Purple River

Chapter 04 part 04 - Seize Power

Chapter 04 part 04 - Seize Power

House of Headmaster was already on high alert; ten thousand hand-picked, heavily armed Imperial Guards had gathered tonight. Large formation of infantries protected the perimeter; close cl.u.s.ters of guards defended every corridor inside the house. Orders being shouted constantly, the unified reflections of blades had filled the air with a dreadful chill.

Everyone knew, the long and exhausting fight against Yang Ming Hua was finally coming to an end, tonight. The calm before the storm had everyone on edge.

Headmaster’s guest room had now turned into the temporary Headquarters, and Stirling was put in charge of the defences. Even the Headmaster, who rarely appeared in public, had decided to show up for morale support.

“Stirling, Inspector General – Xiao Long came to see me earlier and handed me his resignation letter. He swore to not get in between my fight with Yang Ming Hua tonight.”

“It is the result of their overwhelming support for you, Sir. After today’s conference, even Yang Ming Hua himself knew he wasn’t well liked by his peers. What he did was quite foolish. He shouldn’t have been in such a hurry to show his cards.”

“I disagree. If you think about it, Yang Ming Hua had all the cards before the Conference started. Lei Xun’s hundred seventy thousand Central Army, Di Lin’s fifty thousand Far Eastern Army camped outside the City, all the constables from the Ministry, his own personal guards and even Capital’s own police force. While on our side, we only have the ten thousand Imperial Guards under your command… He is not stupid, just fearless! It was a great opportunity and he had no reason not to take advantage of it!”

“Sir, if I was Yang Ming Hua, I wouldn’t have let the officers from other armies leave without a scratch…”

“Close the gates and ma.s.sacre everyone may sound easy, but he would have made Far Eastern Army, Border Army and Black Banner Army his eternal enemies. His goal was to subdue any potential resistance; what happened today was not what he had planned. Over eighty percent of the armed forces protested. Given the circ.u.mstances, even if he managed to seize control, it wouldn’t last.”


“Right now only Ge Ying Xing is h.e.l.l bent on fighting Yang Ming Hua, hence the orders for Di Lin to kill him. Everyone else, he could slowly deal with after he becomes the Headmaster through bribery or divide and conquer. Either way it would be a much better solution than killing everybody.”

A staff officer came by the temporary Headquarters to give his report: “Sir, we have discovered a large group of armed forces dressed in black not far from the House. We await your orders, Sir!”

Stirling rose to his feet: “Size of the enemy forces?”

“Four thousand eight hundred and twenty one.” It was the Headmaster – ZiChuan Shen Xing who gave the answer. “The number of Yang Ming Hua’s personal guards.”

Stirling didn’t ask him how he knew the exact number of Yang Ming Hua’s personal security force. He knew it had to be top secret, something even Di Lin couldn’t have known. A servant needed to know his place, never ask what he wasn’t supposed to know.”

Stirling gave the order: “Ignore them for now, but keep your eyes open.”

ZiChuan Shen Xing seemed interested in the answer: “Why?”

“Sir, they are irrelevant. We don’t have to worry about them. Even if both the police force and the constables came, as long as I get to command the Imperial Guards, I promise, I can wipe them out before sunrise!”

“I see, so you are saying…”

Stirling shifted his worried gaze towards south, where the Headquarters of Central Army were: “The only thing that worries me is the Central Army! The scouts reported, all the Central Army forces had retreated into their Main Encampment south of the city…”

“It is a major operation; they must be waiting for Lei Xun to give the final order.”

“Exactly, it is just as you said, Sir. However, they may have to wait for a long time.” Stirling smiled uncontrollably.

“Not necessarily.” ZiChuan Shen Xing shook his head. “Yang Ming Hua is not stupid, if the Central Army does not arrive in time, he would send someone else to take control of Lei Xun’s forces.”

Quietly, Stirling let his gaze drift towards the darkness in the south, he murmured: “We are counting on you, Xiu!”

“Smokes, Drinks, Snacks and Candies!”

Inside Central Army’s s.p.a.cious and chilly Main Hall, over three hundred Officers of the Central Army couldn’t believe their eyes – a young fellow dressed in Deputy Commander’s uniform was trying to wholesale a cart full with food and drinks.

Deputy Commander Ge Xin scowled: “ZiChuan Xiu, what are you doing?”

“Oh, I heard you guys at the Central Army have been very busy lately, staying up all night without rest. So I came here to check up on you!”

Ge Xin: “f.u.c.k off…”

Other officers all shouted something similar.

Another Deputy Commander, Mi Hai Yi thought to ask something more important: “How did you get in? Where are the guards?”

ZiChuan Xiu flashed his Mark of the Commander: “I bribed the guards with this.”

The shouting ceased almost immediately; everyone stared, eyes wide, at the Mark of the Commander in ZiChuan Xiu’s hand. A whimpering voice came through the crowd: “Impossible, is it even real?”

After the three Deputy Commanders had verified it, it was indeed real.

