Pure Vampire

Chapter 72



Ana Pov

Gwen sashayed away with a slight pep in her step. My instincts screamed for me not to trust her and I was definitely listening to them. Of course she was planning to use me in some way for her own benefit but my task is to use her for my own benefit first.

I turned my attention back the red door of the guest room she"d abandoned me at. Well here goes nothing . Slowly I turned the k.n.o.b and entered a slightly smaller room than Ca.s.sius. It was spa.r.s.ely decorated with random paintings here and there. The large bed in the center reminded me of a hotel with its white sheets and white pillows. It smelled stuffy and unused. As I walked further inside I noticed a white vanity table with a huge oval mirror next to the walk in closet.

The door to the closet was one of those ones that slide opened. The inside had racks of clothes on both sides and shoes on top. The left side was clearly women"s clothing with the many huge gowns I was seeing. The right side was mostly dark suits and dress clothes for a man I presumed. I studied both side for a moment f before deciding.

Meeting the king is surely going to be a challenge and with the way I was feeling a big puffy dress wasn"t going to cut it tonight. For all I know he could kill me on the spot. Hopefully his temper isn"t as volatile as his sons.

Ten minutes later I found a pair of black dress pants and blazer that actually fit me. Being even more daring I didn"t put on an under shirt. The blazer dipped low exposing lots of bare skin but still keeping everything that needed to be hidden covered. I took a pair of red heels just to add pop and s.e.xiness to my outfit. Going for the s.e.xy part wasn"t usually my thing but it was better than an unflattering ball gown. I walked over to the vanity to add some dark eyeliner and make my bright eyes pop even more, when my mind began to race.

The meeting with the king is huge! He is the son of the man that killed my mother! That tore apart my whole family! That changed my life forever. I dropped the eyeliner and it didn"t make a sound as it hit the soft tan carpet. Pacing became my thing to do when I lost focus. I tried to calm down and not overwhelm myself by thinking about the vampire who could have very well played a part in the war on nexus that changed everything.

"Ana?" a soft voice called out to me.

I whipped around and came face to face with someone or rather something I didn"t expect to see. There, floating beside the white curtains was Jace. But he wasn"t the same. He was a clouded blue form of himself with a thick shiny silver cord coming from his back and disappearing through the window.

"Jace?" I questioned skeptically as I took a slow step towards him. He smiled brightly at me as he glided to the center of the room until he was only inches away.

"Yes it"s me! I"m so glad I found you" he beamed

"Ho-how? Oh my-are you dead? Are you a ghost?" My voice trembles slightly at the end. If something happened to him while I was gone, I don"t know what I would. The guilt already creeping in.

"No, no it"s just a spell. Astral projection. I"m fine" He rea.s.sured me. I released a deep breath as if I"d been underwater for too long. "I just needed to see if you were okay" he added

"I"m fine. Oh wow you worried me for a second" I say grabbing my chest dramatically "How is everyone else doing?" I ask cautiously. He floated a little closer.

"They are all worried about you. But I know you"re really asking about Seb right?" he probed.

I bit my lower lip but didn"t respond. Yes I wanted to know how Seb was. Last time I saw him I"d handcuffed him to some old pipes. "Seb is Seb. Angry and bossy. And I may be sporting a black eye in the next day" he said with a small smile

"I"m sorry I left you to deal with that. I know Seb can be difficult but he really is a good guy" For some reason I felt the need to defend him.

"It"s okay Ana. I trust your decisions and I"ll support you always" His voice was so tender it made my heart ache. He reached his ghostly hand to stoke my cheek. If I could have felt it I would have melted into it. But his touch went right through me...

"Why are you here?" I asked trying to change up the conversation. It was in need to be steered into a different path.

"Other than to make sure you were safe, I"m here to find out where "here" truly is. The vampire kingdoms location is unknown. We are trying to come find you, so can you give me any clue to where you are?" he insisted.

"In the middle of the ocean inside a castle that"s cloaked by a dark witch" I told him thinking back to the moment when the castle first appeared to me from the beach. Jace"s face paled if that was possible in his form but he definitely didn"t look happy by the information just given to him

"A dark witch? Do you have a name?" he pushed. Something flickered in his eyes and for moment I thought it was fear.

"No, sorry I don"t know" I replied honestly. The guard that told me about the blood castle was interrupted by Maximus before I could ask more questions. Jace pondered this for a moment and drifted a little further away from me.

"You should also know the spell only allows the castle to be visible to vampires" I figured giving him all the bad news at once would soften the blow.

Whatever they had planned to help me escape would only work if they knew everything. But I still don"t even know everything. Jace didn"t turn to face me and I knew it was because he was thinking. Worrying him like this is making me feel even worse. I have to get out of here before my friends come after me and make it worse. This wasn"t something I would share with Jace because he would tell Seb and Seb would go postal trying to get here to get me himself.

"This makes things really complicated" he finally muttered turning to me "It"s not like I have vampires on speed dial to come help when I need them!" he ranted.

I watched his ghostly figured drift through the room and fought back a laugh. It was strange to see but I made sure he didn"t catch me. Jace coming here did manage to clear my head about meeting the king. I felt more at ease and confident because he reminded that I"m fighting for more than what I lost but what I stand to lose. All of a sudden a light bulb went off. I knew what they were going to have to do, but that didn"t mean any of us were going to like it.

"There is one vampire we know" I said interrupting his ranting. Jace floated back to me with a curious look on his face. I made a face that I hoped looked innocent but it felt more like a grimace.

