Pure Vampire

Chapter 42



Talon Pov

Marcos is losing his mind. When they returned from the horrible visit with Maximus they discovered Seb had escaped. Let"s just say Marcos wasn"t too happy about that.

"How could this have happened?!" Marcos bellowed at one of the scared looking human guards

"I-I don"t know sir" the human stuttered back. Talon was trying to hide his amus.e.m.e.nt as he stood behind Marcos in his office.

In Talons eyes this is all Marcos"s fault. He was too relaxed with Ana and she escaped. Then he left Seb alone with human guards. The amount of training Seb had those guards didn"t stand a chance.

Too bad he couldn"t tell Marcos this.

Talon looked back up in time to see Marcos drop the man"s body lifelessly to the ground. He had drained him of all his blood.

"The situation is out of control!" Marcos yelled punching a hole in the wall. Maybe for you. Talon thought. He knew Seb"s leaving gave him a bonus kill. How he couldn"t wait to rip him and that girl apart.

"I believe you should continue the search for the girl and I"ll find Seb" Talon suggested. He knew well that Seb was in Mercy Falls because that"s where Ana would have gone. Another secret he kept from his master.

"The last scent of the girl was in Seattle. I"ll start there. When you find Seb bring him to me. I want to kill him myself" Marcos said black eyes filled with rage.

Talon nodded in acceptance but knew he wouldn"t obey his master. As soon as Marcos leaves for Seattle, Talon will leave for Mercy Falls. He could barely contain his excitement at the thought of killing them both.

Oh Seb and Ana beware…


Bobby Pov

All he wanted was for Kim to shut up!

For the last hour she and Josie have been going on nonstop about the new girl coming to the party. All this chatter is seriously messing up his buzz.

He lifted the plastic cup to his mouth downing the remaining contents. Josie leaned over him again to talk to Kim. He was starting to wonder why he sat in the middle of them.

"I heard from Ashley, who heard from Darcy, who heard from Stephanie, whose weird cousin Eddy works at that s.h.i.tty motel outside of town that the new girl is staying there" Josie said. Bobby"s head was spinning; he could barely understand her babble.

"We should go there tonight and give her a real welcome" Kim replied in a devious voice.

Bobby knew that meant bad things were going to happen to the new girl. He still couldn"t believe she rejected his offer. No girl rejects him! Not to mention he saw her leaving with Jace. He couldn"t let his ex-best friend get the girl.

The only reason Bobby slept with Kim was to get back at Jace for turning on him and befriending that geek Simon. He quickly realized that Jace never even cared for Kim. It sucks for him, because now he can"t get rid of her.

Bobby stood no longer wanting to hear the girls plotting. He pushed his way through the crowd heading upstairs for some peace. The party would continue all night but he was too drunk to partic.i.p.ate any further. And it wasn"t even midnight yet.

Once upstairs he found an empty room and collapsed onto the bed. He couldn"t get the hot new girl out of his mind. Bobby wondered if he actually wanted her for more than just s.e.x. That would be a first.

Quietly the bedroom door opened and seconds later he was being straddled

"Hey s.e.xy waiting for me" Kim purred leaning closer to him. Her alcohol breath burned his nostrils.

"Get off" he mumbled turning his head

"What?!" Kim asked as if she didn"t hear. Bobby grabbed her by the hips and pushed her off. She let out a yelp of surprise.

"What the h.e.l.l Bobby!" Kim screeched. He couldn"t stand the sound of her voice. Standing up he reached down to zip up his pants that she had cleverly undone in seconds.

"What are you doing?" She questioned in her usual b.i.t.c.hy tone. At this point he just had enough of Kim. Without turning to face her, Bobby walked toward the bedroom door.

"Later Kim" he said pushing the door open and inserting himself back into the party.

Something was bothering him. That something had blue eyes and long dark hair. Bobby needed more time with mystery girl of Mercy Falls.

And what Bobby wants Bobby gets.

Yanking another beer from the fridge he decided then and there he would go after her. If Jace gets in his way he"ll just deal with him the way he does anyone else that has something he wants.

Bobby is a taker…

So he would simply just take her...

Ana Pov

Did he really just say what I think he just said? Glancing at the faces of Seb and Marie I know I didn"t hear wrong.

"Your grandmother is great witch?" Seb asked voice showing his disbelief. Jace raised a brow at him.

