Pure Vampire

Chapter 68



"Ok. But I have something else I need to tell you" She admitted

"What?" Seb asked curiously rolling his neck and loosening his shoulders. Lily copied him and also added a couple fake lunges. She had to stop though because flexibility wasn"t her strong point.

"Tell you after the race" She finally answered. Thy lined up on the dirt road preparing for the race

"On the count of three" Lily started "One...….Two...I think you"re a werewolf...….Three!" she yelled taking off towards the house. Seb wasn"t running and she knew her bombsh.e.l.l announcement worked as the perfect distraction….


Ana Pov

"Welcome to h.e.l.l!" Talon announced. The only thing I could do was hiss at him. If only there was a way to break these bars so I could break his neck.

"I"ve been in h.e.l.l since the day I met you! By the way how"s my sister? I sneered. This animal has turned my sister into a vampire and brainwashed her to kill me. He better pray they kill me soon

"I don"t know. After the b.i.t.c.h ratted out your whereabouts, the elite imprisoned me" Talon retorted.

The wounded vampire carefully sat back down on the ground. For some reason he wasn"t healing at the normal speed. Whatever he was stabbed with must have deadly. I mulled over what he said about my sister "ratting" me out. It"s a fact he"s a liar but that lie doesn"t seem farfetched considering the type of person Kim is.

"You should prepare yourself for torture. They took Marcos a few hours ago. I"m sure now that you"re here they"ll want you before me" Talon suggested.

So they had Marcos? d.a.m.n the king doesn"t waste time with a threat. But whatever Marcos had planned doesn"t involve me. For one he never even told me he wanted to kill the king. And for two I was kidnaped! No free will, until I escaped, even after I"m still feeling trapped. Ironic since my current environment is a cell.

"Torture? But this is all a misunderstanding. I"m not in league with you and Marcos" I protested. Geez someone needs to listen to the truth here!

"Ha! Good luck proving it. My advice don"t sure weakness, it might keep you alive longer" Talon advised laying on his back. It was clear he was done talking, probably to concentrate on healing.

My feet carried my body in an angry pace across the small room. If he was telling the truth I"m in big trouble. Never had torture come to mind. Marcos was an a.s.s who kept me locked up but he didn"t out right torture me! Unless I tried to escape and then would get shot a couple times, but that"s nothing compared to torture. My mind raced with all the possibilities of things they could do.

The moment of truth came when four guards appear at my cell. I sized them up. Most likely I could take them out but then what? It"s too risky trying to flee just yet. They entered the chamber and immediately began to shackle me again. Testing the strength of the cuffs, it was obvious platinum was used due to the slight burning I felt

"Die slow for me!" Talon piped up to add as the vamps ushered me by. I so badly wanted to throw a bolt at him and end his miserable existence but I refrained myself.

Five minutes later they shackled me in the center of a large white room. Almost like the ones in mental hospital. Wonder if that"s supposed to add to the fear? Talon was right about not showing weakness. If I did it would only make things more difficult for me. Considering vampires pride themselves on being strong and showing no mercy for the weak. After my clothes were stripped the h.e.l.l began…

Strike after strike two guards whipped me mercilessly. They never asked a single question. Every strike burned like acid. It was worse than any platinum I"ve ever felt. My wounds were healing but the more they struck me the slower they healed. The whips were weakening me…

I don"t know how long it went on before I heard the loud clicking of heels approaching. But it was getting close to the point of my hyping out and destroying this place. My rage was peaking and I knew soon they would all know exactly what I"m capable of...

"State your name!" a female commanded with cold unfeeling voice. Was she serious? They brought me in here and beat me and the first thing they want to know is my name! A dark laugh bubbled from my lips.

"Kiss my a.s.s" I barked back. My patience was gone. Soon I would kill everyone in this room.

Suddenly a chill crept over me, a presence of some sort. It was quickly forgotten when the scorching pain of the chains connected against my skin. The howl of pain was enough to drive me mad. I turned my head intent on focusing on my power, when my eyes lock with a glowing red pair...

The air buzzed around us and not from my kinetic talent. The eyes belonged to the most alluring and dangerously dark s.e.xy vampire I"d ever seen. His stylish dark hair, red eyes, barely there scuff and strong jaw lines made him mouthwatering. He was dressed in all black; covering what I knew to be a body of perfection. This vampire had a darkness about him, but he made it look good. My body ached for him.

Another lashing had me screaming but not from pain. From the realization that I was actually desiring him like he was my m

My thoughts were interrupted by the red hot rage that over took him. I could actual feel his anger. I watched stunned as he s.n.a.t.c.hed up the nearest guard by his throat and then ripped his heart out! He dropped the lifeless body to the ground and turned his rage on the other one. The vampire dropped his whip and held is hands up in surrender, but it was too late. In a second he shoved the other vamps black heart down his throat and then picked up his whip and strangled him with it until his head tore off. It was ruthless.

