Pure Vampire

Chapter 87



Catalina Pov

She heard Ca.s.sandras screams of revenge even after the ebony skinned vampire took her away. The pain and fury of her voice alone left Cata on edge. This piece of unfinished business needed to be handled immediately.

More guards had finally entered the destroyed execution room and rushed to her side.

"Find me Raven. Now!" She ordered losing her balance and falling to one knee. Ca.s.sandra did a great job of shoving the platinum star deep into her core. The poison was working its way through her body, killing her slowly. Lucky for her that it was only one star or she"d already be dead.

A few guards flew off following her orders while another helped her to her feet. In less than a minute the Goth clothed witch came strolling into the room, a.s.sessing the scene

"h.e.l.lo princess, you called for me" Raven stated.

"Where have you been?! All h.e.l.l is breaking loose and your nowhere in sight!" Catalina yelled. It caused her to cough and spit up blood.

"I"m sorry princess I have been handling other important matters-"

"Shut up! I don"t care just get this d.a.m.n thing out of me!" the princess ordered grasping her bleeding core. Raven tilted her veiled head to the side curiously, apparently taking in the damage. Slowly the dark witch stepped closer to Catalina and held her hand directly in front of the wound.

"AHH!" Catalina screamed as the star began moving and sc.r.a.ping her insides. In a flash it shot out of her stomach landing right into Ravens open hand. The witch curled her fingers around the b.l.o.o.d.y weapon. "Couldn"t you have found a less painful solution? Where"s my father?" Catalina asked angrily. Slowly the hole began to heal and she could feel her strength coming back.

"My apologies. Your father is in his study. Your mother-" Raven stopped short by the death glare Cata gave her "Excuse me, I mean Acacia is dead but she did manage to wound your father before he finished her. Not to worry it was only minor injuries."

"Good, at least that"s one problem solved. Now send some guards after that red head b.i.t.c.h and bring her back to me alive so I can kill her myself" Catalina spat before waving Raven off. She didn"t too much care for the witch but understood her father"s purpose for having her around. Dark witches could do things vampires couldn"t, simple as that. In the vampire world only the powerful reign supreme.

Cata replaced her gloves and the remaining guards left the room with her heading to her father"s study. Anger at the way the night went is all she felt. This was supposed to be the easy part. But of course Acacia and Ca.s.sandra ruined it, the way they ruined everything before. At least one of them isn"t around to disrupt anything else. She thought. A small smiled played on her lips. Finally Acacia was dead. No remorse or regret was felt on her part.

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Catalina turned the corner, heels clicking on the hardwood floor. She was so determined to get to her father she almost ran right into Gwen also coming around the corner in the opposite direction.

"Oh h.e.l.lo princess, I was just speaking with Ferox" Gwen stated. The council leader was staring at her with love in her eyes. Catalina wanted to gag.

"And?" the princess replied rudely. Gwen looked startled by her hostility but kept her composure.

"Can I speak to you? Alone" Gwen asked looking pointedly at the guards behind the princess. They took the hint and dismissed themselves. "Are you okay?" she added gently taking her lover"s gloved hand into hers once they were alone.

"Yes" Catalina replied s.n.a.t.c.hing her hand back "Is there anything else Gwendolyn?" the hurt look on Gwen"s face couldn"t be mistaken. Yet still the princess regarded her with distaste.

"Why are you being this way? Did I do something wrong?" Gwen asked almost pleadingly. Cata rolled her eyes. This whole thing was starting to annoy her, and things that annoyed her usually didn"t live long.

"Gwen, I"ve had a very long day and your blocking my way to my father" Catalina replied folding her arms across her chest.

"Your father is fine. He just sent me to find Ca.s.sius and his mate and bring them to him. That gives us time to talk" Gwen said "Are you hurt?" she asked noticing the blood on her clothes

"I"m fine. Where"d you run and hide when Acacia lost her mind?" the accusatory tone of Catalina"s voice couldn"t be missed.

"I"m a council leader, therefore I had to get myself and the rest of the council to safety" Gwen explained defending her actions. The princess huffed

"d.a.m.n the council, it"s a joke anyway. The only reason there is a council is so that we can appear to be fair and just amongst the vampires. The royals protection is all that truly matters" Cata arrogantly informed her.

"I"m sorry that you feel that way. The council is impor-"

"I don"t care! What do you want Gwen because this is a waste of my time" the princess interrupted angrily

"I want to know why you are treating me this way. Is it because I didn"t stay and fight?" Gwen asked fearfully. This time Catalina had finally had enough. It was time for Gwen to know exactly how she felt. This game has gone on far too long and she was bored of it.

"Okay Gwendolyn, you want to know why, I"ll tell you why. It"s because you"re pathetic" she said maliciously.

Gwen gasped "Pathetic?" she questioned shocked "How can you say that to me?"

