Pure Vampire

Chapter 33



Kim Pov

"That new b.i.t.c.h is going to pay!" Kim yelled into mirror. She was currently staring at the red mark on her face in the locker room.

The moment she laid eyes on the new girl she knew something about her was familiar. She just couldn"t figure out what. At first she just planned to ignore her like all the other losers at this school. But now the b.i.t.c.h has to pay.

The bell rang and Kim changed clothes and went to stand by her locker to wait for Josie and the rest of the girls. Kim folded her arms and relaxed against the locker. Bobby and a few other jocks were pa.s.sing by talking excitedly about something.

"Dude she really punched you hard!" One of the other jocks with mocha colored skin said to Bobby laughing. Kim raked her eyes over Bobby and saw his lip was split. She peeled herself from the locker and stood in front of him, blocking his next step.

"What happened to your lip?" Kim asked with a hard edge in her tone. Although she had an a.s.sumption of what the answers was. Bobby shrugged casual

"New girl sucker punched me" he stated with a glint in his eye. Kim raised a brow at his casual att.i.tude towards being hit. Maybe he had a thing for her?

"Leave." Kim ordered the other boys that were walking with Bobby. They grunted but left none the less.

Kim glanced around to make sure the halls were clear. Once she was satisfied she stepped closer to him and ran a hand down his chest.

"There"s a party tomorrow, you going?" She asked seductively trailing his chest

"Only if you wear something s.e.xy" Bobby said back. Kim smiled as he leaned down to press his lips to hers.

"Hey guys!" Josie shouted coming from down the hall. Kim and Bobby quickly jumped apart. Kim immediately began putting in her locker combination to distract herself.

"Hey babe" Josie purred when she caught up to them. Josie instantly pressed her lips to Bobby. Kim tried to suppress her gag. She chose instead to fish her black "water" bottle from inside her locker before turning around to face the happy couple. Bobby had an arm slung around Josie"s shoulder

"I take it she got you too" Josie said pointing to Kim"s red face. Kim rolled her eyes and took a long drink of the burning liquid.

She didn"t understand why Bobby wouldn"t just dump Josie. It"s not like she"s as close to hot as her.

"What"s up with the bandage?" Bobby asked his girlfriend. Josie instinctively touched the white tape on her nose.

Kim tuned out as Josie replayed the gym incident carefully leaving out parts that would make her look bad. Kim took another long swig of her drink

"I thought you were off that stuff" Josie said pointing to the bottle in Kim"s hand

"Don"t judge, you drink at every party" Kim snapped back

"Yeah but not in the school hallways" Josie snipped all high and mighty.

Its times like these that Kim just wants to knock the spoiled rich girl off her high horse. Instead she just f.u.c.ks her boyfriend behind her back. Kim smirked at Bobby as she thought about what"ll happen between them tomorrow night. Bobby did his best to look casual.

Josie looked between the two suspiciously but when Bobby flashed her his all American smile, the moronic girl melted. This caused Kim to take an even bigger gulp of her drink. The room spun a little but she didn"t give a c.r.a.p anymore.

"Josie you"re not going to ask about your boyfriends lip?" Kim said to interrupt their kissing. She tried to stand taller but wobbled a little

"Oh babe was it a football accident again?" Josie asked Bobby in a whiny voice that made Kim want to punch her.

Sometimes she questioned why she was friends with Josie. It"s not like she liked her. Guess it"s the politics of high school. Rich pretty girls stick together and make everyone else feel unworthy.

"Oh uh the new chick hit me" Bobby answered. Kim was sure she saw a little bit of pride in his eyes. What the f.u.c.k is going on with him?

"Why would she do that?!" Josie screeched flipping her blonde hair back. Kim had about enough of this. Cla.s.s started about ten minutes ago. No point going now anyway.

Kim pushed her body off the locker wobbling on her feet. She was planning to just walk out the building until she heard what Bobby said.

"What did you just say?" Kim asked turning around to face them

"What? Oh, that the new girl hit me because I sacked that nerd boy Simon." Bobby stated clearly not seeing the importance of it.

But even in Kim"s slightly intoxicated mind she saw a connection. The new girls first day here she goes after the popular girls and defends the school loser? That doesn"t make any sense!


Kim began walking away again. She needed to clear her mind to figure out what"s going on here. Her mind tells her there is something off about the new b.i.t.c.h.

"Hey! Where you going?! It"s only mid-day "Josie called after her

"f.u.c.k off Jos" Kim stammered back as she stumbled to the main doors.

She needed some air to put things together. Although she had an idea the new girl may be hiding something big or rather someone big Kim thought laughing up at the cloudy sky.

Marcos Pov

Macros couldn"t believe he was here.

He stood tall in front of the iron gates shielding the large gray house. Inside it contained a man he hasn"t seen in three hundred years.

A man he never wanted to see again if he could help it.

A man that he used to call brother

A man by the name of Maximus.

Talon had somehow convinced him that Maximus was the best resource to utilize in finding Ana. It"s only been a few days since she ran off but they have no leads. Marcos knew that both Talon and Seb knew more than they let on, he just had to figure out a proper way to get them talking. If this ends badly with Maximus he"s going to torture that sister of Sebs until someone confesses.

"Ready?" Talon asked stepping up beside him. Marcos looked around at the twenty best vampire guards he"d brought with him. None showed any fear but none had ever met Maximus.

Talon had a gleam in his eyes that Marcos couldn"t decipher. He decided to worry about that later and deal with his brother first. At this point all Marcos could do was pray three hundred years was enough time for Maximus to cool down from the events that took place in the kingdom.

Marcos nodded to Talon who in turn sent the signal to the men. All at once they all leaped in the air and landed gracefully on the other side of the gates. This was the reason he couldn"t risk bringing any of his human guards. Their weak bodies wouldn"t be able to keep up.

