Pure Vampire

Chapter 13


"You hate all vampires" it"s not a question but he nods none the less.

So that"s why he didn"t kiss me and is now looking at me like the gum beneath his shoe. I would like to know why he hates them so much but obviously spends a lot of time with them but I don"t dare ask. Mr. mood swing just might hit me if I do. Our stare match ends as he turns to leave the room. Just before exiting he calls back over his shoulder

"Marie is a good girl. The only person I care about so don"t hurt her or else." his voice is hard and serious. I open my mouth to retort but he doesn"t give me chance as he leaves slamming the door behind him. I was left standing in an empty room stunned, confused, upset and I dare I say a little jealous.


Once I regained my focus I stripped my night gown deciding a shower was long overdue. Pa.s.sing the built on mirror I freeze; turning slowly to fully view the new girl in my reflection. I strip off the oversized bra and panties to for once in my life look at me naked.

This is who I am now. I study the girl"s perfect body. The body I always dreamt of. Now it"s mine. I trail my hands over the creamy skin covering my flat stomach. I can"t help but smile when I don"t feel the usual fat rolls. My hair, lips, body and skin are all just so remarkably beautiful. It"s almost amazing!

I take a step closer and really look into my face and I can still see her. The old Ana. The fat insecure Ana that allowed people to use and abuse her. Yes that Ana is still beneath the surface but the new Ana doesn"t want to live that way. This is my chance to start new, be strong, be a winner. This is the chance I wished for every night and now I have it.

My bright blues shine even more at my new found spirit. I smile at my reflection and slowly my canines elongate into fangs. I jump back a little shocked at seeing my strikingly white fangs for the first time. Oh yeah how could I forget this beauty came with a price.

I"m a freaking vampire!

Most normal people would probably have a major breakdown the moment they realized they weren"t human anymore. What can I say? I never was normal.

For some reason my mind already accepted the fact that I was a vampire. It feels so much more natural to me than before. And I like it a lot.

I spin around in a gleeful circle loving the feel on my soft silky long hair caressing my back. I wonder what Kim would think of me now? Mean b.i.t.c.h would probably still think she was hotter than me. Ha! That would be a lie. Not trying to sound conceited but new Ana is smoking!

I laugh to myself thinking of all the ways to throw this in Kim"s face when her image is replaced by Jace. His beautiful smile and light eyes instantly saddened me. I can"t believe I actually miss him. It"s crazy because we never talked in high school but I still always felt drawn to him. Like in my own messed up world him and I belonged together.I wonder if he"d talk to me now that I looked like this.

My daydreams are cut short by the door suddenly banging open. My vampire reactions are fast and in seconds I have a sheet wrapped around my naked body. Marcos and Talon are in the entryway staring at me with hungry eyes

"What do you want?" I ask pulling the sheet tighter around my small frame. Talon does that irritating smirk of his again. I promise one day I"m going to smack it off

"Leave us now" Marcos demands without taking his eyes off me.

Talon winks then leaves shutting the door behind him.

Now it"s just me and my maker. Well I hope he"s ready for round two because I"ll beat his a.s.s naked if I have to. I start to question him but barely get the chance to open my mouth because in a beat he has me pressed against the wall.

d.a.m.n I thought I was fast? I"m nothing compared to his speed.

His large frame easily covered mine. The whites of his eyes are gone; the blackness I first saw when we met replacing it. He kept me pinned against the wall while his eyes travelled my body. I wanted to open my mouth to say something; anything. But I couldn"t.

Suddenly he ripped the sheet from between my fingers tossing it aside. I gasped, hurriedly trying to cover my exposed body. Marcos yanked my wrists and pinned them above my head. With his body pressed to mine I could feel his arousal against my stomach. And dare I say I kind of liked it. What"s wrong with me?

"Such beauty" he whispered against the crook of my neck.

His hot breathe on my skin shot desire throughout my body. I was helpless to stop it. He let go of my wrist and slowly slid one of his hands down my face all the way to my chest. A small moan accidentally left my lips when his large hand cupped my breast. I felt my nipple bud in excitement.

A voice was screaming in the back of my head but this heat I felt was clouding it. Marcos dragged his tongue down the curve of my neck then across my shoulder. A shudder ran through me. Why does this feel so good when it should feel bad? I hate him right? He silences my internal questions when he expertly teases my nipple with his fingers. He pinches the bud hard but d.a.m.n it felt so good. My eyes nearly rolled in my head as I enjoyed the stimulation. I could feel myself become wet. That"s something I never felt before. I wonder how it feels if he touched me down there instead.

Marcos must be thinking the same thing because his hand leaves my breast and glides gently down my torso. I can barely contain my excitement the close he gets to my core.

Of course just before he reaches it the door opens. The interruption angered me and before I could stop it I opened my fang filled mouth and growled fiercely at the intruder.

"Oh-oh I-I"m so sorry" Maries timid voice broke through my haze. She and Seb had come in carrying trays of food. She instantly dropped her head and tried to back out of the room.

"Slave! How dare you enter without knocking?!" Marcos questioned in a dangerous tone. His eyes were still black but I knew it wasn"t the l.u.s.t causing this. It was rage.

I pushed him off me and swiftly ran to the other side of the room wrapping the sheet back around me.

"It wasn"t her fault I told her to" I said quickly jumping to her defense.

She lifted her head to look at me and I offered her a small smile. I can"t believe I growled at her. What got into me? Marcos turned his hard gaze to me and I fought not to cower from it. I wouldn"t let him intimidate me.

"You are a prisoner. Would it help you understand your place if I have you chained in cellars?" He asked looking at me like he actually expected me to answer. I cannot believe I let this a.s.shole touch me! I"m pleading temporary insanity on that one.

"Master I was under the impression you and Talon left. Was there a problem?" Seb said finally speaking and diverting the attention to himself.

I hadn"t really looked at Seb but now I wished I would have kept it that way. His face is stone. Even so I can see the flaming anger in his eyes. He still holds the tray but he"s gripping it so hard his knuckles are white. Why is he so mad?

"No there wasn"t a problem. Talon thought a sample of her blood would be useful" Marcos answered still glaring at me. He approached me in slow strides stopping inches away. Marcos pulled a small test tube from the inside of his creepy trench coat holding it out to me. I raised a brow at him.

"Don"t push me. This can be easy or hard your choice" He stated coldly.

I s.n.a.t.c.hed the tube from his hand preferring to do this myself. How do I make myself bleed? The easiest way would be a finger p.r.i.c.k, too bad I don"t have a needle. Maybe I have something better.