Pure Vampire

Chapter 66



A Huge red kingdom sitting in the middle of the ocean; it was large and grand and completely unreal. The pointy tops soared into the morning clouds. It was the type of structure you"d see in a children fairy tales.

"How?" I asked in wonderment. We had reached the tip of the ocean and Maximus was on his phone talking angrily to someone

"The blood castle is what it"s known as. It was spelled by the darkest witch known so that it can only be seen by the blood drinkers" The guard with ashy blonde hair and scruffy face said. He was the only one to speak to me besides Maximus.

"What if people are out there? If they can"t see it, won"t they run into it?" Seemed like a reasonable question to me.

"No, the spell misdirects them when they get too close; they never know. And once were in it we become part of the cloak." He replied

"Rex! Stop talking to the prisoner!" Maximus yelled. He stormed over gripping me by my elbow and pulling me forward.

Maximus practically dragged me into the water until we were knee deep. I did not have clue how we would get to the blood castle unless he expected me to swim. Which would be difficult considering my hands and feet are still chained.

All of a sudden something in the water began to lift our feet. I scrambled but Maximus grip on me held me in place. Beneath us a gla.s.s platform rose; it pressed us to the surface of the ocean and swiftly glided us smoothly against the water. It was so graceful that I bet any onlookers would a.s.sume we were floating or walking on water.

Whatever magic this was worked fast because in less than a minute we were in the middle of the ocean staring at enormous doors. The double doors opened wide reveling an immaculate grand entrance.

The ceiling was swirls of black and red with a marvelous black chandelier with bright glowing bulbs. There were two sets of spiral staircases on each side but we didn"t go up. We walked through the center pa.s.sing multiple doors and servants hustling about.

Abruptly we can to a halt when a creepy vampire stepped onto our path. He was fair skinned with a skinny dark beard that fell from his chin and ended with a point. His eyebrows were also unusually thick and curled up at the ends; overall the man looked evil.

"Is this the girl?" He asked raking his eyes over me like he expected better.

"Yes Henry it is" Maximus stated proudly. Henry snarled

"It"s still Lord Henry to you Maximus" Lord Henry snapped at Maximus who only chuckled in response. Cleary these two have an issue and aren"t friends from all the hostility I"m sensing.

"For now. So step aside and alert the council we have her" Maximus was very sure of himself and it was kind of annoying.

Why am I"m so important anyways? I"m sure this king gets death threats all the time and I"ve technically on been a vampire for two years. Helia believes that I can become strong enough to kill the royals but after seeing this place and all the guards, I"m not so optimistic.

Lord Henry scowled but stepped aside none the less. Behind him was an old fashioned iron door. Two vampires were guarding it and opened the door at Maximus request. Of course it was a stone steps spiraling down into the darkness.

As we began our descent into what I a.s.sumed was my prison cell, torches lit up along the wall lighting our path. Funny how this huge castle couldn"t spare proper electrical system for its dungeon.

The further we walked down actual fear began to creep up my spine. I"ve been taking it well so far but that"s because I haven"t really let myself think about what"s happening. These people more than likely want me dead. And I have no clue how I"m going to escape a prison sitting in the middle of the ocean. Really hope Jace has a magical tracker or something because I"m coming up empty on ideas already.

Once we reached the bottom the smell of blood hit me first, then rust, decay and death.

It was nauseating.

The chambers held barred cells on each side, running at least a mile long. Maximus and four other guards led me down the long chamber to an empty cell. They swiftly removed my cuffs and tossed me into the dingy old cell and locked the door.

There wasn"t a window, bed or toilet in the room. Just some old rags that could barely pa.s.s for a blanket. I ran my hands through my hair trying to come up with a plan. The problem is this place is too well guarded and I don"t know the layout.

"h.e.l.lo doll face" The sound of his voice immediately had my blood running hot. I couldn"t believe I was hearing it. Maybe I"m going crazy already; I"ve only been here 2 minutes. Slowly I turn on my heel and look at the person in the cell across from me...

"Talon" I sneered gripping my jail bars. I wanted to pry them open just to get to this maniac

"Nice to see you too" He teased. Talon slowly got to his feet but he was clutching his stomach. I caught of whiff of blood and knew he was seriously injured. An injury he most likely earned.

"Welcome to h.e.l.l..."

Prince Pov(not in 1st person)

Ca.s.sius was in his room enjoying last night"s shindig; two s.e.xy blondes. He had a thing for blondes. Currently the two naked girls were over top of him feeding from each other. Blood sharing is so s.e.xually thrilling. Ca.s.sius enjoyed it but he never let anyone taste his blood, for personal reasons.

A hard knock on his door interrupted the fun. However he ignored and sank his fangs into the side of one of the vampire"s neck. The other began to s.e.xual lick down his chest...

Suddenly the door burst open and in strode his number one headache; Gwendolyn.

Her honey complexion with her platinum blonde hair would look ridiculous on any other woman but not her. She was cold and intimidating; what Gwen wants she gets. What does she want now? The princes hand in marriage. Everyone knew her motives, even though she was a respected council member, her goal was to be the next queen.

"Get out" she demanded to the nude vampires Ca.s.sius was playing with. The weaker vamps didn"t dare question her and left the room in a flash.

"Must you always ruin my fun Gwen" Ca.s.sius remarked

"All you do is have fun and sleep with wh.o.r.es. It"s time to grow up and settle down" She snapped placing her hand on her hip.

Ca.s.sius gazed at her perfect figure in that tight white blouse and black pencil skirt. He licked his lips. She was the only vampire he couldn"t bed. But he understood why she was holding out; she wanted more than to be bedded by him.

