Pure Vampire

Chapter 32



Why did Jace do that to me too? This all so strange. My first day back I beat up my sister, punch the school jock, cause my best friend to faint and almost fed from Jace. What else can happen today?

I don"t stop running until I"m at my lousy hotel on the outskirts of town. It"s then that I realize my key card is back in the gym locker room with my clothes. This means I have to see the sweaty front desk clerk. The poor guy just sits there sweating all day. It"s gross.

Thinking I"d rather not be attacked by his stench I decide instead to just break into my room. As I approach my door on the second floor I notice the door is cracked open.

Someone is in my room.

It better be the maid because with the day I"m having if it"s anyone else I"m snapping their neck. d.a.m.n I"m grouchy. Think it"s time to feed.

I cautiously push the door open and step inside. Just in case there"s vampire here I prepare myself and inhale deep. My body locks up when I remember the scent.

No it can"t be?

I whip my head around the empty room. I know she"s here somewhere the scent is fresh. Just then the bathroom door opens and she steps out staring at me with happy tearful eyes.

"Oh Ana I knew you would come back" she said before engulfing me in a hug. I was so shocked I didn"t hug her back. How did she find me here? She pulled back and held my face between her hands watching me tenderly

"Oh my you"re so beautiful" she stated proudly. I still couldn"t believe she was here in my motel room. And she recognizes me?!

"Mo-mom?" I stutter out when I find my voice.

Tears fall from her eyes are she eagerly nods and hugs me again. This time I latch onto her hugging her back. I"m so happy to see her after all this time. She looks and smells the same way I remember. She looks like an older version of Kim.

We break the hug but continue holding hands

"Mom what are you doing here? How did you find me? How did you recognize me?!" I start firing questions at her.

This is just so random! Definitely the last thing I expected. With my crazy life I should have seen this coming.

She takes my hand and leads me to the end of the bed. We both sit staring at each other in awe. I open my mouth to ask her all the questions burning on the tip of my tongue. She puts her palm up to silence me. I can tell she"s fighting something by the torn look in her eyes. Suddenly my worry changes; no longer and I"m wondering how she found me but why.

"a.n.a.lise..." She starts but stops still giving me that sad torn up look. I can feel my anxiety intensify as I wait

"I don"t know where to begin" she said

"Mom just spit it out" I say back barely containing my rising curiosity

"Well I guess I should start by telling you..." My mother paused staring at the raindrops pelting against the window. This is hard for her I can tell but waiting to hear something you know is important is hard as well. Still I try to be patient and give her the moment she needs. When my mother turns back to me I gasp. The sadness in her depths stuns me. I know without a doubt her next words will change everything.

"Ana you"re not my daughter..."

