Pure Vampire

Chapter 2




The rest of the morning pa.s.ses in a blur and before I know it"s time for lunch. You would think being fat lunch would be my favorite time of day but it"s far from it. Here at Mercy Heights the princ.i.p.al thought it would be a great idea that everyone break for lunch at the same time. So for an hour a day all my enemies are in one place.

Do I want to be there? No thanks. Simon and I usual get our lunch then find somewhere not in the cafe to hide out. I had just paid for my sloppy Joe and was waiting for Simon beside me to finish paying for his. If he hurries we can make our escape without b.u.mping into my tormentors. I sigh impatiently watching him count out the exact change when the unthinkable happened.

My sister and a few girls walk up to us smiling. Wait smiling? That can"t be right. I look to Simon who has the same confusion on his face. Deciding quickly not to risk a public fight with her I loop my arm through Simons and attempt to walk away from them. We"re not so lucky.

"Wait sis I want you to sit with us today" Kim tells me nicely. Stunned I freeze on the spot. She cannot be serious. Me? The school loser; the girl she hates most. The she spent the last seven years torturing? I raise an eyebrow at her waiting for the punch line, insult or joke but her and friends just continue smiling at me friendly.

"You-you guys hate me. This has to be a joke" I finally mutter out. My sister waves her hand dismissively taking my hand from Simons

"We"re sisters I could never hate you. Now come on let"s eat!" she exclaims while dragging me to the center table where all the cool kids eat.

I glance back at Simon begging him silently to come with me. He gives me an uncomfortable look before slowly following us. When we reach the table Kim drops my hand to sit on Jace"s lap. I stand awkwardly next to the table. My heart pounds a tattoo on my chest and I get the feeling I should run while I still can.

"Sit!" she commands pointing to an empty chair across from them.

Shakily I sit down and Simon grabs a chair from another table sitting beside me. The whole cafeteria grows quiet and everyone is watching. It"s no secret Kim despises me so I suppose everyone is as surprised by my presence here as I am. Slowly looking up from my tray I notice Kim smirking at me. What"s that about?

I shift uncomfortably in my chair and it squeaks a little. The aura around this table is really making it hard to breathe normally. I can feel Jace"s beautiful eyes on me but fear prevents me from meeting them. Somehow I always manage to get lost there.

"Well aren"t you going to eat?" Kim asks still smirking. I peek down at my sandwich before picking it up carefully and taking a bite. As soon as my lips touch the bun a bright flash nearly blinds me. Kim twirls a camera in her hand shrugging her shoulders innocently.

"What? Mom says I need more pictures of you" she offers as an explanation. My gut twists; the feeling of uneasiness intensifies.

The plastic chair creeks again only this time loudly. A scream flies from my mouth when my chair suddenly collapses. Causing a very unsuspecting me to crash hard on the waiting floor with it.

The whole cafe grows silent before my sister leads the army with laughter.

A jock runs over to me with pink ears and sticks them on my head along with a pink pig nose too. I can"t move the humiliation and sadness weighs me down. I hear the crowd around me laughing and can see multiple flashes from the pictures being taken but still I don"t move.