Pure Vampire

Chapter 73



"I did it because I can no longer pay for my brother"s mistakes. And I did it for Ca.s.sandra. To win back her love" He spoke honestly.

Cat had heard the rumors about Ca.s.sandra hyping out and living life wildly. Apparently never forgiving Maximus for his betrayals. She couldn"t help but laugh

"Love! Love! How foolish! All of you!" Cata gestured wide "Everyone does everything for love! It"s amazing how stupid you all are. My father, my brother, Gwen, You, my brothers mate, even my own mother! Everyone acts according to love. And you want to know what? They have or will fail because of it. And I will win because I love no one but myself" she said venomously. Maximus could only stare at her. Beautiful on the outside but evil and dark on the inside.

"You better hope fate doesn"t ever give you a true mate because I"m sure he"ll make you suffer and you will learn the true power of love" Maximus responded. Cat narrowed her eyes and crowed his s.p.a.ce.

"When you look back on this day and wonder how you failed to free your mate, blame it on love" She snarled before turning on her heels and rounded the corner.

She thought she had won, that she got the better of Maximus, but she missed the determined look in his black eyes as her watched her retreat with balled shaking fists. This wasn"t over by a long shot.


Ana Pov

"She went back to high school." Jace said drawing the same conclusion I had.

"Of course she did. Kim wouldn"t miss the chance to show off" I added sitting on the unused bed. It sank under my weight and I felt air swoosh out of it.

"Yeah right" He replied lost in some thought. When his eyes connected with mine the intensity made my stomach clench. His eyes were saying so many things at once but none of it left his mouth.

"Ana" he began coming closer to me. I stiffened "There are so many things I want to say to you right now. But I"ll start with why are you wearing a s.e.xier man"s suit?" his question totally threw me off because that was the last thing I was expecting him to say. My baffled expression made him laugh and after a moment I did too.

"It was this or a twenty pound medieval dress" I joked. It felt good to laugh and see him laugh. But I couldn"t help but think of a certain half smile I missed seeing.

"You look beautiful, messy hair and all" He added sweetly. I was getting ready to say thanks when I noticed something.

"Uh Jace, are you okay? You seem to be fading" I pointed out. Jace instantly shot up and panic crossed his eyes.

"Oh no. I"ve been away from my body for too long. I have to go or I"ll be lost" His voice shook and he turned to make sure the cord was still extruding from him. He turned back to me with sadden eyes.


"I know. I"ll see you soon. Tell everyone I miss them so much" I said holding back tears. Jace gave a stiff nod with a small smile and vanished through the closed window.

I looked out into the black night but there was no trace of him. The more I thought about the moments I just spent with the Jace the more I realized who I wanted to be my mate. I think I knew it all along but I just wasn"t ready to face the truth. No one could ever compare to him and they never will. He was the only one who really held my heart. I made a silent vow as I watched the small waves of the ocean, that as soon as I leave this place I was announcing my mate.

It was time.

The bedroom door bursting open shook me from my thoughts

"I see you"re somewhat ready" Gwen snapped entering the room in a skin tight green dress that hugged her curves and flowed past her feet. Even as beautiful as she was I could still see the sadness deep, deep in her cold eyes.

"As ready as I"ll ever be" I shot back mustering up some confidence. I refused to meet the king acting like a scared puppy with my tail between my legs. Gwen looked me up and down.

"Interesting choice of attire. Follow me" and with that we were off. Walking the quiet halls, clicking down the spiral stairs until we eventually came to stop in front of a door. It was a big door but I doubted a dining room was on the other side. Gwen gave me a wary glance but before I could question her she pushed the double doors opened and all but threw me inside.

I was lucky my vampire reflexes kept me from tripping. Inside the fairly lit room which was really an office.

I felt a chill. I turned to come face to face with a man sitting behind a desk in a huge chair. He studied me with red eyes calmly. His unwavering gaze almost made me want to break out in a sweat if I could. He looked to be in his forties and was dressed in a gray suit with not a hair out of place.

I swallowed hard.

This was the king; the vampire king Ferox. I made sure to stand taller and push as much confidence to the surface as I could. Be strong Ana.

Behind him I noticed something strange. I missed it at first because it just appeared to be a shadow but looking closely now it most definitely wasn"t. It was a person. They were dressed in all black. I a.s.sume it was a woman because of the long black skirt but I couldn"t be sure because the face was hidden by a dark veil. What the h.e.l.l?

"You look so much like her" Ferox said breaking the ice but not his eye contact

"Wh-What?" I could kick myself for stuttering.

