Pure Vampire

Chapter 71



The worst part was he could hear the smile in Catalina"s voice before he even turned to see her face. She hated her own mother so much that she wanted her to suffer even more than she already has

And that"s when he lost it….

Ca.s.sius spun on his sister so fast she didn"t see it coming. In a flash he was holding her in the air by her neck while pushing monstrous images of her death into her mind.

Cata screamed and kicked but it was no use. When he was this mad, there was no stopping him. And with her gloves still on she really didn"t stand a chance.

"ENOUGH!" A booming voice bellowed from behind him.

Ca.s.sius instantly dropped his sister to the ground. There was only one vampire that had any control over him. Ca.s.sius turned on his heel and bowed to his father the king. Catalina was still on the ground panting and clutching her throat. Without looking he knew she was shooting him death glares.

"What is the reason my children are fighting?" Ferox asked calmly. He always looked calm.

"This momma"s boy lost his cool father and attacked me. Once again he proves unfit to rule." Catalina complained.

Now Ca.s.sius understood why she was pushing his b.u.t.tons. His sister wanted him to react violently. She wanted the crown to be pa.s.sed to her instead of him and has been trying for years to prove she"s a better ruler than he. Unfortunately his aggressive outburst only helped her case.

"Is this true son?" Ferox asked. Ca.s.sius glanced at the dark witch behind his father like a shadow and knew lying wasn"t an option.

"Yes I acted on impulse when she informed me of the plans to awaken Acacia" Ca.s.sius explained. His father had banned them from calling her mother out loud. "Is this true?"

King Ferox didn"t answer his son but instead walked back into his office; his guards and witch trailing after.

Ca.s.s and Cata followed as well and closed the double doors after entering. The office was huge; littered with multiple book shelves and a large desk with a chair fit for king. Ferox sat in his chair and his witch stood behind him, never speaking.

"I think it"s a good idea for Acacia to witness the death of Marcos. It may give her peace" Ferox added studying his son.

Ca.s.sius knew he couldn"t react again. He also knew his father was full of s.h.i.t! Just like his sister, the king wanted Acacia to suffer. After three hundred years the king still hasn"t found forgiveness. At this rate he never would.

"As you wish father" Ca.s.sius replied dryly. After a stiff bow he turned to leave the room. He couldn"t miss the satisfied look on Catalina"s face if he tried.

"And son, make sure you and your mate are on time for dinner. I can hardly wait to meet her" Ferox called out as his hand was on the k.n.o.b.

Ca.s.sius nodded without looking back at his father because he knew his eyes were blazing with rage.

He couldn"t allow them to cause his mother anymore pain. No matter what she did.

But he also knew better than anyone that crossing his father could get him killed or worse, it could get a.n.a.lise killed…

Gwen Pov

The prince mate was regarding her suspiciously after she offered to help. Which she should.

"You just tried to kill me. Now you want to help? I don"t buy it" The dark haired girl stated folding her arms.

Gwen eyed her up and down. Not a doubt this girl was gorgeous. From her fighting skills she as trained too. And those mysterious blue eyes held secrets of their own. Yes this newbie was compet.i.tion and that she couldn"t have.

"You"re within reason not to trust me, but what other choice do you have?" She countered.

They both studied each other for a moment. Gwen knew regardless this would give her the upper hand. She couldn"t be happier that the prince"s mate is in love with another. It"s kind of poetic in a sad way.

"Ok. What"s the plan?" The girl, a.n.a.lise questioned. From her stance Gwen knew she didn"t trust her. That doesn"t matter, her trust wasn"t really needed either way. She only needed her to follow her commands

"First we need to prepare you for dinner with the king. If I know Ferox then he"ll want to meet you tonight" Gwen said "Follow me, I"ll take you to the guest room to change"

"What about this mess? Ca.s.sius will be p.i.s.sed" a.n.a.lise said gesturing to the havoc they caused in his room only moments ago.

"I"ll send servants to take care of it before he returns" She a.s.sured. Gwen strode past her and unlocked the door.

They both left and walked down the long hallway to another room. Neither spoke a word. Gwen could understand the girl being doubtful of her intentions to help. It"s only natural. But she was right in her caution because Gwen was looking out for herself. The plan she had already began forming may help the girl, but even if it failed it still helped her. She could barely hold her neutral face as they rounded a corner. Finally she stopped in front of a wooded door painted red.

"Here you are. There are plenty of gowns and everything you need. I"ll return to pick you up in one hour" Gwen announced. She tried to walk away but a.n.a.lise quickly caught her wrist

"Just so were clear. If you double cross me I"ll kill you" a.n.a.lise sneered. Gwen was stunned by her boldness and confidence. Maybe she did underestimate the little vampire. We"ll find out soon enough…

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend" Gwen replied s.n.a.t.c.hing her wrist back. She gave her one final nod before taking her leave.

As she made her way down the hall, it was hard not to have a bounce in her step. The moment she found out Ca.s.sius had a mate she thought her planned was ruined. But of course the wh.o.r.e of prince has a messed up mate. One that was already prepared to reject him the worst way.

Gwen was so lost in her thoughts she was taken by surprise when a hand reached out and yanked her into a side closet in the hall.

"It"s just me!" The voice whispered when she began to fight. Gwen immediately relaxed after recognizing the voice. Her capture flipped on a light.

"h.e.l.lo lover" Gwen purred before crashing their lips together.

They pa.s.sionately kissed and grinded all over each other like their lives depended on it. They had to because they rarely get moments alone since their relationship has to be a secret

"I have great news!" Gwen exclaimed breathless

"Ooh do tell" her lover purred back

"Prince Ca.s.sius mate is in love with someone else. And plans to reject him to be with this other man. Baby, are plan is working even better than I"d hope" Gwen could barely contain herself.

"That is perfect. His mate is a traitor just like Acacia. Ca.s.s will be broken and in a rage. I almost feel bad for my brother" Catalina replied running her gloved hands through Gwen"s blonde hair.

Gwen melted into her touch...

The women began to kiss pa.s.sionately again...

Both in a high state of bliss from all the chaos they were planning to cause…



