Pure Vampire

Chapter 90

Ana Pov

"Seb?" I say again hesitantly.

The wolf stops licking and slowly nods its ma.s.sive head. I slap my hand to my mouth to keep the scream in. Oh my goodness! Seb"s a wolf! How did this happen? As I continue to look into his eyes I realize he doesn"t look upset. His silver tail is gently wagging as he continues to patiently watch me.

"Can you change back?" I ask. This is such a blow to my mind that Seb is actually a werewolf! I wonder how all this happened? And when? Seb"s ears perked up and he tilted his head to the side curiously. The act was so adorable I couldn"t help but smile.

Maybe he can"t change back and is stuck this way . The thought breaks my heart and I can"t help but reach out and comfort him. My hand caresses the side of his jaw. The fur is so soft I could rub it forever.

Then suddenly something amazing begins to happen…

The fur on the place I touched began to literally melt away. I was so shocked I yanked my hand back. Beneath it was Seb"s beautiful tan skin. He raised his head back to me and right before my eyes the wolf fades. It didn"t look painful but magical. As if a breeze of magic swept over him and blew the wolf away. In seconds the wolf was gone and Seb lay in its place

"Seb!" I screamed and jumped him. He engulfed me in the warmest most loving hug I"ve ever felt.

"I"m so glad you"re okay" he whispered in my ear still not letting me go.

"Same goes to you wolfman" I joke.

We pull apart slightly and that"s when I realize he"s naked. "Oh gosh!" I shout slamming my eyes closed before they traveled all the way down his amazing sculpted body. Be cool Ana, it"s just a hot guy, but d.a.m.n I want to look so badly.

Seb chuckles before placing a kiss on my forehead. A second later he gets up and I can hear him shuffling around.

"You can open your eyes now" he says amused. When I open them he"s standing in the middle of the barn in nothing but tattered shorts. Only light from the moon shines through the cracks in the ceiling but it"s more than enough to see the gorgeous man before me.

"So what happened? And where are we?" I ask changing the subject and looking around the empty barn at the random hay stacks.

Seb gently takes my hand leading me to one of the stacks of hay to sit on. He sits next to me slowly checking the area where I was shot. It"s completely healed but I was surprised to see a tiny silver scar where the hole once was. I also notice my dress is torn and my bra is exposed. Embarra.s.sed I try to cover it up.

"Well you scared me to death" he starts looking so relieved. "I was fighting with Talon when I heard your voice. It was like a whisper in my mind. Do you remember calling out to me?" he asked. I thought back to the moment when I realized I"d been shot. The pain was consuming me. But in the back of my mind I knew what or rather who I needed.

"Yes. It was instinctive" I tell him honestly. There"s another reason why I called to him but I wasn"t ready to say it just yet.

Seb took my hands in his. "When I thought you were going to die Ana, I nearly lost it. I couldn"t bear to live knowing I failed to protect you. When Helia came she gave me this look that told me I could save you. At the same time I felt the wolf inside me. He was going crazy trying to break free but I refused to let go. For so long I didn"t let go. But when it came to saving your life I did. I knew the wolf was how I could save you so I let it take over. It hurt like h.e.l.l changing but it was worth it. My wolf knew immediately that you needed its venom. Something about werewolf venom cured your platinum infection. After that my wolf needed to take you someplace safe to heal and this old barn is where we have been for the last two days. I couldn"t change back or leave your side, my wolf wasn"t satisfied that you were well until you touched me" Seb explained.

It brightens my heart to hear how much he cared for me. However, two days? I"ve been out for two days? It only felt like hours maybe to me but certainly not two days. The others must be going crazy! I have to get back and make sure they are all ok. I stand abruptly to my feet but Seb gently pulls me back down.

"Don"t worry I"m sure everyone is fine" he a.s.sured me almost reading my mind.

"I still need to make certain. If Ca.s.sius or his men find them-"

"Sshh its okay. Helia appeared to me last night and told me they were headed back to Cora"s. They"ll be safe there" he finished. I sighed deeply. Well that"s one less thing to worry about. But thinking about Helia reminded me of something.

"That day when Helia gave you that drink at her house, do you think that"s what made you a wolf?" I questioned. If she was the one who did this to him I"ll make her fix it. I don"t care if she"s the most powerful witch alive.

Seb thought for a moment "No, I don"t. I think I"ve always sort of felt it there but I didn"t understand what it was. It was as if the wolf inside was asleep and when Helia gave me that drink it woke him up. And he"s been awake trying to get out ever since" Seb explained. I guess that makes sense but a lot is still unexplained.
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"I thought the werewolves were extinct. When the heart of wolves was destroyed over a thousand years ago" I tell him

"That"s true. But they weren"t killed just separated from their beast or stuck in wolf form until so much time pa.s.sed that they forgot what they once were and newer generations never knew. The wolves we encountered in Nexus have forgotten that they used to be able to shift but when I showed up they could sense the wolf inside of me. Just as I could sense the human inside them. It"s why they didn"t attack" Seb informed me. Wow this is amazing! Seb is a freaking werewolf! If I didn"t see it for myself I don"t know if I"d believe it. Says the girl that"s a thousand year old vampire .

