Pure Vampire

Chapter 12



He left the office heading back up the stairs to her room. Two guards stood outside the door. One human one vampire. He still didn"t fully understand Marcos needs for some many guards both human and vampire. He also doesn"t know as much about Marcos previous life living with the royals. Before he never bothered to care but now the information might prove useful.

He nodded at the guards and they stepped aside to allow him in. Seb is the only human with a high rank amongst the guards. Although it didn"t mean much it allowed him some privileges as Marcos would call it.

She was in the same bed he just awakened her from only a short time ago. He shut the door softly behind him then with steady strides he walked to the bed. The covers were thrown off and she lay shivering in the center. He could see the silver tendrils covering her sweating body from the platinum in her. Platinum and not silver is what harms vampires. The stories humans tell of these creatures are filled with far too many myths. If they only knew the truth maybe they could protect themselves better from the monsters.

Her eyes opened weakly. Still just as bright and beautiful as ever. She gave him a soft smile that fluttered his heart

"Fancy meeting you here" she said weakly. Seb could feel the corner of his lip hitch up in response to her joking. Even in this state.

"You"re weak. You should rest to allow your body time to recover from the platinum." he told her seriously. She nodded. Seb went to turn away but she called out to him

"Wait" she paused biting her pale lip debating what to say next

"Sorry for calling you crazy about the-the vampire stuff" she said fighting off shivers.

Seb was baffled. Never had a vampire apologize about anything they did. He didn"t know what to make if it. Or of her.

He could tell Ana was in a lot of pain. Where the initial change burned her the bullet she was shot with is freezing her. Her body broke out in a cold sweat and she literally was fighting to stay warm.

Seb just stared blankly at her since she apologized and it kind of unnerved her. He just didn"t know what to say so he blurted out the first word he could form "why?" he asked in pure curiosity. She frowned for a second then understanding lit her eyes.

"Well I was wrong to call you crazy. You were telling the truth and I couldn"t accept it. I still don"t want to but look at me" she said gesturing to herself "I"m proof the world isn"t what it seems." she ended still shaking.

Seb was taken aback by the sincerity in her words. He didn"t even realize he had sat down until he felt her cold hand brush against him. Even through his jeans he could feel it.

The need to protect her hit him again hard. He battled his feelings but watching her tremble like that he eventually made the decision to do the one thing he has never done. Seb rolled up the sleeve of his shirt and put his wrist up to her mouth

"Drink" he ordered. She looked at him completely confused.

"You"ll heal if you feed" he said to help her understand. From the look on her face she wasn"t getting it

"Then get me a burger or something. Why are you holding out your wrist?" she asked with an innocence that would one day be lost

"You. Need. Blood." Seb slowly enunciated every word to get the point across. Ana"s once confused face contorted to a look of horror. She pushed his wrist away trying to scurry to the other side of the bed. Her weakened state slowed her movements.

"I-I can"t do that Seb! I saw what he did to that poor girl. I never want to hurt anyone like that. Especially you…" she trailed off at the end just staring at her pale shaking hands.

Seb raked his hands through his hair. What is he going to do with her? The more she talks the more he wants her to keep talking. It"s like her humanity is fully intact. The change only distorted her appearance not her as a person.

She inhaled sharply when another wave of pain hit her, the sound snapping Seb from his thoughts. It would take her weeks to recover from a shot like that without feeding. Even if she didn"t understand it Seb knew that the beast within her would. Deciding he had no other choice he pulled the small blade out that he always carried in his pocket. Ana gasped

"Seb, what are you do-" she couldn"t finish the sentence because swiftly Seb sliced the blade over his wrist. Ana watched in shock by his actions as his blood began to surface. She opened her mouth to reprimand him when she smelt it.

The blood.

The sweet rich smell of Seb"s blood instantly made her mouth water. Seb knew she was heavily torn. He saw how her eyes lost all color until they were completely black. Long white fangs poured from her mouth reaching her bottom lip. She didn"t make a move toward the blood surprising Seb even more with her restraint. She just stared at it body frozen

"It"s ok Ana you won"t hurt me" Seb said gently.

He scooted closer to her and she watched him with shiny black fearful eyes. He offered a small smile to ease her tension while slowly placing his wrist to her mouth. Her whole form stiffened when his skin touched her lips.

A need snapped inside her forcing her to act. She quickly dove her teeth into his soft skin. The blood was so sweet it made her taste buds come to life along with the rest of her body. Ana fell back into Seb"s chest pressing his arm to her mouth. She couldn"t get enough of his delicious taste.

