Pure Vampire

Chapter 75



Kim Pov

The students of Mercy Heights were drawn to her like a moth to a flame. And she loved it….Kim leaned back smoothly on the cold metal lockers and smirked at all on the onlooker"s stunned faces by her new appearance. She felt confident, s.e.xy, powerful and most importantly dangerous.

Kim had decided to return to high school when the trails after Talon lead cold. For days she searched for the vampire that gave her a purpose; that gave her immortality, but after about five hundred miles of running she completely lost his scent. Now she stood in the hallways before cla.s.ses began, basking in all the attention.

The tight black leather skirt was riding so high it threatened to spill her Victoria secrets. She paired it with a black halter top with two sparkly cherries over the breast; the shirt allowed all her former cla.s.smates to witness her flat toned stomach. It was no secret Kim had become a heavy drinker after Ana ran off and Jace dumped her, resulting in an unflattering pudgy midsection.

Now that was gone too, along with her long hair. The questions were fired at her quicker than lighting striking the earth. In true diva fashion Kim remained tight lipped about her transition. She kept her cool and just ate up the attention.

Josie came shoving her way through the glob of people not bothering to apologize for her rudeness. When her shorter, sunny blonde friend caught sight of her, Josie"s mouth dropped.

"Kim! You look wow" she started but caught herself and regained her composure.

They weren"t the type of friends to give each other compliments; it was more likely for them to point the areas in which the other could improve on. "Where have you been? It"s been almost two weeks with no word. We thought you pulled a piggy stunt." Josie said referring to Ana"s disappearance two years ago. Too bad she didn"t stay gone . Kim thought.

"How do you like my new look?" She asked, intentionally ignoring Josie"s questions. Preferring to get her enjoyment from the envious look in her supposed best friend"s eyes. Josie distracted herself by readjusting her pink Prada bag from her left shoulder to her right.

"It"s okay, little too edgy for you in my opinion. What"d you do run off and get liposuction?" Josie sniped in a friendly tone even though her words were anything but. Kim laughed. It was all the proof she needed that she looked good and Josie was p.i.s.sed about it.

Before more words could be exchanged a few students left, but the football team rounded the corner. Kim"s eyes lit up in excitement; Josie"s sparked with panic. They both were aware of Bobby and his friends approaching. Kim couldn"t wait for him to see her, but Josie didn"t want to risk the compet.i.tion. She still didn"t know Kim and Bobby had already been hooking up secretly for months.

Kim used to want Bobby to be her boyfriend. After Jace epically dumped her and then rejected his popular status, Bobby became the hottest guy at Mercy Heights. He was popular, attractive, a jock and a bit of a jerk. But Josie already had him, publically anyway. Now as they watched the jock with the messy blonde hair and dull green eyes stroll down the hallway, Kim realize he no longer held the appeal he used to. She had moved on to better things, to Talon; her maker, her lover…her soul mate….

Still why not take pleasure in watching Josie squirm a little bit longer. Just as expected Josie darted in front of Bobby right before he caught sight of Kim and planted a forceful kiss on his lips. It was her shallow way of a.s.serting her claim to him. It didn"t bother Kim the slightest.

"Whoa! What"s gotten into you today?" Bobby asked breaking off the kiss before a teacher gave them a PDA detention slip. Josie batted her eyes trying to make herself look s.e.xy but he didn"t even notice. Due to Josie"s short stature Bobby was able to see over her head and lock eyes with the new and improved Kim.

"Hot holy d.a.m.n!" he quipped adding a high whistle the way construction workers do when a s.e.xy girl walks pa.s.s.

Josie tried to keep his attention on her but he merely pushed her aside until he was only inches away from Kim. "Look at you Walker! Wow! I"m impressed" he cheeky grinned and folded his arms while his eyes roamed every part of her body. The l.u.s.t in his gaze was undeniable. Somewhere behind him Josie huffed.

"You know me" Kim purred stepping even closer "I like to keep you on your toes" they were almost chest to chest

"I see" he replied not hiding the way he was gawking at her "You"re almost as hot as your sister. What is it with you Walker Girls?" Bobby was oblivious to the red hot rage that he just invoked in Kim. The fact that he compared her to Ana and basically said her sister still beat her had the blood boiling and her fangs exploding.

Bobby"s eyes were making their way back to her face and Kim quickly dropped her head. Talon told her to never expose herself unless she planned to kill the witness. Now wouldn"t be a good time for that.