"Easy, because it"s true. You"re also sad, desperate and weak. Truth is at first this was just a test…" Catalina began as she walked a slow circle around a silent Gwen "I wanted to see if I could succeed where everyone else including my brother failed; to see if the cold, stern Gwen could be bedded. And guess what?" she paused, lips inches away from Gwen"s left ear "She could. It was so easy. So I took it a step further by seeing if I could melt that cold heart and make you fall in love again. That was more of a challenge but still not impossible. To be honest I thought it"d be harder" Catalina chuckled standing directly in front of Gwen again.

"You"re lying" Gwen accused but some uncertainty played in her black eyes

"Ha!" the princess laughed "I did too good of a job since you don"t even believe me now"

Gwen searched her lovers eyes for any sign of deceit but all she found was honesty and boredom. Catalina was heartless. She stood in front of the vampire she has been with for over a year, breaking her heart without a second thought; without a care.

"But I love you…" Gwen admitted as single tear slid down her perfect face.

"Aw" Catalina replied wiping away the tear and licking it off her finger "And that"s what made it so fun. But now I"m bored of it" she ended simply. Before walking away she planted a small kiss on Gwen"s lips. "Mm" she said after pulling away "You taste even better heartbroken" and with that Catalina turned away laughing as Gwen stood alone trying to figure out she allowed the princess to break her heart…


Ana Pov

Ca.s.sius stood in the doorway with his chest heaving up and down in rage. The thing that made it scarier was the fact that he didn"t even need to breathe. His red eyes held anger and power that couldn"t be denied. But deep within, I saw his sadness.

His mother was just killed by his father and I was trying to escape with my other mates. The guilt froze me in place and I couldn"t make a sound. Ca.s.sius glanced at me but his focus was truly only on Seb and Jace

"Are these your other mates?" he asked in an eerily calm voice. I was so thrown off by the question that I kept opening and closing my mouth like a fish.

"Yes we are. And were leaving" Jace replied in a surprisingly confident voice. Seb was stoned face but I knew him well enough to know he was planning an attack.

"Oh yes you are leaving, but not with my mate. And not alive …" Ca.s.sius sneered. As soon as the words left his mouth Jace launched a fire ball at him. Ca.s.sius ducked and the ball landed on his bed setting it ablaze.

Then suddenly Jace fell to his knees screaming and clutching his head. The veins in his forehead strained against the skin, almost bursting through it. The prince must be using his ability on him.

That"s when Seb made his move.

At an impossible speed Seb tackled Ca.s.sius to the ground. The two of them rolled on top of one another landing hard blows nonstop.

This is insane! My mates are fighting and all I"m doing in standing here! I need to help them but I don"t want to hurt Ca.s.sius even more than he"s already hurting. My mind spun as I continued to watch the scene unfold.

Ca.s.sius had gotten the upper hand and was punching Seb brutally in the face. Luckily Jace"s mind had cleared and he threw himself onto Ca.s.sius back. He succeeded at getting him off of Seb but Jace was no match for Ca.s.sius in hand to hand combat. The vampire flipped the witch off before picking him up and throwing him across the room. Jace crashed to the wall, sliding down into a heap. Not a second later Seb was back up and he and Ca.s.sius tangled... Swing, hit, swing, and dodge . It went on and on. They both were great fighters but sooner or later Ca.s.sius would win.

We are still at the blood castle so there are guards probably on their way here now. The fight started barely five minutes ago but it had gone on long enough. I can"t risk the lives of two mates for one. No matter how bad I feel, I have to save them.

Something shiny on the floor caught my eyes. Avoiding Ca.s.s and Seb I stepped closer to it. When I reached it I realized it was a tiny syringe filled with thick liquid platinum. It hit me that it must have fallen out of Sebs pocket. This was what he used on me when I tried to kill Kim in Nexus. And now I know what I have to do with it.

Cautiously I stepped behind the prince. He had Seb against his dresser and was choking him viciously with both hands.

" I"m sorry " I whispered and then I drove the needle in the base of his neck.

Ca.s.sius instantly dropped his hold on Seb. Slowly he turned to face me and the look of hurt in his eyes made my heart clench. Before I could step away he grabbed me by the back of my head and yanked me to him until our lips almost touched.

"I…will…find…you…" he promised looking intently into my eyes. Not a second later his body collapsed to the ground unconscious. I released a loud erratic breath. What did I just do? This isn"t how this was supposed to happen.

But there was nothing I could do about it now.

"Come on" Seb said grabbing my hand "He won"t be out long" I shook off my guilt putting my head into the moment. Seb was right it was past time to go. Jace stirred on the floor waking up from his hard encounter with the wall. Both Seb and I helped him to his feet.

"Is he dead?" Jace asked noticing Ca.s.sius unmoving body. I shook my head no at the same time that a group of guards poured into the room.


The three of us backed up until our bodies were stopped by the window. The guards took in Ca.s.sius body and the burning bed and then they charged us. Acting quickly I placed my palm against the window. Blue bolts shot out shattering the entire window into bits

"JUMP!" I yelled. My mates didn"t question me and the three of us leapt out into the darkness of the night.

No one screamed.

The sound of the wind whipping around us was all I could hear. The night was eerily quiet and the ocean was surprisingly still. The serene fall is like a respite from the chaos inside the castle. The fall is almost graceful; as if it were happening in slow motion.

