Pure Vampire

Chapter 17



"h.e.l.lo party people" He greets in welcoming tone unlike his usual sarcastic one.

I"m not buying it. Seb said I almost killed him and I don"t know Talon that well but I know him well enough to know he"s p.i.s.sed about it. Shouldn"t he be trying to rip my throat out?

"What"s the catch?" I ask getting straight to the point. He grins and pulls a black dress bag from behind his back handing it to me. Is this a trick? I think staring at the bag

"It"s a peace offering. Let"s leave our little fight in the past. And as a token of good faith I got this for you to wear when I take you to the pit tonight" Talon says still holding out the bag. Slowly I take it from him a little curious to see the dress. What? I"ve been fat most of my life I never got to wear a dress.

"What"s the pit?" I ask absentmindedly unzipping the bag

"Seb will explain. Be ready in one hour" Talon replies before leaving the room just as quickly as he entered it.

The dress is blood red, strapless and short. The bust was curved into a heart shape and I loved it. I"ve never been able to wear something like this before. Even if I had to endure Talons presence it would be worth it for this dress. Marie was looking at the dress with the same excitement I had. I looked to Seb and he looked the opposite; more hard and angry

"A pit is vampire slang for a club only different" Seb explained in a tight voice. Talons taking me to club? Didn"t see that one coming

"Different how?" I wondered. I have no experience with clubs but on TV everybody just drank and danced like wh.o.r.es. How much different could a vampire club be?

"A pit is where vampires go to get drunk, feed and have s.e.x all in one place. Vampires can only get drunk if they feed from a human with a high blood alcohol level. At a pit all the drinks are made with the intention of getting the human drunk from one gla.s.s." He told me.

So vampires get drunk from drinking a drunken person"s blood. That"s interesting and in a weird way makes sense.

"Why would a human willingly go to a pit?" I ask curiously. Doesn"t seem logical to party with vampires in exchange for strong drinks.

"Vampires are beautiful creatures. Humans are shallow and vain. The humans want in the pits because their exclusive and they see all the beautiful vampires entering. Of course they don"t know it"s a vampire feeding frenzy. And those who get in will never know either. The blood loss leaves them unconscious and when they wake the next day they believe they just had a crazy fun night and a hangover." Seb explained still in a hard voice.

All of a sudden this pit isn"t sounding so fun even with a hot dress. I"ve never been drunk for one and two I"m having a hard enough time getting a handle on my hype. Not to mention apparently I have an ability I don"t remember using. If I was human I"m sure I would be having a panic attack right now. Then again if I was human none of this would be happening either.

Seb eyebrows are furrowed together in deep thought. It has me a little worried about what he"s thinking

"Seb, are you worried about me going to the pit?" I ask thinking maybe he"s afraid I"ll lose myself to my hype and kill some one

"Yes. But I"m more concerned with Talons reason for taking you" He answers staring directly into my eyes.

Once again his mind is on the right track. I shouldn"t be focusing on going to this pit in a killer dress. What I should be focusing on is what that b.a.s.t.a.r.d Talon has up his sleeve.

My guess would be something involving his fist and my face…

Oh boy, let the rematch begin…


Marcos sat impatiently on the gaudy leopard sofa waiting for Ca.s.sandra to make her grand entrance. Yesterday talking with Talon gave him the idea to contact his old acquaintance. And Ca.s.sandra was the only vampire from his past he would even consider talking to. The problem was actually getting her focused enough to get the information he needed.

"Mistress will be with you shortly" one of the dozens of shirtless men in the living room informed him. This is one of the reasons he parted ways with her after their exile. Ca.s.sandra lost herself to hype. Now the only thing she feels is bloodl.u.s.t, s.e.xual desires and rage. It was her s.e.xual appet.i.te that annoyed him the most.

The French double doors sprang open and in true Ca.s.sandra fashion she entered the room is a dramatic long silk black robe with two men following her. The human"s muscles were bulging so much Marcos knew only steroids would provide those results.

"Marcos darling! It"s so good to see you" Ca.s.sandra said sweeping him in hug "How long has it been? Ninety eight years?" she asked as if she didn"t remember the last time they crossed paths that almost resulted in Talons death.

"Yes always good to see you too Ca.s.sandra" Marcos replied in a forced polite tone.

He tried to pull out of the embrace but she held him place. With her being older than him, she is also slightly stronger. Slowly she licked the side of his face. Marcos tried not to cringe from her strange behavior; still needing to ask her questions. If only she was the Ca.s.sandra he used to know; the sweet vampire girl who would do anything for love. But unfortunately when the king tortured and then banished her, it changed everything.