After he was done with the men he slowly walked back to me. All I could do was stare full of shock and confusion. The dark vampire gently ran his b.l.o.o.d.y finger down my face only whispering one word…

"Mate…" he spoke so soft I could barely hear it. But the one four letter word changed everything. It sent all my senses crashing down in a panic.

He was my third mate. No it couldn"t be! Who is he?

"Excuse me Prince Ca.s.sius, but what the h.e.l.l are you doing?!" The female vampire asked voice extremely hostile

"Gwen, get someone to remove these chains from my mate now! Before I kill someone else" He demanded back with a deep authority voice. Wait, did she call him Prince?

The female vampire, Gwen scoffed but did as was told and in seconds guard members unleased me. My body collapsed but before I could hit the cold tile, the dark s.e.xy vampire scooped me into his arms.

"Wh-who are you?" I asked not taking my eyes from his red ones. He smiled down at me.

"I am Prince Ca.s.sius. Next vampire king, but to you I"m your mate love" The prince answered sounding so sure of himself. But I was freaking out internally.

Holy s.h.i.t! The prince is my third mate! This can"t be happening! All of the chaos must have been too much on my weak body because not a second later I blacked out…


I don"t know how long I was out but without opening my eyes I knew I wasn"t in my cell. My body was on a plush mattress so soft it was like laying on laying on a cloud

"Are your sure she is your mate?" the voice I already recognized as the cold vampire Gwen asked with obvious disbelief and disgust.

"I already told you Gwen she is the one" Ca.s.sius replied in an even tone. The bed dipped beside me and soon I felt his hand slowly caressing my face and hair.

"It"s just unbelievable that she show up now! Not to mention she is a traitor for plotting the death of your father" Gwen accused. It was clear she didn"t like me one bit. Maybe I should let them know I was awake but curiosity of what they might say next held me still.

"Any crime she may have committed beforehand will be forgiven because she is my mate. Now go arrange a meeting with my father so I can personally deliver the news" Ca.s.sius spoke leaving no room for argument. I could hear her huff as she stormed from the room. Something tells me she is going to be trouble.

"You can stop pretending to sleep love" He said amused. My eyes shot open and instantly connected with his red ones. The same intensity I get when I look and Seb and Jace happened. The mate sparks flew all around us and it was hard not be consumed by them.

"Your eyes are remarkable. How are they blue?" He asked curiously. That simple question made me remember why this couldn"t happen. He was the Prince! Technically I was supposed to kill him and his family. Not to mention his crazy grandfather killed mine! d.a.m.n it! Fate has a funny way of f.u.c.king up my life. I hurriedly flipped from the bed, needing some distance.

"Don"t be afraid nothing will harm you now that you"re my mate" Ca.s.sius insisted taking his shirt off. My jaw dropped at the s.e.xy perfectly defined abs. He was gorgeous

"Wh-what are you doing?" I gulped realizing for the first time I was in his black dress shirt and nothing else. Thank goodness he was tall and the shirt reached to my mid-thigh.

"I wanted to wait but I must have you now! Get in the bed so we can make love" He purred, red eyes glowing. And d.a.m.n it if I didn"t almost obey him. It was sheer will that kept me rooted to the far wall.

I have to get out of here!

Panic climbed up my throat but not from fear, from the desire I had to sleep with him. Images of his hands all over my body had me growing wet between my thighs. What the h.e.l.l?

I tried to shake it off

"You like what you seeing love? Come here and I can make it real" Ca.s.sius tempted laying on the bed like the prince he was.

"Can you read my mind or something?" I asked. I sure hope not because my thoughts are very naughty for some reason

"Or something" he boasted. I tilted my head puzzled by his response "I planted those images in your mind. One of my many talents, now come here love I don"t want to have to come over there. Or do I?" he teased s.e.xily. d.a.m.n! It was so hard not to be turned on by him. This vampire was not prince charming but something else entirely.

But after knowing he has some sort of ability I questioned if what I was feeling was my own doing or his...

Without warning he had dashed from the bed and was now inching closer to me…

I took matching steps backwards until I hit the wall…nowhere to go…

The prince smirked….and it looked so d.a.m.n good on him….in a s.e.xy bad boy way

He was closer now…so close his whisky breath fanned against my face…

Ca.s.sius lips were moving…I knew he was saying something to me but I couldn"t hear a word...

All I could do was watch those plump pink lips and fantasize about them on places on my

body I"ve never explored… What"s happening to me?

He slowly tilted my head to the side and exposed my neck. Ca.s.sius then dragged his tongue from my ear to the curve in my neck… My body shivered in response...

I couldn"t take it any longer…

I wanted him…..


And I was going to get him…