"No!" he said catching on "No way Ana you can"t be seriously talking about the person I think you are!" he warned

"Who else is there-?!"

"Anyone but Kim!" he shouted. It was weird being yelled at by an apparition. "She"s only tried to kill you every chance she got"

"I know-"

"Not to mention she would say no instantly!" He raged

"Mayb-" I tried but he cut me off again

"And we don"t know where she is!" he declared

"JACE!" I screamed to get his attention. He stopped floating and stared at me "To answer your first problem she may say yes because Talon has been captured and is here as well." He seemed to think this over. He knew Kim as well as me. If Kim was into some guy there"s nothing she wouldn"t do to keep them. She may refuse to save me but not Talon

"We still don"t know where she is?" He claimed. I placed a hand on my hip and gave him my best get real face

"Come on Jace, its Kim. She"s a hot vampire with no rules or morals, where do you think she went?" I offered. I watched as his expression changed from confusion, to thoughtful until finally understanding.

"She went back to high school…"


Catalina Pov

Gwen deepened the kiss like she always does, forcing Cata against the wall in the small closet s.p.a.ce. She tore her lips away to begin kiss on the princess"s neck. Cata wasn"t the slightest turned on. Her mind was lost in all the devastation that was soon to erupt around her.

The crown was so close to being hers she could almost reach out and touch it. Everything was playing out in her favor. She had her father, brother, and Gwen the highest member of the council in her hand.

And she was going to destroy them all and then some...

Cat moaned in delight and Gwen took that as a sign of excitement. It was excitement, just not the same kind. She couldn"t wait for the games to begin.

Suddenly the door burst open and bright light spilled into the room exposing them. Gwen immediately jumped away from her and began readjusting herself. The fear of being caught was clear on her face.

"h.e.l.lo ladies. Am I interrupting?" Maximus asked coolly. He had a c.o.c.ky look on his face like he just hit the jackpot.

"What do you want guard?" Gwen spat viciously. She was using her anger to cover her embarra.s.sment, and Maximus could tell.

"The king asked me to bring his daughter to him" Maximus replied looking over Gwen"s shoulder at a smirking Catalina.

"Gwen, I"ll see you at dinner" Cata said pushing past her lover and exiting the closet. Gwen gave a stiff nod before dashing in the other direction. Maximus and Cat stared after her for moment.

"Well, well, well the evil little princess strikes again. Let me guess you"re using her because of her position in the council or because she will soon be your brother"s wife and next queen" Maximus guessed. He knew all too well what the princess is capable of. After all, three hundred years ago he had his own affair with her.

"Neither. Maybe I actually care for her" Cata said slyly. She didn"t wait for his response and slowly walked away.

"I highly doubt that" Maximus remarked falling into step with her

"Your right. I don"t feel anything for her" She said casually

"Then why toy with her. If I know you, you only do that if you have something to gain. So what is it?" Maximus urged. She thought about it for a moment.

Why was she playing with Gwen? It"s not like she"d ever did anything against her personally. Gwen used to be a lowly vampire a.s.sistant until she found her mate, Tony. Tony was a high council member but he didn"t just hide behind a desk, he fought alongside the guards. It was n.o.ble but foolish. Not a year after mating with Gwen he was killed in a random attack by a group of vampires trying to get to the king.

Every vampire reacts differently to the loss of a mate. Most just hype out and lose control. Gwen became the opposite. She became ice; cold and distance yet determined. She fought her way through the council and to the top of the list of potential wives for Ca.s.sius. All the while rejecting every male suitor that even attempted to get near her. Including the prince himself. She only wanted to be Ca.s.sius wife, not his lover.

Something about the cold vampire intrigued Catalina. If Ca.s.s couldn"t get her then she knew she had to simply because no other woman had rejected her brother. First she approached Gwen with an offer to be allies in making one of them queen. Then she began to seduce her just to see if she could. Before long Gwen was head of heels.

"Because I wanted to see if I could and it was fun. But she has been somewhat helpful too" Cata replied finally answering his question. Maximus reached and grabbed her arm to stop her before she turned the corner.

"You"re a nasty little b.i.t.c.h you know that" He snapped. Cat smiled

"Aww Max, don"t be jealous. If you want to have fun again my door is always open for you" She purred running a finger over his bottom lip. He smacked it away

"I"m done playing games with you. I did that three hundred years ago and lost my mate because of it. Now we had a deal. I expect you to hold up your end" Maximus whispered dangerously. Cata pretended to be thinking as if she didn"t remember their arrangement.

"Oh right! I"ll lift the banishment of your mate Ca.s.sandra so she can be allowed to see her family again in exchange for you turning in your brother. Yes how could I forget" She said with a devious smile on her face remembering when she surprised Max with a visit a few months ago. At the time she was bored and wanted some fun so she found the exiled Max and made him offer to turn in his brother for his mate"s punishment to be dissolved. He was quick to say no and dismiss her offer but a couple weeks ago he waltz into the kingdom offering to turn in a traitor. She didn"t know what exactly changed his mind but she didn"t care. She just wanted to watch Marcos die and her so called mother suffer.

Maximus eyes darkened at her unfriendly smile.

"Yes. I turned my brother in and more. Now hold up your end" He demanded squeezing her wrist. He may be older and stronger than her but all she needed to do was remove one glove and it would be over for him. This is why no one scared her.

No one...

"You sentenced your own brother to death, and for what? May I ask? It has to be more than just to lift an exile" She questioned curiously


