Pure Vampire

Chapter 82



Seb Pov

"Me? Well handsome my names Ca.s.sandra. And as to why I"m here…" She trailed off thoughtfully tapping her red nails against her red lips. "I"m here to raise h.e.l.l" Ca.s.sandra said simply.

The vampiress leapt gracefully from the top of the boulder, landing directly in front of them. Her male counter parts followed her lead. Seb held his ground. He didn"t get this far to get intimidated by a group of vamps. One other stood out more than the other male vampires. He was a taller and his dark complexion would allow him to easily blend into the shadows. He stood protectively closer to Ca.s.sandra than the rest; ready for anything. Seb sized him up. If things didn"t go well he would have to take him out immediately after Ca.s.sandra.

"Why would a vampire want to raise h.e.l.l in a castle filled with more vampires?" Marie question suspiciously. Ca.s.sandra eyed her before smiling showing off her fangs.

"I have my own vendetta against the king and many others inside that filthy palace" She spat.

Seb opened his mouth to question her more but Lily, Simon and Bobby came rushing around the corner. Guess they were tired of waiting.

"Hey! What"s going on did you guys catch Ki- Whoa whose this? Jessica Rabbit?" Lily asked in her usual Lily way. Ca.s.sandra just kept smiling but it never reached her eyes, not once.

"Holy sweet baby Jesus! You are smoking hot! d.a.m.n! Are you religious? Because you are the answer to all my prayers!" Bobby swooned stepping up to Ca.s.sandra like a love sick puppy. The ebony vampire stepped up in front of her, keeping Bobby away. Ca.s.sandra laughed an pulled him back.

"It"s alright Kellan, the human was just paying me a compliment." She said sweetly. Kellan nodded and stepped back but he didn"t look happy about it. Bobby did.

Seb knew it was time to steer the conversation back to where it began before things really got off topic, even more than they already were.

"Ca.s.sandra, if I were to tell you that we also want to raise h.e.l.l for the king, would you be willing to help us find the castle?" Seb asked. He was throwing his cards out and taking a chance. It had to be a sign for them to run into a vampire that had a vendetta against the king. If any other vampire would have shown up, they would all probably be dead by now.

Jace gave him a questioning face but he ignored it. If Ca.s.sandra wouldn"t help then there was no need to waste time talking to her. They would have to find another way. He didn"t come all this way to leave this beach without Ana. They were going to rescue her.

"And what did the king do to upset some humans?" She asked curiously. Jace began to speak but Seb cut him off.

"We don"t know what the king did to you and you don"t know what he did to us. It"s not relevant. What is relevant is us all wanting to take him down any way we can. Now will you help?" Seb had a sure authority to his words. An inner strength and leader that propelled to the surface whenever he needed it. Ca.s.sandra must have sense his strength too because he could see the decision in her eyes before she spoke.

"Tough guy huh, it"s very s.e.xy" She flirted. Seb dismissed it "Since you put it like that, of course I"ll help you get in. But from there you"re on your own. I have my other matters to handle." Ca.s.sandra implied. She snapped her fingers and two men came rushing to her side and began taking their black b.u.t.ton down shirts off. Once they were off, she handed them to Seb. "I can only take two of you and you"ll need these to fit in for tonight"s event

"Wait! You"re not going with her? She"s a vampire and we don"t know her! We can"t trust her!" Simon surprisingly jumped up arguing.

"We knew Kim and see how well that went. Sy, this is the only option we have" Jace said gently placing a hand on his friends shoulder. Seb put on the shirt and handed the other one to Jace. He didn"t need to explain why he choose Jace. The others understood. Jace was a witch and one of Ana"s mate, it was always going to be the two of them entering the palace.

They both changed into the shirts quickly.

"Uh so are the two half naked vampires staying with us?" Lily asked sheepishly, Ca.s.sandra nodded. "Sweet!" she fist pumped "I"m in need of some good eye candy" she added smiling deviously

"Hey!" Bobby shouted "I"m standing right here!" Lily glanced at him up and down bored.

"My point exactly" she quipped.