Then came the silence, and everyone was confused: what in the G.o.d’s name was going on?

All the officers saw what happened earlier today during the annual Military Conference; they even got the order straight from their commanding officer – Lei Xun: “First, reallocate all our resources to the Main Encampment south of the city, then arm up, and get ready for combat. Second, all senior officers of the rank Banner Master and above shall attend the meeting in the Central Army’s Main Hall at half past seven and wait for my order!” Even a fool knew what was going to happen!

Some were glad and some were worried, but the vast majority was definitely worried.

As an officer, even though they weren’t hundred percent behind the Headmaster – ZiChuan Shen Xing, no one wanted to be a turncoat. In the two hundred years of House ZiChuan’s history, no traitor died of old age, but Lei Xun was their commanding officer, his order was absolute. Besides, if the coup turned out successful, and they chose to not take part in it, the outcome would have been even worse…

Everyone came to tonight’s gathering with mixed emotions, waiting from half past seven until almost ten o’clock, and nothing. Lei Xun still hadn’t showed. No one of authority came to tell them what to do either. While anxiety continued to build… Deputy Commander ZiChuan Xiu showed up with Mark of the Commander in hand!”

“So Sir Xiu, what brings you here?” Three Deputy Commanders questioned politely.

“Well… Everyone has been so busy lately, it must have been exhausting! I heard many of the officers are suffering from hemorrhoid or diarrhea or something. Commander Lei Xun told me to check up on you guys. You know, host a gala, everyone relax a little, that sort of thing!”

“No f.u.c.king way!”

“Why? Don’t you believe me? Fine, I will tell you the truth! It is the full moon tonight. Commander Lei suddenly feel inspired, and told me to tell everyone to enjoy the view!

Ge Xin began to lose his patience: “All right, Sir Xiu, may I ask where I can find Commander Lei?

“Oh, last I saw him, he was sitting on top of the hill north from here, but he may have moved to another hill further to the south by now. I heard it has a great view, the perfect place to watch the moon with. Why? You want to go join him? I don’t think that is necessary, we’ve got a great view right here, clear sky and no clouds… So no one has an opinion? Then I take it everyone agrees! All right then, you’re all dismissed!

Ge Xin shouted: “Shut up! ZiChuan Xiu, you do not have the authority to dismiss us! I’m the highest ranking…”

ZiChuan Xiu interrupted him: “Hey, Commander Ge, are you questioning my authority? I have the Mark of the Commander and we are both of the same rank. Why can’t I give the order? Either way I have more authority than you do!”

Deputy Commander – Mi Hai Yi tugged at Ge Xin’s coat, whispering: “We don’t know what he is up to; it is best if we avoid him for now.”

Deputy Commander An Ning whispered to him as well: “We have waited for so long, everyone is getting tired. I don’t mind taking a break.”

Ge Xin was furious, but he kept his mouth shut.

“Come, come, a candy bar for you, and you, and you… Take whatever you want. Hey, you there, that is enough, you took two already! And you, stop drooling on my p.o.r.n mags. Those are expensive stuff!”

The officers had been waiting for almost three hours; the fatigue began to take its toll. Now someone with the authority (High Ranking Officer with the Mark of the Commander) finally gave them an order, and a pleasant one at that (Rest and Relaxation). Since none of the three Deputy Commanders protested, and Commander Lei"s order was to wait, but didn"t specify how they had to wait, the tidy formation of officers scattered almost instantly across the hall, eating, drinking or enjoying themselves with other activities. Taking advantage of the facts, and through incitement and persuasion, ZiChuan Xiu managed to turn what was once a chilly and solemn Main Hall into a full blown party house.

It didn"t take a genius to know things were quickly getting out of hand, and one important question came to the mind of the three Deputy Commanders: "What do we do?"

An Ning suggested: "Why don"t we let it play out?." (He wasn"t a vivid supporter of the coup in the first place; he only came due to being pressured by Lei Xun. Since Lei Xun didn"t show, well, he couldn"t have asked for more.)

Ge Xin disagreed: "No way, this is a once in a life time opportunity!" (Lei Xun had made him a promise: if the coup turned out to be successful, he was to become the new Central Army"s Commander.)

Mi Hai Yi spoke with a smug look on his face: "We are in the dark right now; we shouldn"t make any hasty decisions!" (What he really meant to say was: n.o.body promised me anything; this was your coup, not mine.) If they had lost, he would have lost everything, and if they had won, he wouldn"t get a dime from it. Only an idiot would do something that stupid.

Seeing his attempt to convince the other Commanders had failed, Ge Xin grinded his teeth and went for the exit. He still had fifty-thousand men under his command; he could force the outcome himself.

Shouts soon came through the doors: "Stop!"

Bai Chuan, Luo Jie and four dozen Guardsmen stood in the way of his exit. Behind them, ZiChuan Xiu spoke calmly: "Don"t you enjoy the view, Sir Ge Xin? Why are you in such a hurry?

