Pure Vampire

Chapter 31



Jace sat in his truck just listening to the heavy rain fall. He saw Simon"s old car trudging down the road. Why would he try to drive in the d.a.m.n storm?! In that pile of heap of a car too.

Jace started his truck and decided to follow him in case his car broke down. Besides that gives him more time to waste instead of going home to his over bearing mother. He followed a little ways behind Simon. The slow old car was almost getting blown over by the high winds.

Suddenly Simon"s breaks squealed as he came to a halt in the middle of the deserted street. What the h.e.l.l?! Jace pulled over to see what stopped Simon like that. Maybe it was an animal in the road.

Jace turned up his wipers so he could see more clearly what was going on. Through the windshield he saw the outline of a body standing in front of Simons car. From the shape and tiny shorts he knew it was a woman. Her long wet hair clung to her slender shapely body. Jace couldn"t see her face with all the rain but he briefly wondered who this girl is.

Simon jumped from his car and stomped to the girl. The pair immediately began arguing. Jace practically had his head pressed against the window. Yet he still couldn"t hear a word they were saying with the loud rain. So he just continued to watch.

The arguing stopped and they just stood all soaked staring at each other. Is this the girl Simon was ranting about earlier?

Out of nowhere Simon dropped to the ground. Jace didn"t see the girl touch him so he a.s.sumed Simon fainted. Jace hurriedly pushed opened his door and ran to his friend. The rain instantly soaked his clothes but he didn"t care. In a second he was on the ground clutching an unconscious Simon. Jace felt for a pulse and breathed a sigh of relief when he felt a steady one

"What happened?!" Jace shouted over the rain.

When he looked up to question the girl she was gone.

He whipped his head in every direction.

No sight of her anywhere.

How on earth did she disappear so fast?

Ana Pov

No way! No flipping way!

I had just finished listening to Jace and Simon"s conversation at the park. I couldn"t wrap my mind around them two actually being friends. I mean Jace never spoke to us before what could have changed that. Maybe it was just me he never wanted to talk to and Simon was ignored simply because he was my friend. But Simon always had my back he wouldn"t become friends with Jace if that were true. Then how did this happen? Better yet what could they even have in common?

I raked my brain as I slowly began walking down the road. I could hear the thunder crack in the darkening sky. I know I heard Jace say he missed me. No that"s not right, I must have heard wrong.

A single raindrop hit me on the head. I stopped walking and lifted my head to the sky. Hundreds of drops began to pour onto me. I didn"t care. I always liked the rain for some reason. Like an idiot I stood in the middle of the street soaking up the rain trying to ease my raging mind.

The sound of screeching tires brought my attention to the present moment. Simon"s ugly car halted less than a foot away from me. I didn"t even budge. He got out of the car and I could tell by his pace he was p.i.s.sed

"Really?! It"s you that I almost just killed" he shouted throwing his hands up exasperated

"Calm down Sy-fi you wouldn"t have killed me geez" I say back just as exhausted.


"Why did you call me that?!" He yelled taking a small step back. I rolled my eyes this is just getting ridiculous. I had just called him the nickname I gave him when we were kids. Honestly I didn"t care! Hiding who I am from him is just too hard. I need someone to talk to and he"s the only one I can trust. If only he wouldn"t freak out when I told him

"Why are you friends with Jace?" I asked trying to change the subject until I made a firm decision to tell him. Being dramatic he threw his hands up again flinging water.

"How do you know that?! Were you spying on me at the park?!" Simon accused scrunching his face. Even beneath his thick gla.s.ses I could see his hesitation. I just shrugged

"What?! This is insane! Why do you keep following me?! Who the h.e.l.l are you?!" Simon"s voice was starting to crack and I knew he was getting overwhelmed.

"Do you really want to know Simon?! Because once you do there"s no going back!" I shouted sternly. He eagerly nodded. Well here goes nothing

"I"m Ana!" I told him looking straight into his eyes. They widened slightly at my confession and then narrowed

"No you"re not! That"s not funny!" Simon said obviously not believing me

"Fine, ask me anything!" I challenged. He studied me for a minute. I could see when the light bulb went off in his head

"Okay, remember when we were kids and used to play aliens takeover?" He asked. I thought back to Simon and me running around the playground. It wasn"t cool for middle schoolers to still play but we didn"t care. I shook my head yes and prepared for the question I knew he would ask

"Alright so what was our secret phrase to let each other know an alien wasn"t in our body?" Simon raised a brow as if he was certain I wouldn"t know the answer. We didn"t have any friends back then either so he probably thought there was no way I could have known. Time to prove him wrong

"Luke, I am your father" I stated proudly crossing my arms.

Simons jaw dropped. He looked like a bucket of freezing water was poured over him. I could hear his heart hammering against his chest. The color drained from his face. He was looking at me like I was a ghost.

"Sy-fi?" I asked stepping forward cautiously

"Ana..." He mumbled before his eyes rolled back into his and he went down like a rock. Oh that"s just great. He fainted; literally pa.s.sed out. Geez if this is his reaction to me just being me; I can only imagine what he"ll do when I tell him I"m a vampire.

I bend down to check on my dramatic friend when out of nowhere Jace comes hurtling over. He immediately begins to attend to Simon. His face shows genuine concern as he searches for a pulse. I can hear Simon"s heart beating just fine. I take a second to study his handsome face. It"s just as beautiful as it always was.

Through the heavy rain I could still catch his scent. It was mouthwatering. I haven"t smelt anything that good since I smelt Seb. Jace begins to turn his head up towards me. I"m not ready to face him. So like a coward I use my immortal speed and sprint off quicker than his eyes can see.

I can feel my fangs pressed against my tongue as I run. The scent of Jace is still fresh in my nostrils. The only person that ever made my fangs extend like was Seb.



