Pure Vampire

Chapter 23



Seb"s side of the previous scene (kiss)


Seb Pov

Seb had finally told her everything. The reason he and Marie came to be with these ruthless vampires. The weight of it off his shoulders felt good but the anger he still held in his heart was crushing. Ana hadn"t responded yet so he slowly gazed up at her. Seb almost laughed at the sight of her. Apparently she was evenly split between the sadness and anger.

"Your eyes are being creepy again. One is red and the other is blue" He said with a chuckle. Ana laughed a little too before turning back serious

"Seb is what happened to you the reason why you wouldn"t let me kill Talon at the pit?" Ana asked with certainty in her voice. Seb only nodded. Of course he couldn"t let her kill him. He had promised himself he would avenge his parent"s death once Marie is safe. Talon would pay for destroying their lives.

The silence in the room was heavy and Seb decided it was time to leave. He stood intent on doing that when Ana"s warm hand reached out and grabbed him. Seb looked in the beautiful blue eyes he had grown to know the last two years and waited patiently for her to speak.

Taking him by surprise she crashed her lips to his. For a second Seb didn"t know what to do but the soft feel of her velvet lips spurred him into action. He quickly matched her pace enjoying how amazing and right the kiss felt. Unconsciously Seb pressed Ana"s body into his; the need to have her closer overwhelmed him. Seb was in awe by how perfectly she molded to him; as if she was meant for his arms. He plunged his tongue into her warm mouth. Seb love the sweet taste of Ana that welcomed him.

She broke the kiss and ripped his shirt off. Ana slowly ran her fingers across his chest. It felt so good Seb moaned in desire. He couldn"t wait any longer and immediately brought her mouth back to his. Seb never imagine that kissing Ana would like this. That it would feel so natural; until he heard it. Barely above a whisper had she said "d.a.m.n, I love him"

Seb froze. The words causing all the desire and heat to flee his body. He pushed her away from him needing some distance. His only hope was she didn"t say the words he thought he heard.

"What did you just say?" he asked in a hard controlled voice. Ana looking slightly daze searched his face for the reason behind his sudden change. Seb instantly blocked off his emotions. He could see the contemplation in her eyes as she mulled over what to say.

"I-I think I lo-love you" Ana replied shakily dropping her head. Those were the words that he didn"t want to hear.

Seb knew vampire love was dangerous. He watched what Talons so called love did to his family. Even if Ana was different now that doesn"t mean one day she wouldn"t end up a monster like the rest. Part of the reason he wanted her to escape is so that she wouldn"t turn into a vicious killing leech.

But love? That was something else entirely. Vampire love can only destroy and Seb refused to relive his mother"s fate. He shook his head.

Knowing that what he was about to do would hurt, but it was for the best. Seb bent, picked up his shirt and began to leave. He could feel the wind stir around him, and hear the electric pops in the air.

"If you walk out that door it"s over Seb. No second chances" Ana said voice filled with sadness.

Seb stopped hand on the k.n.o.b. A part of him knew he felt something for her. But was it love? That he would never know because he would never allow himself to see it. He turned his head back almost enough to see her.

At the last moment he decided against it and jerked the door open leaving Ana. Seb stood outside the closed door listening to the sounds of howling wind and electricity all the while wondering if he just made the biggest mistake of his life…





Don"t look back . I keep repeating to myself. Just a few minutes ago I jumped off the roof of a twenty story building. Now I"m using every ounce of strength to run through the forest as fast as I can.

"Once you"re deep in the forest start using the platinum." Seb"s voice is ringing directions in my head. I reach down between my b.r.e.a.s.t.s and pull out the gold pouch. I quickly take small pinches of the glittering specks tossing them in the air behind me. Marcos is going to be so p.i.s.sed when he realizes I"ve thrown them off the trail. I smile at the thought

"Before you reach the other side of the forest there will be a duffel bag under a marked tree." I mull over Seb"s words still running. I don"t know how I"m supposed to recognize a marked tree. No matter, I"m sure it"ll be easy once I"m there.

I dodge in and out of trees picking up speed. I can hear rabbit"s underground scurry and birds in the sky. Even though I"m moving fast everything looks crystal clear. It"s exhilarating seeing the collage of colors and the full moon lighting the dark sky.

I come to an abrupt stop. There"s a scent lingering in the air; a scent I"m all too familiar with. I tilt my nose in the air allowing it to lead me where the scent is growing stronger. When it"s the strongest I stop and open my eyes. I"m standing in front of a huge tree with draping branches. Underneath is a large black duffel bag. Seb was very clever to use his scent to lead me here.

I hurriedly rip off the end of my long dress. The material is too heavy. It"ll only slow me down. I also break the heels from my shoes. Running through an unknown city in heels won"t cut it. The wind hits my bare legs carrying with it the smell of the guards. d.a.m.n! They are gaining on me. I toss the bag over my shoulder, throw some platinum to hide both our scents and sprint out the forest

Once I"m far enough away from the woods I stop. I haven"t a clue where I am but I do know where I"m going; home. The mere thought of seeing all my tormentors again boils my blood. I wonder if they will even recognize me.

I continue walking, entering the crowded streets of an unknown city. All the chaos I know is due to the New Year"s celebration. People are crammed together screaming and throwing festive colored items about. A group of teen boys wearing happy New Year hats stumble to a stop in front of me

"Whoa! You"re hot! Cool dress" the blond boy wearing ripped jeans and t-shirt says to me. I glance down at my torn dress unsure if he really thinks it"s cool or just gawking at my exposed legs.

"Uh what city is this?" I ask. The boys all stare at me for a minute before the main one leads the group in laughter.

"No way you"re serious! What drugs are you on, because I totally want some!" He says laughing and high fiving his equally stoned friends.

I don"t have time to entertain these losers. I turn and disappear quickly into the night. I know I shouldn"t move that fast with humans watching but those stoners surely won"t remember in the morning.

I walk into a seemingly deserted alley trying to form a plan. What I need is a bus station. Maybe I should crash somewhere for the night? But I need to put as much distance between me and the forest as possible.

I glance down the alley and about a hundred feet away I notice two guys getting handsy with a girl. I focus my ears so I can hear the conversation their having



#Tobecontinued ..

? more chapter drops today,

Am gonna atone for the short chapter