Seb ignored there petty argument and faced Marie. His little sister was being tough but the worry in her eyes was undeniable. As sibling they were so close that they didn"t even need words to know what each other was thinking. She was telling him to be safe. He was telling her the same and keep a watchful eye.

With a final nod Seb and Jace stepped to Ca.s.sandra. She gave a smile again that didn"t seem real and Seb finally figured out why. She hyped. Ca.s.sandra can only mimic emotions while in hype, the only thing she could really feel was bloodl.u.s.t, s.e.xual desire and rage; the vampire basics. He wondered if the King had something to do with her choosing to live her long life in hype, but at the end of the day it wasn"t his business.

His only concern was saving the girl he loved. And telling her over and over how much he loved her. Now that she was gone it seemed so foolish that he hadn"t told her before. Seb was vaguely aware that Jace was probably thinking of doing the exact same thing after they saved Ana. Only time would tell who she would pick. But that didn"t mean he wouldn"t do anything he could to make sure it was him.

"Open your mouth" Ca.s.sandra ordered. They only stared at her. "The blood castle is spelled for vampires, so you need vampire blood in you to see it and enter" She explained. That made a lot of sense. If they had known that, they could have just taken blood from Kim and avoided this whole mess.

Ca.s.sandra bit the tip of her finger and let a couple drops of blood fall into each other their mouths. Seb expected it to be gross and coppery but it wasn"t. Her blood was surprising sweet, yet bitter at the same time.

"That"ll buy you both a couple of hours inside before the witch catches on to your intrusion" Ca.s.sandra explained. Seb could only because right before his eyes a shimmer appeared in the middle of the ocean. It was like someone was pulling an invisible blanket slowly off the castle. Bits and pieces of the huge red structure began to unfold right before him. The dark witch must be powerful to hide something so large in plain sight. From the gawk on Jace"s face, he was seeing it too.

"Are you ready?" Seb asked the witch. Jace dragged his eyes and met Sebs. They both locked equally determined eyes. Jace wanted Ana back just as badly as Seb.

"As ready as I"ll ever be" Jace replied.

And with that they both treaded into the cold ocean water. Taking one step closer to finally reuniting with the girl they both loved….


Kim Pov

After watching Jace fall from the boulder, Kim took off in a mad dash. The moment they arrived she"d spotted the huge red stone castle sitting pretty in the middle of the ocean. It was only when no one else spoke of it that she realized they couldn"t see it. That"s when it all clicked together then. Jace recruited her specifically for this mission because she was a vampire. Not that it mattered now seeing as she left them high and dry. And she didn"t feel an ounce of guilt for double crossing them either. Her only thought was getting to that palace and saving Talon.

Kim came to an abrupt stop after reaching a safe distance from the others. Now all she need to figure out was how the heck to get into the middle of the ocean. Pondering a moment, she began to take off her heels. The only fast way was simply to swim considering this side of the beach was deserted with no speed boats in sight.

"Going for a swim?" a male voice asked with an Irish accent. Kim spun around heel in head ready to take him. The man regarded her coolly. He had reddish brown hair falling to his shoulders and he stood perfectly still in a black suit. He looked to be in his twenties, maybe older with scruff covering his chin and cheeks. After a second of a.n.a.lyzing him, Kim knew without a doubt he was a vampire. No human could have snuck up on her so easily.

"Are you going to the blood castle for tonight"s festivities?" he asked casually with a fang filled smile. Kim opened her mouth to question him but thought better of it. She needed a way in and as luck would have it this stranger vampire had just provided. So instead she straightened her posture and slipped her heel back on.

"Why yea, I mean yes I am. But umm I can"t seem to find a suitable way across the water" she replied putting on her best innocent face. The vamp looked her up and down, pausing on her legs and breast. After he was satisfied he met her eyes with a smile.

"Well my lady it"ll be my pleasure to escort you there" he smiled gesturing for her to take his outstretched hand. Kim forced a s.e.xy smile and took it. They walked to the edge of the beach taking a few steps into the freezing water. Mushy sand and rocks covered her toes. Kim turned to him ready to question is actions but he spoke first.

