Purple River

Chapter 02 Part 05 - High Command

Chapter 02 Part 05 - High Command

House ZiChuan"s highest commanding structure is divided into two levels and four departments. The first level includes the House of Headmaster (who has the highest authority in the family), and the Council of Elders (which is formed by representatives chosen by the public from every province).

The second level includes the High Command (led by the Supreme Commander and the six Commanders under his command, its mostly responsible for the implementation of specific administrative affairs.), and the Ministry of Supervision (The Chief of Supervision also holds the t.i.tle of a Commander, but he is ranked higher than the other six Commanders and lower than the Supreme Commander. However, the Ministry is not under the jurisdiction of the High Command. It is mainly responsible for supervising the other executive offices, and reports directly to the Headmaster).

Officially, members of High Command are appointed by the Headmaster (with the Council of Elder"s approval) and are under the direct command of Headmaster and the Council of Elders. In essence, the Supreme Commander is just a high-ranking official serving in the House of Headmaster. But in reality (due to the current Headmaster ZiChuan Shen Xing"s incompetence and Supreme Commander Yang Ming Hua"s wild ambitions), the real power of the House has gradually fallen into the hands of the High Command. Therefore, when high-ranking officers like ZiChuan Xiu return to the Capital, the first place they must visit is the High Command and not the House of Headmaster.

The guard on duty replied in a polite but aloof manner: “Supreme Commander Yang Ming Hua is very busy. If a newly appointed Deputy Commander wishes to see him, you better make an appointment several days ahead of time.”

“I understand.” ZiChuan Xiu said: “So can I make an appointment now?”

The guard browsed through his registration list: "Supreme Commander"s schedule is full until next Monday. Can you come by at three o"clock that afternoon? Supreme Commander has about five minutes for you."

“Great!” ZiChuan Xiu smiled. He wasn’t really in a hurry and this way, he could get a few more days off.

Just then, a middle-aged high-ranking officer walked past the hall. Upon seeing ZiChuan Xiu, he halted his steps.

“Hey, isn’t that Ah Xiu? You’re back?”

ZiChuan Xiu nodded and saluted politely: “Sir Fang, how have you been? It has been a long time!”

Fang Jin was the Black Banner Army Commander, and was also his childhood strategy teacher. Later on the two had fought side by side during the counterattack against House Liu Feng; they were well acquainted. ZiChuan Xiu was glad to be able to see a familiar face in a place ridden with hostility like the High Command.

“Terrible! My best disciple didn’t even come to see me after he got back. How well could I be?”

ZiChuan Xiu could feel the warmth swirling in his chest. Fang Jin knew all too well how much Supreme Commander Yang Ming Hua distrusted him, and yet he still came to talk in the open. Even during this dangerous time when Yang Ming Hua was ruling supreme, he could still meet someone who cared for him. It was rare.

“I only came back to Di Du yesterday. My plan for today was to report to the High Command first before I came to see you, but it just happens that—”

“Fine, there is no need to explain!” Fang Jin wrapped his arm around ZiChuan Xiu’s shoulder. “Well? Do you have a place to stay yet? How about my place? My two stupid girls just happen to be at that age as well. They are always h.o.r.n.y thinking about boys every day. How about I bring you home to them as a gift?” He sized ZiChuan Xiu’s well-built body up and down before complimenting, “You have turned out to be quite handsome indeed! Are you interested in becoming my son-in-law? You may choose either one of my girls…”

“Sir.” ZiChuan Xiu interrupted abruptly. “I’m already staying at Lady Ning’s place.”

“Oh!” Fang Jin cracked a smile: “No wonder…compared to Lady Ning, my two stupid girls are no match at all… Not bad, I approve of your choice!”

ZiChuan Xiu didn’t know if he should laugh or cry.

“The High Command is scheduled to be in a conference today, what are you doing here?”