I watched as the gla.s.s from the window reflects light from the moon. The shards illuminated something in the water but it was too obscured to see clearly. When we finally plummeted into the dark ocean the coldness of it was astonishing. I instantly worried for Jace and Seb bodies being able to handle the shock of the fall combined with the freezing temperatures. The water was so dark I could barely see anything, even with my enhanced vision.

A sense of danger overcomes me sending a chill down my spine. The darkness doesn"t help me shake it off. Summoning my ability to my aide, I use the bright blots to my advantage. They flow through my body into my hands where they oscillate around my fingers in beautiful spirals painting the black waters electric blue. The light helps me find Seb, who is only a few feet away. Seb motioned for us to start swimming up. I nod in agreement but continued to spin around searching for Jace underwater.

It"s not long before I find him.

Somehow he had gotten separated from us and judging from the thrashing of his body, he was panicking. I begin to swim toward him and that"s when I saw it; the creature that had been alerting me of its presence since I hit the water.

It was a great white shark.

Nothing on the discovery channel could have prepared me for how huge and intimidating these creatures are in real life. Jace was unaware of the danger that was coming from behind him. I opened my mouth to scream a warning but the water drowned the sound.

Not having any other option I swim faster than I could even imagine towards him. My only hope is its fast enough. The gray shark must have the same idea because it"s also approaching Jace at an impossible speed.

Luckily I reach him first and do the only thing I can think to do. I latch on to his legs and with all my might I fling him up through the water. The currents in the ocean make it difficult but my vampire strength propels him through the water into the air. A feeling of relief washes over me knowing that I can deal with the shark while Jace is safely out of reach.

That feeling is short lived as the shark changes its direction and starts pursuing Jace towards the surface. My feeling of relief is changed to horror as I"m forced to watch helplessly as the shark flies into the air shortly after Jace.

I was trying to save him and I inadvertently put him in more danger. The shark opens its mouth wide, desperate to have its meal. But fortunately it wasn"t close enough. The shark snapped its jaws an inch shy of Jace"s body, barely missing him.

As it made its way back to the water its black eyes landed on me. Something in the depths of them told me I had majorly p.i.s.sed it off.

I didn"t have time to prepare for what happened next.

As soon as the shark dived back into the water it attacked. Its enormous mouth nearly consumed me. Thousands of teeth pierced through my side as the beast drove me fast and hard in the deep ocean waters. My shock caused me to lose my grip on my ability and once again I was engulfed in darkness. I tried to free myself but it was useless. The monster had me with no intentions of letting go.

This can"t happen. I didn"t risk everything to only die by the hands of a shark. It may be a predator but so am I and its past time I show this shark exactly what it"s dealing with.

I stop thrashing and stare deep into the beast"s black eye. Even deep down here I can see my now glowing red eyes through its. I open my mouth flashing my fangs in ferocious display of domination. It has the desired effect because the stunned shark instantly lets go of me. The wounds it caused closed up and I thought the worst was over; until I saw Seb.

He must have seen the shark drag me deeper and came to help. The problem with that is the shark also spotted him and wasted no time changing tactics and charging after Seb.

Here we go again .

I pursed the shark as it pursed Seb and Seb, noticing it coming, pushed towards the surface. He wasn"t moving as fast as I wanted him to and the shark was gaining. It must be the lack of oxygen slowing him down but luckily for me I didn"t need air.

I illuminated my hands again to better help me gauge the distance the shark was to Seb. It was dangerously close. But so was I to it. I reached my hand out and grabbed hold of its tailfin just inches before it reached Seb"s retreating foot. To distract it even more I dug my nails through the thick skin, drawing blood.

The good thing was the shark lost interest in Seb. The bad thing was it regained its interest in me. It spun around baring its teeth. The predator vs predator truce we previously established was over. I had interrupted its feeding one too many times and now it wanted me to pay for it.

No worries. It was time for Bruce to die anyways. I called him Bruce because it reminded me of the shark from Finding Nemo; only in looks, not personality.

We both waded in the water, sizing each other up. And then I took off, diving deeper into the unfamiliar depths of the ocean. Just as expected Bruce chased me, which meant Seb was safe for now. As for me, I had a plan. I just hoped it wouldn"t drain me of all my energy after I executed it.

Bruce was so close I could feel his sharp teeth nipping at my heels. I let my kinetic energy flow through me until it felt strong and secure. Then I made my move. I quickly spin around and slam my hands against the side of its head. Bruce"s enormous jaws opened wide directly in front of my face.

As soon as my palms touched I released the energy I"d been gathering. The bolts ran through the shark"s body and the creature began to shake uncontrollably, still I didn"t let go but instead pushed more bolts through the shark. The ocean was vibrantly lite up from all the power I was using.

Then finally the shark"s body exploded into bits and more light poured out throughout the water. After the beast was dead my ability cut off too. The only bit I had left was lighting my hands.

Much slower I began to swim back and noticed several more sharks around me. But to my surprise they only glanced at me before swimming off in another direction.

Even a predator is smart enough to know a losing battle when they see one…