"Wow" was all I could say

"Do you mind if we discuss this later, there"s something I need to tell you and I don"t want to waste another second of you not knowing" he said sounding unsure for the first time. I swallowed a lump in my throat.

Oh gosh I hope he doesn"t have bad news. Finding out one of your mates is a werewolf is enough big news. Even still I nodded for him to continue.

He took deep breathe, squeezing my hands "Two years ago everything changed for me. Two years ago when I looked into your blue eyes I was captured by you. Before I met you Ana I was just a guard trying to protect my sister and get her away from the vampires safely. Nothing else mattered. I hated vampires. Talon and Marcos destroyed my life and I watched them do the same to others. I wanted nothing more than for every vampire to die a slow painful death. But then you came along. You were and still are different. You"re not like the rest; you"re so human and caring. I tried to distance myself but the more time I spent with you the harder I fell. Watching you treat my sister like she is your own and not some blood bank filled me with a joy and appreciation I can"t describe. For being her friend and showing her love I thank you." By this point tears were filling in my eyes. "But what you did for me goes beyond even that. Ana when I"m near you I feel alive. Before you came I didn"t realize how incomplete I was. But when you escaped, I did. I was empty without you Ana. Seeing those eyes and that beautiful smile was the best part of my days back at Marcos place. I know I"ve screwed up a lot. I"m so sorry for hurting you. But…" he trailed off.

My whole body was trembling. Tears were flowing down my face like a waterfall. If my heart could beat it would be pounding in throat and my face would be flushed red. Seb"s heart I could hear was thumping around his chest like a wild animal. His nervousness was as sweet as his words.

Seb stood from the hay stack and dropped to his knees before me "a.n.a.lise I humble myself and ask your forgiveness. But more than that I ask for your heart. Because two years ago I gave you mine without even knowing. I love you Ana. I love you more than I can imagine loving you. I love you at your worst and your best. I love you from your fangs to your sharp nails. I love you from your sarcasm to your courage. And no matter what the future holds, I know I will still love you. Your amazing Ana" He ended watching me intently.

To say by the time he finished I was crying like a baby would be an understatement. I was bawling my eyes out. All this time he"s felt this way about me and I never knew. The truth is I feel the exact same way about him.

I realized it at the blood castle that it was Seb I"d missed the most.

It was Seb I longed for at night.

It was the reason I called out to Seb when I got shot.

Seb was the only one for me.

Seb was my choice for my mate.

There was never a chance it would have been anyone else. He"s the only one who always stood by my side, even when his better judgment told him not to. He was able to love me despite everything vampires had done to him and his family.

"Seb" I whispered "I can"t give you my heart… you already have it. I love you so much. And I choose you as my mate. Always" I say taking his face in my hands. The pure happiness shinning in him warms me all over. Seb jumped to his feet picking me up in arms. I wrap my legs around his waist as he holds me tightly.

"I love you I love you I love you" he whispers over and over again like he can never grow tired of saying. I could never grow tired of hearing it. This moment is the happiest I"ve ever felt in my life. Finally he says the words I so longed for. The tears I shed are nothing but pure joy.

I couldn"t wait any longer so I crash my lips to his. Seb eagerly kisses me back. His warm silky lips feel like velvet against mine. I deepen the kiss wanting to be even closer to him. Our tongues dance without shame. His hands run up my spine igniting my never-ending need for him. How long we stood there kissing I couldn"t say. But it would never be long enough.

When we pull apart were both breathless, him from lack of oxygen, me because I felt so alive.

"Ana…" Seb speaks softly with our foreheads pressed together. His eyes are shinning gold and his teeth have elongated as well "I have to claim you. I"m trying to fight it but my wolf knows you are his and we must mark you"

I take in his rows of sharp teeth but I"m not afraid. I can feel the same need to bite him as well. My own fangs burst free in response. "Take me Seb. Make me yours…"

A low growl rumbles in his chest. It turned me on in a way I"ve never felt. Seb held me with one hand and used the other to pull down the ripped piece of dress hanging off my shoulder. Slowly he pulled me closer until I could feel his lips brush against my skin. The tiny movement sent sparks flying through my body. His pink tongue dashed out licking the skin smoothly. A moan escaped my lips. I could feel Seb"s own excitement pressing against me.

Then he sank his canines into my skin.

Everything changed after that. My body exploded like fireworks. A gentle caress spread inside of me starting from my shoulder all the way to my toes.

I needed more.


I needed to bite him more than I needed to drink blood.

Before he could remove his teeth from me I sank my fangs into him. The taste of his blood in my mouth was heaven. It was perfect. The sweetest, cleanest blood I"d ever tasted; even better than his blood used to taste.

Afterwards I became more aware of him. I could feel what he was feeling. Seb was happy, more than happy actually. When I bit him he finally felt complete. And so did I.

