt them." I cried

"Not intentionally but your choices put them in danger. Look into the ball" Helia said motioning to the huge round spear in front us.

Inside I could see a bunch of men with swords. They were moving at an inhuman speed; attacking. I stood up and walked closer. Standing in front of it I realize it was a battle. The people fighting were my friends and I against these guard like men.

"What is this?" I questioned still staring into the crystal.

"My vision showed the kings men coming here for you. Only your friends try to protect you from being taken and well, see for yourself" Cora responded.

I tuned my eyes back to the screen in time to see Jace being stabbed through the back and heart. Simon already lay lifeless on the ground. Lily"s neck was snapped. Marie was fighting one man but another attacked and killed her from behind. I was throwing bolts everywhere but there too many for me and I was taken down. Seb was running to me when a blade swiped through his face. I couldn"t watch anymore. It was all too much to see. It looked so real.

My emotions took control and a surge shot from my core and shattered the crystal ball into a million pieces. I closed my eyes to regain control of myself.

"How do I stop it?" I asked looking at each witch

"The King is aware of your existence and he"s is after you. I know you can defeat him but you"re not at your full power right now. His men will be here in a few hours. You have to be taken alone and without a fight" Helia explained

"If I couldn"t beat his men in your vision, how can I defeat the king?!" I threw my hands up in frustration.

This isn"t my fight yet I"m in the center of it. I never wanted to take the down the kingdom and now it"s like I don"t have a choice. Everything that"s happening feels like it"s out of my hands.

"Trust me, when you"re at full strength you will know" Helia informed me

"So this was some witch intervention to make sure I get kidnapped alone?" I a.s.sumed that was the point of all this.

"Yes. And it was to show you that we are on your side, even though it may not seem so yet to you" Verna said finally speaking for the first time.

"Is that why you called me future destroyer?" I asked Cora.

"No, I called you that because based on your current path you will not fulfill your destiny as the savior and instead destroy us all" Cora answered simply. My jaw dropped. Everything she said was new to me. What is she talking about? I opened my mouth to question her but Helia cut me off

"Don"t listen to Cora, she sees a lot and the future is always changing. Just find a way to keep the others from interfering in your capture." Helia told me. I glanced at Cora and she had both her eyes closed and the third one open. It looked so weird, but I wasn"t ready to drop her cryptic future destroyer and savior babble. I wanted to know what she meant.

"Please a.n.a.lise just focus on the task at hand. Don"t let all your friends die. My grandson has the potential to be a very powerful witch but he is still afraid of his gift. None of you are ready to battle yet and it"s up to you to make sure it doesn"t happen tonight" Helia was almost pleading with me and she was right. I saw it. There is no way I would be selfish and let the people I care about risk their lives to protect me. I don"t have time to dwell on Cora"s words and instead come up with a plan to keep them out of harm"s way.

"Okay. So what if I just leave now?" I said thinking out loud

"No, they will follow" Cora answered still only having her third eye open. I think she"s looking into the future right now.

"What if I just tell them the truth?" I thought that sounded reasonable. If they knew they would die that would make them stay behind.

"No, it won"t work either. They care too much to leave you defenseless" Cora responded. That"s just great. I started pacing the room to think but I couldn"t come up with anything. Seb was the biggest problem that I was sure of. He never leaves me alone to battle

"Is there anything you guys can do? I mean Helia you"re the most powerful witch right?" They brought me down her to warn me I don"t understand why they couldn"t help.

"We aren"t meant to interfere. This is your path and I can"t walk it for you. We shouldn"t have warned you but something had to be done. Now it"s up to you" Helia told me. Suddenly her body began to cloud with white smoke and then poof! She was gone; just disappeared only leaving a cloud of smoke in her wake.

"I came here to tell you I"m sorry you lost your human life but what"s meant to be will be." Verna said before vanishing herself the same way Helia just did. What the heck?

"Uh what happened to them?" I asked Cora, last witch standing