Not quickly enough she let go of him and they took a seat on the ugly couch. She waved her hands to dismiss all her human play toys from the room

"Now, what brings you all this way?" She purred twirling a piece of her red hair between her fingers. Marcos could see the l.u.s.t already sparking in her eyes and he knew he had to act fast

"I have some questions to ask you. If that"ll be alright" Marcos said treading lightly. She moved closer and began rubbing her hand up his leg

"Yes, anything for you" Ca.s.sandra replied with a smile

"What do you know about kinetic vampires?" Marcos asked getting right to it. She halted her seductive movements and stared at him curiously. Marcos actually thought he saw a glimpse of the vampire she used to be in her black eyes

"I know what everyone else knows. They are extremely powerful and not a vampire existing has that kind of power anymore. Not even the king" She said, her voice turning hard at the mention of the king that destroyed her life.

"Yes I know that but is there anything else you remember?" Marcos probed

"Hmm… The power originated with the creator and it"s a direct bloodline power from the creator, hence why the royals could never have that ability." She explained.

Marcos thought on that for a moment. Does that mean the girl is actually a descendent from the creator; the very first of their kind? That couldn"t be possible. As far as he knew about the creator no children were born. Beside the first king killed the creator and if there was a child he was sure the first king would have killed them too. Just like his son the current ruler of vampires, the first king was ruthless and power hungry

"Why do you ask such questions?" Ca.s.sandra asked diverting his attention back to her. She began stroking his leg again. Marcos knew the clock was ticking before her l.u.s.t kicked into overdrive. And he wasn"t in the mood to have s.e.x with her.

"Just curious is all" He lied with ease. Marcos still felt it was in his best interest not to share his new little vamp with anyone else.

"Well you know you could always ask Maximus. He probably remembers more about our history than I." She said casually.

Marcos knew that Ca.s.sandra was well aware of his hatred for his brother. The fact that she mentioned his name had Marcos blood boiling and she knew it would.

Marcos snapped.

In a flash he jumped her, grabbing her wrist and forcibly pinning them above her head as he straddled her.

"Never speak his name to me!" Marcos yelled in her face.

Ca.s.sandra simply threw her head back into the cushion laughing. She found Marcos behavior quite amusing and somewhat arousing. She used her flexible legs to wrap them around him and flip them both over so now she was straddling him.

"Now, now Marcos, play nice. Wouldn"t want a repeat of our last time together" She said tauntingly, reminding Marcos of what happened ninety eight years ago.


Marcos had just created Talon and was teaching him about controlling hype when they ran into Ca.s.sandra at a pit in Paris. She instantly wanted the newly changed Talon, and Talon was too unstable to resist her. For two weeks Talon and Ca.s.sandra fed and f.u.c.ked like savage animals. Until the fateful day Talon had enough. Ca.s.sandra couldn"t handle the rejection and went on a rampage to kill Talon. Luckily Marcos came back to the hotel in time to stop her from doing just that. Marcos and Talon teamed up to fight her until finally Talon shot a round of platinum in her back. The shot knocked her out long enough for them to flee the city…


"That was a long time ago Ca.s.sandra" Marcos said tip lipped hating the fact he decided to travel here alone. But he knew if he brought Talon that would stir up more problems

"It was, but I never forget. Besides I think it"s time you earned your forgiveness" She said ripping his shirt open. d.a.m.n it! Her l.u.s.t has taken over.

Marcos knew without any backup there is only one way he was getting out of here alive. Ca.s.sandra dragged her tongue slowly down his chest. Even though he couldn"t stand her; her seductions began to arouse him.

Well if he has to f.u.c.k her anyways mine as well do it his way. Marcos grabbed a fist full of her red hair yanking her face up to his and crashing their lips together. She responded immediately by diving her tongue into his mouth. Marcos tore off her black robe exposing her naked body.

Ca.s.sandra moaned in delight when he took one of her erect nipples into his mouth. Marcos sucked harder before pushing her down on her back. She stared up at him with black l.u.s.tful eyes; watching him slowly undue his pants.

"After this we"re even" Marcos told her seriously stepping out of his dress slacks. She smiled showing her fangs and licking her lips

"You wager a hard bargain. Better make it worth it" Ca.s.sandra purred.

Marcos felt his own eyes bleed black and gave into the l.u.s.t. He climbed on top of her, plunging into her core hard. She moaned loudly, enjoying every thrust of the last ride she would get from Marcos…

