Pure Vampire

Chapter 4



I woke up with a painful crook in my neck. Oh c.r.a.p this really hurts. I roll my neck around trying to stretch it out. As luck would have it, that didn"t work. Sighing I stood to stretch the rest of my numb limbs and exit the train.

The night sky is black and a sliver of the moon shines from behind the clouds. The streets are deserted. I wonder how long we"ve been here while I slept.

I walk around the empty station for any signs of life or maybe a clue as to where I might be. Hmm I wonder where that train driver is? Sighing I make my way back outside hoping to run into someone.

Right on cue an older gentlemen with white hair comes around the corner eating a doughnut. Judging by his uniform it"s the missing train driver. I watch him slowly make his way to the front doors where I"m standing.

"Oh you"re finally awake there sleeping beauty" he says in an amused tone in between bites. The wind picks up causing me to shiver. I wrap my arms tightly around myself for warmth

"Yes I am. Uh where are we?" I gesture around the deserted train station with no sign of a town in sight.

"This is Chance harbor. Small old town and your stop according to your ticket" he informs. I nod again and look around hoping for a clue to the town square Verna told me about. The man must notice my worried expression because he answers my silent questions

"Town square is about three blocks to the right you should run straight into it. There are a few shops and diners still open and a motel there as well. I would walk you back but I just came from there and I have a schedule to keep" he ends with a small shrug. I smile and thank him for the information walking in the direction he just told me.

This is so creepy. There are barely any street lights and the road is cracked and b.u.mpy causing me to trip multiple times; clearly it hasn"t been paved in years. I pick up my pace to keep from thinking about all the animals that could be lurking in the shadows. It"s hard to see but all around is empty fields except way back to the left and right of me looks to be woods. There is no way in h.e.l.l I"m leaving the road to wander a hundreds of yards out of my way to the deep dark dangerous field of trees. Yeah I"m not that crazy.

I glance around searching for the town and little ways up I catch a glimpse of bright lights. Yes! I"m almost there and off this dark lonely road. With a new goal in mind I pick up my pace

Out of nowhere a scream sounds the air stopping me mid stride. Turning my head in the direction it came from there"s an old torn down abandoned house in the middle of the field about twenty feet away.

My stomach drops and I get that feeling something bad is about to happen. A part of me wants to see if someone needs help. But a smarter part knows to get to the town and send someone back instead.

"No you"re just a coward"

"Better a smart coward than dead hero. Right?"

I quiet down my internal banter and glance back up at the town so close but still far away. Making a snap decision I run towards it. From this distance I"m sure no one in town could have heard the scream. The faster I get there the faster I can send help back.

I run another twenty steps when the feminine scream pierces my ears again.


I freeze.

My heart is beating dents against my chest. My palms are sweating and all in all I"m scared sh*tless.

I can"t fight if she"s being attacked so I shouldn"t go out there.

What if she"s not being attacked and just needs help?

Guilt hits me with force as I think of some poor woman trapped and hurting or worse dying. I look at the town once more longingly before I turn back heading for the abandoned house.

I can"t believe I"m acting like the stupid girls in all the horror movies I watch and laugh at. Next thing you now I"ll be running forward looking backwards and falling over my own feet. This is so freaking crazy but I know if I go into the town and she dies before help comes I would feel heavy with guilt and sadness. I"m already having a s.h.i.tty day and I don"t need to have this on my conscious too.

Stepping carefully on the porch it creaks loudly in protest. Don"t know if it"s from my weight or just being old and deteriorated. No time is left to ponder as another more desperate strangled scream a.s.saults my ears. This one isn"t as loud but somehow scares me a whole lot more. Pushing open the broken door that"s falling off its hinges and trying to control my erratic heart I step in inside cautiously

"He-h.e.l.lo" I call out in a trembling voice. Curse me for being so scared when I"m supposed to be the hero in this situation. Too bad I"m probably more scared than the victim. Wait what am I thinking? She could be trapped somewhere and here I am paranoid some axe murderer is lurking in the dark.

I step fully inside the house careful of the broken boards everywhere. In the center of the living area old wooden stairs lead up and I immediately cross those off my list as a safe option. The room is bare no furniture at all and the house has that old stale smell. Good thing I didn"t eat lunch or the smell in this place would"ve brought it back up.

I hear a thud but it sounds like it came from below me. Quietly as possible I walk further into the house pa.s.s the stairs into an equally empty kitchen. A swoosh of air pa.s.ses behind me and I whip around to locate the source…

No windows.

What the h.e.l.l?

I shiver. Getting the feeling like something or someone is watching me. Okay pull it together Ana I coach myself out loud. Talking a closer look around this time I see an open door a few feet from the sink with steps leading down. I"m pretty certain that"s the bas.e.m.e.nt and source of the thud I heard earlier. Taking a deep breath for courage I walk over and begin my slow descent down the stairs. They creak loudly with each slow step and I feel the wall for some sort of switch hoping for light.

No such luck. By the third stair I decide to call out again

"Is there anyone down there? h.e.l.lo?" No response. Reaching the bottom I stop and look around. Much like the rest of the house the bas.e.m.e.nt is empty. There is a small window a few feet higher than me to the back but I would never in a million years get my body through it. Darting my eyes down I see what brought me here in the first place. There lying on the floor under in a heap is a woman. I gasp and rush to her.

Gently I kneel down and brush her blonde hair from her face. She is very pale and looks extremely weak but even so she is still a pretty girl probably in her early twenties. Her eyes flutter a few times before the heavy lids open

"Oh my gosh! It"s okay don"t worry I"m here ju-just hang on please your hurt I need to get help" I cradle her head in on my lap as I speak. She lifts a hand weakly and points at the window. I look at the window then back at her confused. She opens her mouth trying to speak

"L-lee-leave n-now he wi-will k-ki-kill y-you" she says barely above a whisper. Her words were hard to understand but I get the idea of her message. Someone else here.