“Oh, I just came back yesterday. I wanted to report in, but I was told that I needed an appointment in order to see the Supreme Commander…”

“I see…” Fang Jin took ZiChuan Xiu by his arm: “I will get you in!”

ZiChuan Xiu hesitated: “But if the High Command is in conference, with my stature…”

“What are you afraid of?! I have your back!” Fang Jin pushed and dragged ZiChuan Xiu into the conference room.

The conference had yet to start, so only a few people sat loosely across the long table.

“Come, let me introduce them to you!” Fang Jin pushed ZiChuan Xiu forward: “This one is the Border Army Commander – Ming Hui, my old partner!”

Ming Hui looked nothing like Fang Jin. He was well educated, tidily dressed, suave, and wore a pair of golden laced gla.s.ses like a well accomplished scholar. He politely shook ZiChuan Xiu’s hand: “Defeating eighty thousand demon forces with an army of thirty thousand during the Campaign of Heng Chuan was very impressive, Deputy Commander Xiu!”

“It was nothing. Your fame on the other hand is spread far and wide. I admire it wholeheartedly.” Not everything ZiChuan Xiu said was out of courtesy: Despite Ming Hui’s meekly and scholarly look, his forces had always been the ones to lead the charge during the recent invasions against House Liu Feng (And he was always the one charging ahead of everyone else). His unit was the first one to breach House Liu Feng’s Fortress – Lan Ling. But then the terrifying Liu Feng Shuang appeared, and he was the first one to run as well. In fact, he ran so fast that Liu Feng Shuang even praised his unit. “When you first saw them, you thought you could cut them down with your sabres; but when you reached for your sabres, you thought you needed spears; and when you grabbed your spears they had already gotten so far that you needed bows and arrows; by the time you readied your bows and arrows, they were already at a distance you could only hit with cannons!” Recently, almost every officer in the Border Army had suffered losses at the hand of Liu Feng Shuang, except Ming Hui. That was the reason behind his promotion to the Border Army Commander a month ago.

“And this one is Commander Lei Xun, the Central Army Commander, also known as the “Number One Fighter” of House ZiChuan!” When Fang Jin used the words “Number One Fighter,” his tone was filled with sarcasm.

ZiChuan Xiu knew him to be Yang Ming Hua’s most trusted confidant. His “Divine Arts of Wind and Thunder” had won him the t.i.tle of “Number One Fighter” for five years straight in the annual martial compet.i.tion of House ZiChuan. There was also another thing that he was known for. Before the final match of every compet.i.tion, something would always happen to his opponent. They would either get diarrhea, get into a car accident, have family emergencies, or even get beat up by thugs in some dark street corner. All of them resulted in his opponent forfeiting the fight.

He faked a smile as he shook ZiChuan Xiu’s hand: “Not bad for a kid, so young and already a Deputy Commander.” Secretly, he channelled his “Divine Art of Wind and Thunder,” purposely trying to humiliate ZiChuan Xiu by forcing him to scream in pain or to cripple his hand completely.

Standing next to him, Fang Jin could feel something was wrong. Just as he was about to intervene, ZiChuan Xiu spoke concisely: “Thank you for your guidance, Sir!” He then retracted his hand effortlessly as if nothing had happened.

“This one is Commander Luo Ming Hai, Chief of Staff at the High Command.” Luo Ming Hai always kept a straight, cold, and emotionless face. It was almost as if everyone in the whole world owed him two hundred dollars or something. He was also a close confidant of Yang Ming Hua.

ZiChuan Xiu was planning to shake his hand, but seeing how little interest the man had showed him, he hesitated and decided to introduce himself instead: “ZiChuan Xiu at your service, Sir.”

Luo Ming Hai kept his icy cold expression, and took his time before he hummed through his nose: “Hmm!” He didn’t show any more interest.

“Just ignore him; he is always like that, no matter who he talks to.” Fang Jin spoke without reservation, disregarding Luo Ming Hai who sat right next to him.

