Pure Vampire

Chapter 22



Seb stands to leave but I grab his hand to stop him. I stare into his eyes for a moment building up courage to say the words that will change everything between us. Somehow they won"t come out. He watches me patiently waiting but still nothing comes out of my mouth.

Do something Ana! Come on!

Acting before I can clearly think this through, I grasped his face between my hands and crashed his lips to mine. For two years I daydreamed about this moment. I can honestly say my imagination doesn"t do it justice. His lips are full and soft. He tastes so sweet all I can think about is more.

Seb surprised me by wrapping his arms around my body pressing me against him. G.o.d his warm, hard bod feels so d.a.m.n good on me. Red hot desire engulfs my entire body. I want him in a way I"ve never wanted him before. I need to get out of this dress!

Seb pushed his tongue in my mouth. I lost it. His hot tongue dancing with mine had my core soaking. I ripped his shirt over his head. Stopping the kiss long enough to run my hands over the bulging muscles. He moaned and smashed his lips back to mine. I could kiss him forever... d.a.m.n I love him.

Seb broke the kiss; Pushing me at arm"s length. The look on his face had completely changed from l.u.s.t to anger

"What did you just say?" he asked in a hard controlled voice.

I tried to clear my hazy mind to think what slipped out when it hit me. I said I loved him out loud. From his current reaction I don"t want to repeat but then again maybe he didn"t hear me. Fighting myself for a second I decide to tell him. After all I promised myself I would.

"I-I think I lo-love you" Geez I"m stuttering so much I could barely understand me.

I lift my bowed head to see his reaction and I wish I hadn"t. Seb has his steel mask over his face not giving a thing away. What the h.e.l.l? He continues to stare at me for a minute before shaking his head left and right. He doesn"t utter a single word.

Slowly he bends down picking up his shirt. He b.a.l.l.s it in his hands and turns to leave. That"s it? I put my heart on the line for him and he"s just going to walk away! The tears leak from my eyes before I can stop them. Wind starts to rip through the room. I can feel the tiny pops on my skin

"If you walk out that door it"s over Seb. No second chances" I say voice borderline hysterical.

He stops hand on the k.n.o.b. He turns his head back slightly and my heart blossoms with hope. But before his eyes can meet mine he yanks the door open. Leaving me standing there broken hearted.

The pain I feel chokes me.

The first guy I told I loved rejected me in the worst way possible. I fall to my knees; Tears falling faster than the wind blowing. My power coc.o.o.ns me in a blue sh.e.l.l of madness as my sorrows drown me...


11:30 P.M

I look around the crowded extravagant ball room fighting back a gag. Tons of vampires are dancing, laughing and feeding. It"s disgusting. Five guards surround me in the corner of the room. Marcos is an idiot for thinking I can"t take them. I focus all my energy on remembering the plan step by step. At least it keeps my mind off the hollow ache in my chest.

Across the dance floor Talon stares daggers in my skull. He hasn"t made any attempts to speak to me but the glint in his eyes tell me he up to something. Too bad that a.s.shole doesn"t know I"m up to something myself. Marcos disappeared ten minutes ago with three women, one of which was a vampire. He promised to be back in time for the count down. That doesn"t give me much time to get to the roof. I glance at the clock again; 11:40 PM. ten more minutes and the action starts.

I can feel Talon staring at me again. This time I remind him who I am. I bring some power to the surface and reveal in the small sparks flashing in my eyes. His jaw ticks but he turns away none the less. That"s right jerk tonight isn"t the night to f.u.c.k with me.

"I have to pee" I say to one of the guards. He looks at me strangely

"Vampires don"t pee" he said back

"Do I look like a normal vampire to you?" I ask with annoyed att.i.tude. He checks me out for a full two minutes before nodding.

The guards all circle me as we make our way down the long corridor I see the escape stairs to my left and make my move. Acting quickly I grab the guard closest to me snapping his neck. By the time the others notice I"ve already snapped another.

One guard raises his gun at me. I somersault over him snapping his neck from behind. Seb said to keep the kills clean and quick and quite. I flash over and punch one guard in the face and simultaneously land a back kick to the other. The kick was too hard and his body hit the wall with a loud bang! s.h.i.t! I don"t have time to make the kill and instead dash through the stairwell exit...

A strong wind blows my flowing dark hair as I step on the edge of the roof of the twenty story building. Glancing down I wait for fear to coil inside me but I"m greeted with nothingness. For last two years as Marcos prisoner that"s the main feeling I"m accustomed to. Emptiness.

"Don"t move!" shouted a deep masculine voice. Turning gracefully on my heel yet still staying on the edge I glared at the bulking man pointing a gun at me along with fifteen other of Marcos guards pouring onto the rooftop. Guess the jig is up and they are well aware of my attempted escape. I take a deep breath still in an eye lock with the guard shouting orders at me commanding me to come back.

Back? To what exactly; remaining as Marcos prisoner? No! There is no way I can turn back now especially with the way Marcos has been acting even more strangely lately. I"m sure he has something planned for me and I don"t want stick around to find out what. Slowly releasing the breath I just took my feet move on their own accord off the edge of the building. A second before I tumble backwards I send the guards a wink. Catch me if you can boys

My body plunges back first toward the quickly approaching ground. I hear rounds of gunfire as I fall but all I can think about is the freeing feeling falling is granting me. The wind rushing around me is something I enjoy. The cool air surrounding is welcomed. A couple of feet from the ground I maneuver my body so when I land it"s in a ground splitting crouch. I imagine landing back first may cause damage I don"t have time to repair. After sticking the landing I use the full force of immortality to run through the unfamiliar city dodging cars and people until I reach the forest. I continue running and running, forcing myself not to cry over all the events that have taken place over the last two years when this mess began...





Short episode??

My Apologies....

Will definitely make it up to u...?