Seb was in heaven. Having Ana"s back on his chest and her feeding from him took him to a place of ecstasy. Ana drinking from him was causing the most pleasurable sensations he"d ever felt to run through him. He"d never had a vampire feed from him before but something small told him he wasn"t supposed to enjoy it this much. She let out a small moan and desire fled into him like a raging storm. He put an arm around her waist pressing her impossibly closer to him as she fed.

Seb was surprised and disappointed when she stopped feeding. She turned to face him and his heart somehow caught in his throat. She was breathtakingly beautiful. The blood instantly healed her and gave her this glow more amazing than the sun. Ana"s blue gold eyes burned with the same desire reflected in Seb"s.

Seb moved closer to her until they were nose to nose. Ana"s breathe hitched and Seb"s heart quickened.

The need was back within her but it was different than that for the blood. It was l.u.s.t. Her stomach tightened with this new feeling and she didn"t know what to do.

Seb wanted her bad. At this point he didn"t care what she was he just wanted to feel those plump lips on his.

Ana inched closer becoming almost desperate for his touch.

Seb stared into her eyes as she moved enjoying the thumping of his heart against his chest. It made him feel… well just feel.

Their lips were so close she could feel his sweet smelling breath on her face.

Ana licked her lips and closed her eyes in antic.i.p.ation…



Tap tap tap

A soft knock on the door broke the trance like state they were in. Seb immediately jumped off the bed backing away from her.

*Ana Pov*

I watched him jump from the bed as soon as he heard the knock. I couldn"t help but feel disappointed he was so eager to be away from me. The new need I just felt vanished when he left my side.

He opened the door; a small woman walked in with some clothes in her hands. She was really skinny and dirty looking but I could still see the beautiful girl underneath. She nodded at Seb before hesitantly walking over to me.

"I-I brought you some clean clothes and towels" she said in a mousey voice. Poor girl looks so afraid and weak. She couldn"t be any more than twenty.

"Thank you" I said with a bright smile. She looked at me stunned before turning to Seb who I might add refuses to look anywhere near me. What a jerk. Seconds ago he wanted me and now he"s avoiding eye contact. Well screw him! Maybe it was some weird side effect of the blood. Yes that"s it! It was just the blood that made us want each other. Well I can forget that moment too since he has.

The girl was still standing there unsure of herself so I stood up and held out my hand.

"My name is Ana. What"s yours?" Her jaw dropped to the floor. Literally she looked shocked beyond words. I mean does no one around here have manners. The way she"s looking you would think I grew a second head. Still I hold my hand out and smile encouraging. Timidly she takes it

"I"m M-Marie" she whispered. Something about her drew me in and I yanked her to me engulfing her in a hug. She let out a little yelp but continued to let me hold

"You look like you need a friend Marie and so do I" I told her once I let go.

She studied me for a moment debating if she should trust me. I poured all my sincerity into my eyes hoping she could see the truth in them. I just have a feeling this girl needs me and I need her. Man this vampire stuff is making me weird.

Marie"s face changed dramatically when she gave me a full blown smile. She shocked me even more when she grabbed me into a bear hug. I laughed at her eagerness happy to have made somewhat of a friend.

"I"ve never had a friend before. What do we do?" Marie asked with a much stronger voice. I wasn"t really expecting that question but that spark in her would dim if I disappoint her.

"Uh well since I"m a prisoner we could uh have a slumber party in here I guess" I said looking around the room noticing for the first time there isn"t a TV. What the h.e.l.l. I mean who doesn"t have a TV.

Marie however doesn"t notice as she bounces up and down with excitement transforming her from the timid girl I just met five minutes ago.

"What is a slumber party?" she asked. My head whips back to her happy face and I study her for a moment. She can"t be serious. Every girl knows about slumber parties. Even I do but I was just never invited to any when my sister made me public enemy number one. I study her clueless expression for another moment before concluding she really doesn"t know what I"m talking about.

"Let"s just get a bunch of junk food, pig out and talk" I tell her trying to keep it simple. She nods eagerly before dashing out the room.

Seb"s gaze follows her out the door before he slowly turns it to me. When I look into his eyes I can"t help but flinch back a little. There in the depths is disgust and possibly hatred. Does he feel that way about me? We just met what could I have done this soon. I think about our encounters today when a realization hits me