"I"m four hundred years young! It"s time you have some fun and join me" He replied allowing his eyes to brighten. Vampire women loved the red eyes of the royals. It was so rare, that"s usually all he had to do to get anyone he wanted.

"There"s only one way I"m getting into that bed" She added with a smirk. Ca.s.sius rolled his eyes

"You"re not my mate Gwen. What makes you think I will marry you? It"s been two hundred years, give up already" Ca.s.sius stood up from his master bed and walked to his dresser, not bothering with clothes. He then poured himself a gla.s.s of whisky.

"Trust me when I say fate wouldn"t dare give you a mate" Gwen sniped. What she didn"t say was if his mate did ever magically appear, she would kill her…

Ca.s.sius threw the gla.s.s with lightning speed. It shattered against the wall beside her head. His eyes were pulsing red with anger at her words.

"You may be part of the council but I am your Prince you will show me respect or I will make you" Ca.s.sius said using his power and forcing her to knees. Gwen tried to fight it but she stood no chance. No one could resist his commands; it was part of his ability. Like a brick Gwendolyn crashed down her knees.

"Apologize" He ordered

"I-I"m sorry your majesty for my lack of respect" Gwen answered. The force he was using to hold her down was painful. The longer he held her the more it felt like cement stacking on her shoulders.

"Good girl" He said petting her head like a dog "Now why are you here?" he asked finally releasing her. Gwen instantly began taking deep breaths once the pressure was gone.

"The final traitor has been captured and is ready to be interrogated" she informed him getting back to her feet. Ca.s.sius walked to his shelf and poured another drink.

"Why should I care? I don"t interrogate, my sister does." He stated simply downing another shot.

"King Ferox and Princess Catalina haven"t returned from Nexus" Gwen said. Ca.s.sius began to laugh

"My father is still in no man"s land searching for something that will never be found? Unbelievable" he continued to chuckle while pouring another drink.

"Yes. And in his absence it is your duty-

"Screw duty!" He laughed downing another drink. Last night he fed from some extremely intoxicated humans, including a couple that was high on drugs. Clearly he was still feeling it.

"I"ve already had the guards remove her from her cell and take her to the interrogation chamber. Are you giving me permission to question her alone?" Gwen asked carefully. Ca.s.sius spun around sloppily to face her.

"Her? The traitor is a woman? Is she hot?" He asked now that his attention had been peaked.

"Yes it is a woman. One that is being accused of plotting to kill your father" She replied almost reprimanding him for asking such useless questions.

"Yeah but is it worth my time to see her?" Ca.s.sius was curious. There hasn"t been a female traitor since Ca.s.sandra tried to help Marcos abduct his mother. He wondered what other woman had the b.a.l.l.s to go against the crown. She had to be hot.

"I haven"t seen her yet Prince" Gwen snapped with att.i.tude. Her fangs almost came out she was irritated. She may not love Ca.s.sius but she sure did have a jealous streak.

"I"m in! Let"s go!" He shouted throwing his hands in the air. Gwendolyn pointed down to his bare body.

The wild, bad boy prince only shrugged and tossed back another drink. She gave him a stern look and he finally caved and put on some clothes. Ca.s.sius chose to wear black dress pants with a black b.u.t.ton down dress shirt; he felt he looked good in black.

Twenty minutes later he was walking behind Gwen on their way to the interrogation room. Vampire interrogations were unlike any other; they were brutal. Before your even questioned you"re stripped to your undergarments and whipped with platinum chains. It was barbaric to say the least but it was there way. It made the prisoner more willing to talk by the time they came to question.

Princess Catalina was usually the one handling these things; his evil little sister had a thing for torture. Ca.s.sius preferred the finer things in life that came with being royal.

Once they entered the room the beating had clearly already begun. The prisoner was chained; hands chained to the ceiling and feet to the ground in the center of the room. Her perfect body was covered in healing wounds and blood. Her head was hung so he couldn"t see her face and black long hair flowed down.

Something didn"t feel right to him all of a sudden. He had seen vampires beat before but this was making him uneasy for some reason. Ca.s.sius stood back by the door as Gwen walked further in; heels clicking on the tile floor.

"State your name!" She ordered the girl. The mysterious vamp didn"t lift head but laughed instead.

"Kiss my a.s.s" She shot back.

Ca.s.sius was stunned by her boldness but Gwen was p.i.s.sed. She motioned to both the guards to whip her some more. The elite members gathered their chains and swiftly struck her. One cut across her stomach and the other her back. She threw he head up and howled in pain. It was the first time Ca.s.sius caught a glance of her face...

It was like time froze…

Everything in his undead body began to hum…

She was beautiful…stunning…perfection.

Even covered in blood and healing cuts she took his non breath away. He would lay down his heart for her right now. The beautiful vampire finally turned her head and locked eyes with him. Sparks flew through the air; they pulled him to her. Her crystal blue eyes held him captive. From the look in her eyes she felt it too. Ca.s.sius hadn"t realized he had been taking slow steps from the door...

The guards struck her again and this time when she screamed he felt it in his core.

Red hot rage overcame him. How dare they hit her!

Without thinking twice Ca.s.sius s.n.a.t.c.hed up the nearest guard by his throat and then ripped his heart out! He dropped the lifeless body to the ground and turned his rage on the other one.

The vampire dropped his whip and held is hands up in surrender, but it was too late. In a second he shoved the dead vamps black heart down his throat and then picked up his whip and strangled him with it until his head tore off...

No one would ever hurt her again.

After he was done with the men he slowly walked back to his beautiful creature...

She was staring at him with shock and confusion.

Ca.s.sius gently ran his b.l.o.o.d.y finger down her smooth perfect face only whispering one word…






#Tobecontinued ...