"What"s it to you?" Jace snapped

"Just answer the question Jace" I jumped in

Jace turned his handsome face to me. His eyes softened when he looked at me and I had to force myself not to be effected by it. What"s going on with me? It can"t be natural to be this attracted to two men.

"Ana did you hear me?" Jace asked. I hadn"t even realized that I was just staring at him and not absorbing a word he said.

"Huh?" Was my genius reply. Jace"s lip turned up in a halfhearted smile that could melt a girl"s heart. Focus Ana!

"I said let me take you to my grams. It isn"t my place to tell her story." He said like I understood that. But what choice did I have right now.

"Marie" I said facing my small confused looking friend "Do you mind keeping an eye on the others until we return?" Marie exchanged a glance with her brother before nodding. Speaking of the jerk he was next for me do deal with.

"Seb you are not coming" I told him seriously. The expression on his face could only be described as defiance. He stood taller folding his arms across his chest

"I understand you"re angry with me but there is no way in h.e.l.l I"m leaving you alone with witches" Seb replied back raising his brows in a challenge.

I could just scream right now! This night just keeps getting worse the longer it goes on. And I have a feeling this witch is only going to add to my problems. However, like usual Seb was right. I shouldn"t travel alone to meet a witch. Jace wouldn"t be any help if trouble arose considering the witch is his grandmother. What does that make him? All my senses tell me he"s human but I"m still relatively new to the vampire thing. Maybe I"ll ask him after I talk to his grandmother.

"Fine. Let"s go guys" I said walking off ahead of them.


Once we were in Jace"s car I was ready to get back out and just make a run for it. The tension was so thick I could almost see the waves of it in the air. To make matters worse I have to sit in the middle of them. Oh joy .

Jace is driving pretty fast and I know it"s because he wants out of this car like we do. The silence weighs heavily around us. Honestly I don"t want to talk to either guy. They have both royally p.i.s.sed me off tonight; especially Seb.

Geez I just don"t get him. He shows all the right signs but says all the wrong words. Maybe I"m just looking into it too hard. Seb"s a man, a strong man. Telling a girl how he feels shouldn"t be that hard. After earlier tonight I"m more certain he doesn"t love me.

And Jace, I don"t even know where to begin. He had years to approach me and he never did once. Now that I"m back with a new appearance he suddenly wants me! Forget that! In my mind it doesn"t add up. Then again Simon is a good judge of character and he clearly trusts Jace. Ugh all this boy drama is making my head spin.

"We"re here." Jace said bringing me back to the moment.

I was so s.p.a.ced out thinking about stupid boys I hadn"t even known we were in the forest. Deep in the forest from the surrounding trees.

We all got out and stood in front of the small old looking wooden cottage. Wow it looks exactly like my mother explained in her story. Maybe she wasn"t lying after all. Well only one way to find out.

Cautiously we all walk to the door. The sound of crunching leaves and twigs snapping is all that can be heard with each step. I raise my hand to knock once we reach the porch. The door however, flew open on it"s on before I could even touch it. I peek at Jace who simply nods for me to enter.

Slowly I walk inside with Seb closely behind me and Jace after him. The place smells like a mixture of herbs and something else. I know I smelled this before. It"s a scent that doesn"t smell quite human.

The wood floor creaks under my feet. I"m wondering if I should call out "h.e.l.lo" or "hey witch!" Seems reasonable but instead I stay quiet and turn a corner entering an old fashioned kitchen.

Standing next to a large oak table is a very old looking woman. Her hair is shoulder length and white. She is dressed in a long purple gypsy like skirt wearing multiple beaded necklaces and bracelets. Her gray eyes connect with mine, reading me like a book. It"s then that I recognize her unusual scent.

It"s the same one Verna carries.

Which means Verna is a witch too.

"h.e.l.lo a.n.a.lise. You"re late. And it seems you brought Sebastian and my grandson too. Please take a seat" she said gesturing to the table. My jaw dropped open. How did she know my name or Seb"s? Who, by the way hates being called Sebastian.

"Please sit and I"ll explain how I know what I know." She said answering my internal question. My body rigidly followed her requests. The sound of four chairs sc.r.a.ping the ground can be heard as we all take a seat at the old table. Helia sits across from the three of us.

"My name is Helia. I am the current crone of witches" Helia said never taking her wise eyes off me. It was kind of unnerving