After we released our teeth from each other, I gazed back at him. His eyes were blazing blue like mine and mine reflected were golden like his. It was like he had a part of me and I had a part of him.

Slowly they faded back to our normal color and we began to kiss again like our lives depended on it. Seb lowered us to the ground never breaking the kiss. He crawled on top of me moving to my neck. My core was heating and throbbing with need. I dug my nails in his bare back loving the sounds of his moan and growls.

"Take me Seb. I need you… to… take me" I rasped in a thick l.u.s.t filled voice

"Are you sure? We can wait until everything is perfect" he croaked in a voice thick with as much l.u.s.t as mine. I looked around the old unused barn. It was barely standing along with the old hay littering the dusty ground. Then I turned my eyes back to Seb; my mate.

"Everything is perfect" and it was because he was here with me. Seb smiled and had I had breath it would have taken it away.

"I feel the same way" He replied bringing his lips back to mine.

I could never get enough of kissing him. The need for each other intensified and it was race to get out of our clothes. For him it was easy, me not so much. The tight ripped dress wasn"t sliding off all s.e.xy like they do in the movies, frustrated I yanked it off further tearing it. Seb chuckled helping me remove my bra and panties and then he kissed me on my left cheek, then right, forehead, nose and finally lips.

"You"re so beautiful in each and every way" Seb cooed to me

He is everything I ever wanted and more.

He positioned himself so his rather large member was dangerously close to my core. It both thrilled and scared me at the same time.

"Forever" he whispered looking into my eyes.

"Forever" I replied gazing into him.

Seb plunged into me and it was both painful and exhilarating. He tried to pull back when he thought he hurt me but I tightened my legs around his waist holding him in place. Slowly he thrust in and out. Each time it felt better and better. His eyes were glowing like lights as were mine. We moaned and kissed all over each other"s face and neck. I dug my nails into his back wanting more and more. It was so pleasurable. I couldn"t get enough. Bolts shot out from all over my body crawling along the hay covered floor. The blue light made it look like a dream.

I wanted him deeper so I used my immortal strength, flipping him over expertly so I was on top. Seb"s eyes lit up excitedly. I began grinding my hips against him harder and harder. Seb moaned, cupping my b.r.e.a.s.t.s and teasing the buds. I was practically screaming when he took one in his mouth making me experience more pleasure than I thought possible. I felt something deep inside me building up. It was like this pressure building and building. I didn"t know what it was building to I just knew I had to reach it.

Seb took hold of my hips, matching my thrust. I felt hot all over. My screams could probably be heard for miles but I didn"t care. I was almost at my peak. I knew Seb was too. Everything was so heightened now. I could feel my core pulsing around his member.

And then an explosion happened inside of me. It was like a burst of light and colors that made my whole body weak in the best way possible. My head fell back and I screamed in pleasure as my entire frame shook. Seb climaxed shortly after me, moaning my name and filling me with all his love.

Afterwards I collapsed onto his sweaty chest and he held me in his arms. We lay there panting for several minutes.

"That was wonderful" I said love drunk.

"Yes love it was" he replied running his fingers through my hair while I lay on his chest. I"ll cherish this moment forever…

Something tingling down my shoulder alerted my attention. I shifted my eyes to it realizing it was black lines forming a pattern around the area Seb had bit me. I watched them until they created a picture.

The picture was of Seb, well Seb in werewolf form anyway.

"Hey look at this" I tell him sitting up on his chest.

Seb stares at my b.o.o.bs and smiles wickedly "Mm yes those are lovely"

I smack him playfully "Not that silly. This" I say pointing at the tattoo like werewolf on my shoulder.

"Wow it looks amazing!" he beamed "It"s my mark" he rubbed his fingers over it and I had to fight back the l.u.s.t. Awesome! I can"t believe I"m claimed now!

"Wait, there"s nothing on you" I exclaim after I search his body for my face. His chest and shoulder are bare of any markings. Even my bit mark healed already. "Oh hold on, turn around" I prompt him after I remembered that my claim is on the back of the neck.

Sure enough a beautiful mark had emerged. The traditional mark that Jace and Ca.s.sius had was there but on top of it was more "Its two swords, one blue and one gold. They are intertwined; two handles, one blade. It looks like a really cool tattoo." I describe to him

"I love it already" he replies flipping me over and tickling me. I laugh even though I"m not ticklish but because I"m so happy. And to see Seb like this with his guard down and his emotions on full display makes my whole world.

"We have to go back you know" Seb informed me pulling me to his chest again. He was right and we both knew it. But I didn"t want to go just yet. I wasn"t ready to deal with Jace or Ca.s.sius or Ferox or anything else.

I wanted to stay and enjoy this little pocket of happiness with the man whose love consumes me..

"I know but let"s stay just a little while longer" I plead giving him puppy dog eyes.

"For you I"d stay a lifetime" he smiled

"I love you Sebastian"

"I love you too a.n.a.lise. Forever and Always…"