Ge Xin smiled back: "Sir Xiu. Don"t you think you should have brought more men if you plan to stop the Central Army?" And he was right; they are standing in the Main Encampment of the Central Army. If a fight broke out right now, it would undoubtedly alert the soldiers gathered outside. ZiChuan Xiu and his men wouldn"t stand a chance. The amount of Officers inside the Main Hall alone outnumbered ZiChuan Xiu"s forces three to one. Not to mention they were all armed to the teeth to boot!

ZiChuan Xiu smiled as well initially only to twist it into a thunderous roar: “Yang Ming Hua and Lei Xun have conspired against the House, perpetrating unforgivable and heinous crimes in the process. Yang Ming Hua has already been put to death, and Lei Xun will be next! Sir Ge Ying Xing’ four hundred thousand Far Eastern Army has arrived to quell the resistance! As to what happens next, depends entirely on you! Those who wish to follow Yang Ming Hua and Lei Xun to their graves, be my guest! I’m sure they can use the company down there!”

The content of his message resonated even louder than the volume of his words, putting fear into each officers present.

It wasn’t easy, but Ge Xin managed to regain his composure: “He is lying! Kill him!” He shouted loudly at this subordinates. “Lying?” ZiChuan Xiu threw a rounded object before Ge Xin’s feet: “Here, take a good look!”

It was an object they knew all too well; it was Lei Xun’s most prized possession, the Commander’s Seal.

Ge Xin’s order was completely ignored. Everyone was too busy dealing with the new information: Yang Ming Hua and Lei Xun are dead; The Far Eastern Army has arrived… What do we do?

Mi Hai Yi spoke gently to ZiChuan Xiu: “Well, Sir Xiu. Let’s cut the chase. What do you want us to do?” The tone of his voice was suddenly a lot more timid than before.

ZiChuan Xiu answered swiftly: “I wouldn’t dare. I just want everyone to stay here for the night and wait till morning.”

The officers all exhaled in relief; they thought they had to choose a side and fight against Yang Ming Hua. Luckily, it was a demand they could accept.

ZiChuan Xiu accurately gauged the minds of the middle-ranking officers: they didn’t want to join the coup and fight for Yang Ming Hua, but they didn’t dare to oppose him either. The best outcome would be to quietly stay here and wait for the storm to pa.s.s.

An Ning interjected: “Does Sir Xiu know what is going on outside?” (Meaning, if they promise to stay neutral, will they be spared?)

ZiChuan Xiu understood their concerns. Raising his right hand, he declared: “In the name of my great grandfathers, I solemnly vow, as long as the Central Army’s officers do not leave the Main Hall tonight, no harm will come to you. If I were to break my bow, may the G.o.ds rob me of my life, my honour and my wealth.”

Everyone was like having a weight off their shoulders, for that was House ZiChuan’s most sacred vow. Besides, ZiChuan Xiu had always been trustworthy; he had never gone back on his words.

An Ning and Mi Hai Yi exchanged a look, then nodded: “I hope Commander Xiu keeps his words.” He changed from calling him Sir to Commander, showing that he was willing to follow ZiChuan Xiu’s orders.

Mi Hai Yi moved to the right side of the Hall: “I accept Commander Xiu’s demands. Those who agree with me, come stand on this side.”

Officers quickly, slowly, eagerly or reluctantly… almost everyone moved over, leaving only Ge Xin and dozen others remaining where they were.

Bai Chuan immediately gave the order and had the guards surround them.

Ge Xin was caught in a pinch. ZiChuan Xiu spoke gently: “Sir Ge Xin. Make the right choice at the right time is the virtue of a hero, and I make the same promise to you. Before you do something we cannot forgive, there is still time!”

Ge Xin stuttered a few words: “Thank you, Commander Xiu, for being merciful…” And stepped to the right; his men quickly followed suit.

ZiChuan Xiu let out a sigh: “That was close, but now we have Central Army’s neutrality! Stirling shouldn’t have too much trouble dealing with Yang Ming Hua’s Personal Guards. The victory is ours!”

“Relax, all is well. Feel free to enjoy yourselves tonight! The drinks are all on me. Come this way if you wish to have something read. As long as you stay in the Main Hall, I don’t care what you do…”

“Who is there?!”

“Stop!” ZiChuan Xiu’s men guarding the entrance shouted a warning!

Bam, Bang, Bonk. Several ZiChuan Xiu’s personal guards were thrown upside down! And Chief of Staff, Luo Ming Hai’s permanently shadowed visage appeared in front of the doorstep. ZiChuan Xiu heart almost popped out of his chest: “s.h.i.t!”

As the Chief of Staff, if Luo Ming Hai exposed him now, saying Yang Ming Hua was still alive and the Far Eastern Army did not make its way to Di Du, those indecisive Central Army’s officers could very well be swayed by his argument and turn the wrong side again. If that happened… he and his men would most certainly die a terrible death!

The only way out was to strike first, and strike fast. Kill Luo Ming Hai and not give him the chance to speak! ZiChuan Xiu had filled his mind with murderous intent, all the while wrapping his fingers tightly around the hilt of his sabre…