"I take it this is the first time you visited the castle?" He asked in friendly Irish accent. Kim nodded. "Well allow me to show ya" the Irish vamp added. He surprised Kim by using the tip of his very sharp fang and piercing it through his thumb. Blood rose to the surface and Kim had to fight not to lick it. Hunger set in quickly.

The moment ended though when the vamp let the single drop fall into the water and disappeared. Seconds pa.s.sed without anything happening and she began to think this particular vampire had lost his mind. Then suddenly something began to move under her feet and they started gliding across the ocean with speed and ease. The vampire smiled at her shocked filled face triumphantly.

Within a minute they were at the front doors of the immaculate castle.

"Until we meet again, farewell my lady" The vamp said in a sweeping bow before turning and walking to the main double doors.

There were two guards standing at the entrance and Kim watched as the Irish vamp reached into his jacket and handed one of them an envelope. The guard nodded and let him through without a question.

"s.h.i.t" she cursed to herself. This event was invitation only. Even as she figured this out she continued her slow stride to the front entrance. Seduction was all she had at the moment and if that didn"t work then killing them would be next.

"Invitation?" The vampire guard asked. He was huge to say the least and Kim wondered for a moment if she could take them if this didn"t go well.

"Actually baby" She began in a husky voice trailing a finger down his large chest "I left mine but if you let me in now, maybe I can make it up to you later" she added licking her lips. The stone face guard stared at her blankly.

"No invite, no entrance" He grunted. Kim instantly sobered up, dropping the s.e.xy act. Okay that didn"t work. Normally that would have had an army of men at her feet. Too bad, looks like someone"s dying tonight; she hoped it wasn"t her…

Kim rolled her neck and seized up the two guards. She knew what she was about to attempt was dangerous but she"d rather die here than give Ana or her stupid friends the satisfaction of killing her. The vamps seemed to notice the change and became more alert in response.

"Let her in, she"s my guest" A voice called out stopping the building tension. Kim peeked behind the guards and locked eyes with a vampire she instantly recognized. He still looked as darkly s.e.xy as he did the first time they crossed paths. Matter of fact he was the reason she"s even here right now. Maximus was the name Talon had called him.

Maximus stood in the entrance staring at her expectantly. Kim couldn"t make head or tails of him. The smart part of her was screaming this was a set up but the other part of her was swiftly running out of other options.

Cautiously she moved in between the guards and locked arms with Maximus. For a second she was uttered speechless but how amazing the inside of the castle was. It was huge and the chandelier alone looked as if it cost a fortune. Servants hustled about as Maximus lead her through the maze of the house.

"I a.s.sume you"re here to free Talon" Maximus stated pulling Kim from her gawking. She didn"t feel the need to answer that question because he knew the answer, but instead ask a better one.

"Are you helping me or leading me to my death?" she spat. No need for pleasantries they weren"t friends. Maximus turned another corner, swiftly taking her through the maze of the palace. He finally came to a stop outside a very worn out looking iron door. It contrasted greatly with the rest of the place. With a flick of his wrist he dismissed the vampire guards that were standing in front. After unlocking the door he finally turned back to her.

"Talon is on the third cell to left. Be quick and quiet. There should only be one guard down there seeing as the majority of the guards are busy preparing for the event tonight. Kill whoever you need to but don"t get caught. If you do, you"re both dead" Maximus ended and walked away. Kim stood there, staring after his retreating back speechless. This was the last thing she expected

"Wait!" she called out before he turned the corner "Why are you helping me? You"re the one who brought him here" she protested. In her experience no one did something like this for nothing. There had to be a reason, unless this was still part of some elaborate set up. Maximus had stopped walking and glanced over his shoulder at her.

"Who said I was doing this for you? Don"t flatter yourself. I"m doing this to stick it to that b.i.t.c.h of a princess. And I won"t stop here. Catalina will pay for betraying me" Maximus snarled. He stood a moment longer seemly lost in thought before he continued around the corner, disappearing from sight. Kim didn"t have a clue what cryptic response meant. The message itself seemed to be meant for someone else. However, that wasn"t her problem.