Strangely, Luo Ming Hai did not get mad and just made another deep hum through his nose: “Tch!”

Next up, he was introduced to the Imperial Guard Army Commander – Pi Gu, an eighty year old elder. His age had long robbed him of his senses. When ZiChuan Xiu greeted him, he had to repeat himself three times before he got through to him: “Oh, right… so you are ZiChuan Xiu? So young… I’m Pi Gu.”

Everyone else had to try their very best to not burst into laughter. His accent was so blurry that the way he said “Pi Gu” sounded almost like “PiGu”[[1]]!

ZiChuan Xiu thought of the worst: Yang Ming Hua chose such an idiot as the Imperial Guard Commander; was he paving the way for his future coup?

“And this one is like you. He just came back from the Far East, Commander Ge Ying Xing. You should know him right?”

It was the first time ZiChuan Xiu met Ge Ying Xing. He was instantly intrigued by his unique features.

He was quite handsome, and had definitely been a pretty boy when he was younger. His soft and already slightly yellowish hair draped disorderly over his forehead while his two curved and thin eyebrows made him appear incredibly gentle. It was obvious he had been ill. Even though it was the hot summer in August, his face was as pale as paper, and his body was wrapped tightly in the thick army coat meant for the winter, exposing only his shaking head. The struggle with his illness had robbed the last bit of his life but his eyes were still as clear as the stars, filled with a deep wisdom and tiredness as though he had long seen through everything the world had to offer. When he looked upon ZiChuan Xiu, his eyes were so incredibly warm and caring. What kind of eyes were those? ZiChuan Xiu was stunned. Only then did he realize that a man’s eyes could be like that; so indescribably beautiful.

It was the first time ZiChuan Xiu saw someone so charismatic like that.

A wave of respect surged forward inside ZiChuan Xiu: This patient on the verge of death was the only pillar holding the entire Far East and the wall shielding against the ferocious Demon invasions.

It was thanks to this patient, who carried the House on his shoulders, that the ambitious and overbearing Yang Ming Hua had been kept at bay for the last six years.

Without this patient’s shelter and protection, ZiChuan Xiu would have been killed by Yang Ming Hua before he could come of age…

Painful feelings bubbled up inside ZiChuan Xiu’s heart: Ge Ying Xing looked so lonely and vulnerable.

The two shared a look, and Ge Ying Xing revealed a slight smile: “Luo Bo told me about you.” His voice was as heavy and magnetic as he was: “Do your best while you are here; live up to the name of the Far Eastern Army, understand?”

He spoke in a rigid way a superior would when addressing a subordinate, yet it sounded very natural to him. Many unsaid things were conveyed through the pair of magical eyes: We are on the same side, be careful!

ZiChuan Xiu felt inexplicably moved by his words, like a lost child finding his father. He bowed deeply: “Yes, Sir!”

The two men understood each other; there was no need for words.

“Yo, Ge Ying Xing.” Fang Jin nonchalantly patted his shoulder: “What happened to you? What did you do to look like a dead man?”

Ge Ying Xing smiled slightly: “The journey has taken its toll; I’m not feeling too well.”

Fang Jin: “No s.h.i.t! Those who know you would praise you for your diligence and dedication, but those who don’t will have to wonder: Didn’t everyone say the girls in the Far East were all dark skinned dwarfs? How come our Commander Ge Ying Xing didn’t seem to mind, and still worked so hard every night?”

He spoke with concern. “Buddy, take it easy alright? Even if your body can handle it, seeing a Commander of the House ZiChuan like this on the street… it may tarnish the family honour!”

Everyone laughed in unison, except Luo Ming Hai who smirked, showing that he was laughing in his own way. Ge Ying Xing scowled while laughing: “Jerk!”

The door opened soundlessly and the guard shouted: “The Supreme Commander has arrived!”

Everyone stood up, waiting in antic.i.p.ation.

[[1]] Pi Gu sounds like a.s.s in Chinese.