Pure Vampire

Chapter 45



"Once the heart of wolves was destroyed it split the wolves. Those in wolf form at the breaking couldn"t change back and those in human form could no longer sense their beast. The weres blamed the vampires and refused to help them fight again. Every creature began retreating into the portals causing chaos. This brings us to this day we are in now. This is the day we fell. Arc disobeyed his mother and was led into a trap where he was killed." Helia"s eyes welled but no tears fell.

For some reason the tears fell from my eyes. This is such a sad story and these people feel so close to me. Being here makes me feel like I"m home strangely enough

"Come on Helia" The older woman said to young Helia. The little girl waved at Helia who smiled and waved back at her young self. As if that"s not weird. Celeste gracefully strode from the room followed by Hildegarde and young Helia. I turned my attention back to the Helia I knew, whose aberration seemed to be more transparent than before.

"So there was a war here that was lost. Those who didn"t die fled to earth using portals. I get that, what I don"t get is what a war a thousand years before me in a different place has to do with me?" I asked very confused. Yes I feel a connection here but hey I am a vampire now so that"s probably why.

Helia didn"t respond. Instead she floated from the room after the women. Not seeing any other options I followed. Exiting the large iron doors into an immaculate corridor. It was the complete opposite of the throne room. The floors were made of black marble and the walls a shined like jagged ice. I ran my hand along the surface and was stunned by the coldness. Is that really ice?

Everyone was getting further away from me so I picked up my pace to catch up.

Celeste had entered a grand bedroom after walking down a set of spiral stairs. Little Helia bounced on the bed way bigger than any king bed I"d seen. I wondered what we were doing in here for a moment but chose not to ask. Celeste ran her fingers along the mahogany wall. There didn"t seem to be anything on it but she paused with her fingertips on something. She pushed on it and the wall caved in. the walls expanded and opened. Celeste walked into it and when she came back she had a sleeping black haired baby girl in her arms.

Well that was unexpected

"Does anyone know about your pregnancy?" Hildegarde asked sitting next to Celeste on the bed. Celeste rubbed the baby"s head lovingly

"No. I hid my pregnancy from everyone and you were the only one there for her birth. If Erebus knows she exists he"ll kill her. He will kill my son tonight I"m certain but he must not take both my children." Celeste said with deep sadness looking at her daughter. She laid the baby on the bed next young Helia. Celeste then stood and began pulling down her dress.

Okay what is she doing? I looked to Helia and was certain her form was fading.

"You have to cut it from me Hildegarde" Celeste said drawing my attention back to her topless figure.

"Are you sure about this?" Hildegarde questioned taking a short, shape blade from between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

"It"s the only way to save my daughter and hopefully one day the people. Take my crystal heart and put it in her. When Erebus comes to kill me I won"t be as strong but I"ll be strong enough to imprison him for at least a millennium" Celeste said raising her arms in the air. Hildegarde nodded in agreement and stuck the blade into her left side. Celeste howled in pain, the sound made me ache. The old witch drew her blade slowly down leaving a trail of thick blood.

When she pulled the knife back a gaping hole was still in Celeste side. That"s when I realized the blade must be made of platinum because she wasn"t healing quickly. Hildegarde reached her hand inside the hole; Celeste cringed but still remained still. When she took her b.l.o.o.d.y hand out, inside it was a rugged shaped crystal. It shined and thumped magnificently, as if it were alive. Celeste wound closed and she picked up the sleeping baby.

The intensity was so high I thought I could feel it. No this is something else. I clutched my stomach as an uncomfortable knot formed there. What the h.e.l.l? Turning to face Helia, her ghost form was barely visible

"Helia what"s happening?" I asked still holding my stomach

"My time is almost up. The spell doesn"t last long" Helia said fading out

"What about me? How do I get out?!" The pain increased causing me to double over.

"Find the portal" Helia sounded far away

"Where, How?" My desperate voice showed my fear

"Follow your instincts…" Helia"s voiced trailed off as she completely disappeared leaving me alone a thousand years in the past with no way out.

I looked back up and Hildegarde was chanting something. The crystal heart spun wildly in the air with trails of lights. The spinning increased as it lowered itself into the baby chest. The crystal sunk into her chest with ease not even showing a point of entry.

"Remember to go through the portal and use the spell to freeze her in time" Celeste said kissing the baby in her arms. "I love you" She whispered kisser one last time before handing her to Hildegarde. The crone bowed respectfully before vanishing through the still open wall with the baby and Helia.

My knees gave out and I dropped to the ground. My insides felt like they were being crushed. c.r.a.p this hurts.

"You"re almost out of time young traveler. Go now to the portal" I looked up from the floor to see Celeste looking down at me.

"You can see me?" It wasn"t the best time for that question but hey. She smiled

"Yes, there isn"t much I don"t see. You grew up even more beautiful than I expected" She said looking at me like I was the most precious thing in the world. Why is she looking like that?

I never got the chance to ask because her doors shot open and at least ten men barged in. Celeste began gracefully fighting them with her bare hands. Not one could touch her.

Wow she"s good. I force myself to my feet desperate to help her

"Go to the portal before you die here daughter!" She shouted ripping off a man"s head.

Wait I can die here? No, no, no. I use all my will to run from the room out the huge palace. I end up running into a garden the back yard.

A pain in my chest seizes my next step. Its hurts so bad the feeling of dying washes over me. No I will not die twice. Once was bad enough. If I can survive that death I can survive anything.

With deliberate steps I continue pushing my way through the garden. Once I get to the end of the yard I realize this palace sits on a cliff. Down below waves crash against rocks on the sh.o.r.e.

That"s just perfect.

What now.

Helia"s final words flow through my mind. I close my eyes and concentrate on what I feel beside pain. The cool wind brushes my face.

Celeste smile warms my heart. With my eyes still closed I take a few steps back from the edge.

Briefly I paused before running full speed and diving off the cliffs edge…




