Pure Vampire

Chapter 41



"I"m going to make sure everything is okay out there" Marie barely heard Jace talking. She knew she should have stopped him but for some reason she was drawn to this sleeping boy. Like her body didn"t want to leave his side. This is strange.

Marie continued to stare at his adorable small face and huge head of curls. The urge to touch them was overwhelming. What is this I am feeling? She wondered. Could it be that I am attracted to him? Marie shook off those thoughts for now and continued to attempt to soothe him.

The moment was cut off by Ana storming into the room. From the way the bathroom door slammed Marie knew instantly her plan didn"t work. Oh Sebby what have you done. Marie stood and quickly left to room to find her brother. She would console Ana after she hit her stupid brother upside the head.

"Bestie open the door it"s me!" Lily said knocking on the bathroom door. Marie knew Ana wouldn"t open that door anytime soon.

When she stepped outside she was glad she did. Seb and Jace were inches apart. Judging from their matching tense stances and balled fist, a fight was seconds away. One that Seb would easily win.

Marie quickly inserted herself in the small s.p.a.ce between them.

"I don"t know who you are or what you are to Ana but know she will be mine" Jace said confidently. They were both taller than her so it was as if she wasn"t standing there at all.

"Not if I have anything to do with it" Seb replied back with matching confidence. Marie knew she had to stop them before it got out of hand. And she was getting annoyed with them talking over her head

"Jace could I speak with my brother alone please" She said in her sweetest voice. One thing about being small is people never think of you as a threat. Stupid of them.

Jace looked down at her and gave a stiff nod before turning and walking back into the room. Marie wasted no time flipping around on her brother

"What the heck happened?" She question. Seb sighed running a hand through his hair.

"I didn"t exactly stick to the plan" He said looking exhausted and annoyed

"It was simple Seb. Apologize; confess your love, the end. What went wrong?" Marie asked

"My apology fell short and I may have suggested that I didn"t love her…" he trailed off.

"What?!" Marie shouted. She couldn"t believe this. Are all men this stupid or just her brother?

"I wanted to tell her. I was going to but when he came out here I saw them kissing in my head and I got angry. It happened so fast and then Ana slapped me…" He trailed off again touching his red cheek.

So not only did he ruin the plan he managed to make the situation worse. To the point where Ana actually slapped him! Unbelievable! If this is what love is like Marie thought it might be better for her to just be alone.

Marie looked into the sad eyes of her brother. He was always so strong and protective. She was the only one he even showed his emotions to. All she wanted was for him to be happy. Marie knew with all her heart Ana was the one who could give him that happiness. If only he wasn"t such a fool about the whole thing

"You"re an idiot but you love that girl and it"s time she knew it Seb. You can"t hide your feeling forever" Marie said gently. Seb nodded and slung an arm over her shoulder

"I know. This is just harder than I expected" Seb said honestly. Marie chuckled and Seb joined in. Guess it"s not so simple after all.

The door opening caught both their attention.

Ana stepped out looking ready for war. Her hair was piled up and she changed into black jeans and black tank. Marie could never get over how beautiful Ana was and from her brothers" sudden tense body he was obviously thinking something along those lines

"Ana, are you okay?" Marie asked softly taking a step towards the girl she saw as a sister. Ana cut her angry eyes briefly to Seb before looking back at Marie.

"I"m just great" She replied rather sarcastically. Oh Seb you really p.i.s.sed her off

"Where are you going?" Seb demanded. Marie just wanted to hit right now. For some reason he could never say the right things to Ana. He was the smartest man she knew but when it came to Ana he was a complete idiot. Ana"s eyes flashed red with anger

"That"s not your concern" She said walking off

"Ana please don"t leave like this" Marie begged. She knew her friend was hurting but she really didn"t want her to be alone. Ana slowly turned around to them giving Marie a small smile

"I need answers. I"m just going to see this woman named Helia. I won"t be long" Ana said

"I"m coming" Seb jumped in. Ana"s body froze

"No you"re not" Ana"s voice was filled with anger but Marie knew it was really to cover her pain

"You are not going to see a great witch alone" Seb told her sternly. Ana raised a brow

"Witch?" She questioned

"Yes. Helia is a great witch. One of the most powerful witches alive. Marcos tried to contact her for a spell years ago but he couldn"t find her. That"s the thing with witches, you can only find one when they allow you to." Seb ended taking cautious steps toward Ana. He better be careful before Ana zaps him, Marie thought. But Ana seemed to be thinking over something hard; too hard to notice Seb now stood next to her.

"Helia is a witch….Helia knows the truth about me…I have to see Helia" Ana rambled more to herself than to them. Marie was curious about Ana"s thoughts but didn"t ask

"Hey, did you say you have to see Helia?" Jace asked coming from the room closing the door behind him. Marie gave her brother a stern look and mouthed "Behave" to him.

"Yes. And no you"re not coming" Ana told him snapping from her thoughts. She finally realized Seb was next to her. With one look she had Seb taking a few steps back.

"Why do you need to see her?" Jace asked very suspiciously. Almost like he knew something

Ana sighed in frustration

"What"s it matter to you Jace? Do you know something about her?" By the tone of her voice Ana was on edge. Marie saw her get like this when Talon would taunt her. If Ana didn"t calm down her ability would start leaking out. Too many emotions make her go haywire

"Yeah, I know everything about her" Jace said seriously. Everyone stopped and stared at him. What does he mean by that?

"How?" Ana asked taking even strides in Jace"s direction.

It was silent for moment....

And then Jace said the last thing any of them expected to hear

"Because she is my grandmother...