Most of the students were gone but still a few trudged through the hallways or stopped at their lockers. Kim focused on coaching her fangs back into her mouth before someone saw.

"Miss Walker!" an angry male voice yelled.

From the tone and the way he said her last name as Wau-kur like he had a hard time enunciating "e"s", she knew it was the scrawny vice princ.i.p.al. Mr. Clay grabbed her shoulder and whipped her around to face him. They had spent a lot of time together since she began high school. Mainly because she was always in trouble for skipping cla.s.s, bullying, drinking or just complete disrespect to school officials.

Mr. Clay"s angry eyes trailed her skimpy outfit and his face turned a shade of red. Probably having inappropriate thoughts and was trying to hide it. He adjusted his toupee and regained his former angry state. Luckily Kim was able to put her fangs away but now she felt the need to pull them back out. This was the man that held her back a year, making her the only nineteen year old senior. Not that she planned to continue high school now that she was a hot vampire, but still it was the principle of it.

"Your clothes violate school dress code and you have unexcused absences. In my office now!" he yelled.

Spittle flew from his mouth and landed on her jaw. Mr. Clay stormed away missing the irritated expression on Kim"s face. This was going to end today; she"d had enough of Mr. Clay giving her c.r.a.p. She gave Bobby a quick wink before following behind her next victim…

Once inside his familiar small, stale smelling office Kim flopped down in the plastic chair across from his desk. One could barely tell what color the desk was because it was covered in mountains of papers and manila folders.

"Now" Mr. Clay began moving some stacks around so he could see her when he sat in his slightly more comfortable chair. "You haven"t attended to school in almost two weeks. Did you know your parents filed a missing persons report on you?" he asked like she cared. She only rolled her eyes. Her dad screwed anything with legs and her mother was a depressed mess. Going home didn"t ring as a fun thing to do, that"s why it wasn"t done.

"Who cares" Kim deadpanned s.n.a.t.c.hing a snow globe off his desk. She shook it hard until the tiny white flakes surrounded the Eiffel tower. Mr. Clay let out a slow breath of frustration, once again moving his hair piece around his head.

"What do you care about Miss Walker?" Mr. Clay asked with growing impatience. Kim tilted her head as she thought about his question. Did she really care about anything anymore? There was Talon, but what else?

The quiet in the room made it all too easy to hear his steady strong beating heart. The sound lulled her into a trance. She tuned her ears even more to listen to the sound of his blooding flowing through his veins. The mere thought of the hot, sweet thickness pouring down her throat had her fangs itching to lower.

"You know what I care about Mr. Clay?" she said slowly getting to her feet. The globe dropped from her hands and shattered on the hardwood floor. Mr. Clay gasped, startled by the sound it made when it crashed. But he couldn"t take her eyes off of Kim.

She began pushing stacks of papers off the desk to make way for her seductively crawling on top of it "I care about all the blood running through your body. Keeping you alive, and me so so hungry" She purred. Now she was halfway across the desk.

Mr. Clay"s eyes danced with confusion and fear and his heart beat quickened. Kim"s eyes went completely black from the antic.i.p.ation of her next meal. The older man practically fell out of his chair as he tried to get up; finally realizing he was in true danger.

However Kim was too quick. In a second she was off the desk and standing in front of him smiling a fang filled smile. A scream attempted to leave his lips but she swiftly pressed him into the wall with a hand over his mouth.

"Shusshh… Don"t worry Mr. Clay, this won"t hurt….much" She taunted. The man"s eyes bugged out his head and the smell of urine hit the air as he wet himself. Kim ignored the p.i.s.s pooling around her stilettos and pushed his head to the side, preparing to feast.

Out of nowhere Mr. Clay"s body went slack in her arms. She stepped back and he dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes. He was still breathing so her first a.s.sumption was he fainted; that was until she heard the collective sound of five heartbeats standing behind her.

Rolling her eyes in annoyance she turned on heels to face her intruders. At the sight of them she was only mildly surprised.

"Well, to what do I owe this pleasure…?"


Jace Pov

They had made in back to Mercy Falls just in time to prevent Kim from killing. And not just anybody but the vice principle of their high school. When they arrived a few students told him they saw her being taken to the princ.i.p.al"s office. Not that it was a surprise to him, Kim stayed in trouble. They"d quietly entered the office to the sight of Kim inches away from sinking her fangs into Mr. Clay"s neck.