"When I first heard a kinetic vampire was planning to a.s.sa.s.sin me I thought it was rubbish" He said with an accent that I couldn"t place "But seeing you here, now, with those crystal blue eyes makes me wonder how she did it?" He ended looking at me expectantly. Was I supposed to answer that? I had no clue what he was talking about so I just stood there awkwardly.

"From the dumbfounded look on your face I take that as you having no idea how our past connects do you daughter of Celeste?" When he said my mother"s name I had to suppress my reaction. But the glint in his eyes was enough to know he"d caught it "Have a seat" he gestured to one of the empty gla.s.s chairs across from him. I forced the nerves from my body and stiffly took a seat across from the vampire I"m supposed to kill.

"Would you care to know how you mother destroyed my family?" He asked smoothly but his eye were a blaze with anger. His words however stunned me and angered me.

"My mother didn"t destroy your family. Your father destroyed mine" I snapped back this time there was no tremble in my voice. I wouldn"t let him distort the truth like that.

"My father only acted because of what your mother did to him" he snarled

"And what was that?" I questioned sarcastically. He looked me right in the eye before answering

"She broke his heart…"


Seb Pov

Running .

That"s the only thing he felt he could do. Seb launched from the small porch of Cora"s and took off down the dirt road. Something strange was happening to him and he couldn"t live in denial forever. Every day he changed more, little by little. He was getting faster and stronger. More aware, and his senses were expanding; he could smell and hear things further and further away. Even now as he ran at full speed he could still smell a faint tint of Ana in the air.


The vampire that stole his heart without his permission. She entered his life so fast and hard he never had a chance against her. He closed his eyes picturing her blue ones staring at him, reading him like an open book. The way she smiled made him feel alive. He would do anything to keep a smile on her face. He hated the fact that she was destined for another because every day he loved her more and every second he knew he couldn"t stop fighting for her.

He picked up his pace and could feel the heat burning in his legs from the force he was using to exert himself. Seb didn"t care about the pain. All he wanted to was to get Ana back. And then figure out what the h.e.l.l was happening to him.

For some reason Lily"s crazy theory wasn"t seeming to crazy anymore. He couldn"t even explain to himself what happened on Nexus. When those huge wolves showed up ready to attack, his instincts took over and he simply followed them. But how? How did he have those type of instincts when he"s never been around wild animals his whole life?

Suddenly he was hot, too hot. His skin was burning all over and he was sweating profusely. His knees gave out and he collapsed to the ground, panting hard. Seb"s vision began to blur as darkness crept around the edges. All too soon the darkness took over…

When he opened his eyes he was in the middle of a forest. Pockets of sunlight broke through the trees and an unreal mist surrounded the ground almost to his knees. He frantically searched around, wondering where he was and how he got here. Low growls from behind him caught his attention. Seb snapped around searching for the source but couldn"t find one.

"Who"s there?" He demanded getting into a defensive position.

"I am" a deep rumbling voice called back. Seb stared hard into the darkness behind the trees, trying to see who was back there; hidden

"Show yourself!" He spoke more aggressively this time.

He began to hear the slow crunch of footsteps on leaves. Seb realized before he saw that it was more than one person because he picked up the sound of four steps. To his surprise what emerged from the trees wasn"t a person at all. It was a humongous wolf. Almost like the ones on Nexus, but larger in size, and as black as the night sky.

The wolf pinned Seb with its fierce glowing yellow eyes. He had to force himself to stay standing on his two feet. They circled each, slowly. The wolf"s dark fur almost shinned in the night. Seb wasn"t sure what to do, but he knew running was out of the question.

"What do you want?" he asked the larger creature. They continued to circle each other. Neither breaking eye contact.

"I. Want. Out." The wolf snarled. Before Seb could question what that meant, the huge animal pounced.

It leapt high in the air and landed directly on Seb"s chest. The sheer weight of it knocked the air from his lungs. He tried to fight it off but the wolf was too strong.

It opened its mouth wide, revealing never ending rows of sharp teeth. And not a second later savagely dove every pointed canine into Seb"s exposed throat….






That"s all for now...

And Ana made her choice, who is it?

Do you think she can hold up to that?

What exactly is Catalina"s plan


Did Jace make it back to his body?

And what"s the King gonna do with Ana??

Is she gonna escape?

Do you think Kim will have a part to play in her escape plan?

Maximus, what"s his plan too?

And Gwen, who else thinks she has a hidden agenda?

What is prince Ca.s.sius gonna do when he finds out Ana has got two other mates?

What exactly is Seb turning into???

and Lily is she human??