Pure Vampire

Chapter 3



My head hangs lower than it has my whole life this very moment. How can she do this to me? She is my only sister. All I ever wanted was to be like her. She used be my hero but now she was my villain. Her constant teasing never went this far. The tears are building, not yet fallen.

I feel something wet slide over my hair and down my face. Milk is dumped over my head by my sister"s laughing best friend Josie. Even still I don"t move. The numbness I feel still prevents my limbs from acting.

Drowning out the laughing and "piggy" name calling along with all other noise I take a moment to just look around. Teachers are trying to clear the laughing students away from the scene. Simon is being held down by two jocks. His face is filled with concern and anger while he thrashes around trying to break their hold. I offer him a small smile loving that at least one person cares.

My sister on the other hand smiles triumphantly at me snapping more pictures. Jace s.n.a.t.c.hes the camera from her and whispers something fiercely in her ear. Her smile drops and her eyes hardened. I wanted for some reason to know what he said but the question barely has time to form when a tomato smacks me in the face. I look to see where it came from but the source is unknown as more food is thrown at me.

Why me? Please I just wish I knew what I ever did to deserve such cruelty? Tears roll down my cheeks; when they started I don"t know. The strong arms of the football coach gently lift me from the ground. The coach softly removes the fake ears and nose. I"m too weak to stop him from helping.

I make the mistake at meeting eyes with Jace and when I see the pity swirling in the depth of his hazel pools my resolve breaks. My hearts shudders. How dare he pity me when he probably played a part in this horrible prank? That"s it! This is the finally straw. They win! They broke me I"m done! I don"t want this life anymore. I can"t take it any longer. The suffering is just not bearable

I angrily rip my arms away from the coach and sprint out the cafe covered in everything served for lunch today. I run to the public bus stop and jump on right before the door closes. After I pay my fare I sit in the back corner and cry. Thank G.o.d only a few people are on the bus today and they are all up front because my sobs are anything but quite.

I cry harder thinking back over the last few years and all the things Kim has done to me. Sure she is mean and conceited but for the most part all of our big fights were in the safety of our home. This was an all-new low for her. I never expected her to take her hatred of me this far. The sick feeling coupled with hurt and embarra.s.sment tears at my heart. There is no way I can go back. What would she do next? If she was willing to go this far then there is no telling what she"s capable of?

My tears slow down when I try to form some plan. It"s then that I discovered the bus has stopped. Weakly I stand and exit the bus realizing the last stop is the train station. Huh, maybe this is a sign that running away is the best thing for me. I try to think of the people who would miss me or possibly search for me and the only image I get is Simon and my mom.

Two people? That"s all I have who actually care about me, how pathetic. My own father doesn"t even acknowledge my existence. No, all he has ever cared about was his first born baby girl. I snort out loud at the ridiculous of his thinking seeing as I"m the youngest and technically the baby girl.

Entering the station a heavy set older dark skinned woman sits behind the counter. When I walk up to her she smiles warmly before greeting me.

"h.e.l.lo sweetheart. How can I help you?" she asks politely. I scrunch up my face because I have no idea how she can help me. I left all my things at school; my bag, wallet and id. Oh my goodness! I"m such an idiot how can I run away without any money. Reaching into my pocket I pull of the fifteen dollars left over from the twenty I used today for lunch. Great, just great where the h.e.l.l can I go for fifteen freaking dollars?

Tears spring from my eyes before I can stop them. Everyone was right I"m so pathetic and worthless. A real fat loser indeed

"Oh honey, don"t cry" the woman that was behind the counter is now rubbing small circles on my back in a warm embrace. It only serves to make me cry harder and feel even more useless

"There, there dear. Life can be hard I know. I saw the sadness in your eyes the moment you walked up" she coos softly still holding my sticky wet self. Embarra.s.sed by my outburst to a stranger I pull back and smile at her weakly

"The-thanks I"m sorry it"s just been a hard day" my voice cracks towards the end.

The older woman just watches me patiently. She is a sweet woman I can feel it. A part of me wants to break down and tell her everything. Her eyes though tell me I don"t need to. As if she already knows everything just by looking at me. It"s a little unnerving and I begin to fidget under her constant gaze.

"Wait right here honey" she tells me turning around and going back to the counter. She types something into the computer then gets up again disappearing into a back room. That"s odd. What the heck is she doing?

I"m not left wondering long before she comes back to me a little breathless from all the running around. She has a plastic bag in her hand and thrusts it into mine. I grab it but make no move to look inside as I stare at her confused by what"s going on. She finally catches her breathe and explains

"The bathroom is to the left. Inside the bag is a change of clothes that should fit you" she points at the bag. My face changes to shock by her kind gesture. I get ready to thank her when she hands me a white envelope

"This-" she says holding it out waiting for me to take it. Hesitantly I do so

"-Is a train ticket and a little cash. The train will take you to a little town a few hours away called Chance Harbor. Find your way to the town square and look for a restaurant name Louie"s. That"s my brother"s place. Tell him Verna sent you okay honey." she ends with that warm smile of hers.

Verna gently whips the tears I didn"t even realize we"re falling down my face. It"s all so unbelievable to me that this woman who doesn"t even know my name is going out of her way to help me. This is one act of kindness I will never forget.

Verna goes on to tell me her brother could help me with a job without id as long as I behave and keep a low profile until I"m ready to come home and face my problems. She is such a wise old woman reading my eyes like an open book. In between sobs I thank her profusely. She dismisses it shooing me away to the bathroom to clean up before I board the train.

I rush inside and change out of my disgusting clothes thankful that Verna is also on the larger side and the sweats and T-shirt fit just fine. When I finish she is back at her seat behind the counter carrying on normally. I wave sheepishly thanking her with a smile that reaches my eyes. She waves back shouting

"Take care honey, I"m sure we"ll cross paths again a.n.a.lise." and with that she continues helping the man in front of her. I board the train still slightly shocked by her kindness. It"s not until I"m comfortably seated in the back that I remember I never told Verna my name. So how did she know it?


