Purple River

Chapter 03 Part 05 - General Pervert

Chapter 03 Part 05 - General Pervert

Under the influence and active involvements of many, time quickly flew past. Yet, Di Du was as peaceful as ever, like the calm before the storm. Six months later…

The aftershock from the far away Far Eastern region reached the Capital and another brilliant star was born. Di Lin, following ZiChuan Xiu’s footsteps, had achieved the second great victory against the Demonic Horde. During the sixth campaign of Heng Chuan, he crushed the invading Demon’s conventional Forces, inflicting over seventy thousand casualties and capturing close to fifty thousand prisoners. It was the greatest victory ever achieved since Humans first began this war against the Demons. The most shocking fact of this battle however, was not its glorious outcome, but Di Lin’s cruelty – He gave the order to kill all the captives, leaving no one alive.

Upon receiving the report, the Chief of Staff of the Far Eastern Army at the time, Luo Bo was appalled by his act. Racing over as fast as he could, Luo Bo tried to stop the execution. But after he had arrived, Di Lin blindsided him with his graceful welcome while ordering his men to execute the last remaining five thousand captives in secret. By the time Luo Bo realized what Di Lin had done, the dead had already littered the earth. Looking down at the corpses drowning in the sea of blood, Luo Bo closed his eyes in agony and condemned Di Lin: “You b.l.o.o.d.y devil… You just destroyed everything the seven generations of House ZiChuan had built, fought for and paid in blood over the past two hundred years!” (That was how Di Lin earned his nickname, the Devil)

Di Lin replied defiantly: “I’m building a grand future for House ZiChuan for the next thousand years to come!”


When the news reached Di Du, the whole court was in shock. Due to Di Lin’s great achievements in war, being Yang Ming Hua’s close confidant and the fact that Yang Ming Hua was the most powerful figure at the time, only few whispers of dismay were heard and no one dared to file a formal complaint or impeachment, But that didn’t stop people talking about it in private of course, even Yang Ming Hua shared his disapproval within his inner circles – “Di Lin was out of line.”

But he didn’t even know the half of it, in fact, it was only the beginning. After the battle, Di Lin didn’t wait for regroup; he immediately led the two hundred thousand soldiers of the Far Eastern Army in a chase after the retreating Demon forces all the way towards the Demon G.o.d Fortress, breaking the eternal status quo of the Far Eastern warfare – Humans defending and Demons attacking. His swift manoeuvre caught the defending Demon forces at the border completely off guard, sending them scattering to the winds. It only further encouraged Di Lin to continue his pursuit.

Everywhere he went, if any none human populated villages, towns or cities dared to resist, he would immediately give the order to ma.s.sacre its population. Old or young, man or woman, none of it mattered, he would simply kill them all, and then raze the place to the ground in a sea of fire. Most of the time, only smoke and ashes were left in his wake.

Races resembling humans were given a chance to survive this encounter with the dreadful commander… But in order to survive, they had to relinquish everything they owned, provide provisions and volunteer to join his army. Under Di Lin’s Iron Fist and harsh military disciplines, none of the half beasts, werewolves, snake men or goblins dared to raise their voice despite their wild nature, afraid of catching Di Lin’s watchful gaze.

He did not only rule the none-humans with an Iron Fist, even the soldiers of ZiChuan had to endure his harsh command. The thousand or so riders caught for running away in battle were all sentenced to death and executed in front of the whole army. Over forty soldiers who arrived late this morning were dragged behind a horse for several kilometres and those who fell asleep standing guard were whipped fifty times. Well, it was more like twenty times really, because the soldiers in question were already dead, but the Marshals didn’t dare to defy the order and had to carry out rest of the sentence, completing rest of the fifty whips on a corpse.

Under Di Lin’s command, no one defied their orders, no one neglected their duties and most importantly, no one dared to cowardly retreat. Whenever they faced Demons in battle, even against the powerful Armored Beasts, Di Lin’s forces would not falter. They would face it head on and fight it with spears, sabres and arrows… even if they only had rocks or no weapon at all, with just fists and teeth, they would not retreat. The Demons called them in awe: “Di Lin’s forces are all possessed!”

And so his name became the avatar of nightmare and the embodiment of invincibility. The news of his deeds quickly travelled throughout the Far Eastern Regions still under Demon’s control. After ma.s.sacring the four Demon Cities, Glenco, Kazi, Heng Lan and Kashalachi, not a single settlement resisted his occupation again. No matter where his army went, Demon cities would open their gates and welcome him on their knees. The city guards either fled or surrendered…

While wiping out small pockets of Demon resistance here and there, Di Lin’s army was also attracting large contingent of non-human forces, boosting their numbers significantly. By the time he arrived at Demon’s second major city – Gamara, his forces was already five hundred thousand strong! Since the war against Demons first began, Humans had never launched such a ma.s.sive offensive, or penetrated so deep into the Demon Territory.

However, in the city of Gamara, he was met with fierce resistance for the first time since the beginning of this campaign. A famous young demon general blessed with royal blood, Yun Qian Xue[[1]] had stationed his forces of two hundred thousand strong behind the st.u.r.dy fortification of the city, waiting to face his enemy…

While Di Lin was carving his name on the wall of history, another one of the three famous hero of House ZiChuan, ZiChuan Xiu was working hard and diligently in the Administrative Office.

When his newly a.s.signed and pretty female secretary left the office, Deputy Chief ZiChuan Xiu pulled out a note: “38, 22, 37. One hundred dollar!”

Luo Jie pulled out a note as well: “38, 21, 38. I bet hundred as well!”

Chang Chuan showed his: “37, 22, 38. Hundred. However I think you guys are wrong about her bra size. Based on my many years of experience, I’m fairly certain that she is using bra pads… Don’t forget to ask her about it, Bai Chuan!”

Luo Jie followed: “Right, and her x.x.x – is hanging a bit low. I’m pretty sure Master Xiu has underestimated it.”

ZiChuan Xiu continued: “Bai Chuan, what are you waiting for? Hurry and go ask!”

Bai Chuan complained: “What excuse do I have to ask for her bust?!”

“Dude, that is super easy… Just tell her you need it for the staff survey.”

Bai Chuan rolled her eyes in disgust at the perverts, then went outside and came back, announcing: “38, 22, 37!”

ZiChuan Xiu shouted joyously: “I won! Pay up!”

Chang Chuan grudgingly pulled out his wallet: “What the h.e.l.l, how can I be wrong?”

Luo Jie: “d.a.m.n it… boring. What do we bet on next, Sir?”

Counting the bills, ZiChuan Xiu felt satisfied: “Money smells the best… How about we bet on if she is a virgin next? I bet one hundred that she is not!”

[[1]] His name means Cloud Light and Snow.