Qianmen Zhimen

Chapter 3


Luo Wenjia according the old man"s words to feed him pills, then torn the old man"s b.l.o.o.d.y clothes. But he didn"t expect that the cloth has been stick with flesh and blood, the pain make old man fainted after a loud cry. Luo Wenjia rushed to point the powder on the old man"s chest wounds, and then tore a clothes and used it wrapped around the wound. After all this, he found there is a small parcel in the old man"s arms, it has been soaked in blood. Luo Wenjia was afraid that it would be bound together with the wound, then gently pull it out. The parcel was not heavy, and it was like a book. By nature, Luo Wenjia obsessed with books, so he smoothly unlock the parcel to scrutinize, inside it is a thick about half an inch of sheepskin book, it seems age-old, on the cover of the book there is a very rare ancient style of calligraphy written four words -- Secret code of Qianmen !

Luo Wenjia is a man of wide reading, from childhood he was involved in all cla.s.ses of books, but he had never heard of such a book. He felt a bit strange, then opened the first page, there are only a short sentence, it"s also written in the ancient style of calligraphy. He softly read it: "Human, they not only don"t have the claws like tiger and wolf, but also don"t have the strength like lion and elephant, but they can capture the wolf and tied the tiger, tame lion and elephant, no other reason, simply because they have wisdom."

"What is this?" Luo Wenjia confused and scratched his head, and trying to open the second page. But suddenly he felt cold at the back, his neck has been choke, then a cold light flash by his eyes, a dagger has been arrived in the eyes, behind him he heard a cold voice: "You dare to peek the secret code of our gate faction, as a punishment I should cut out your eyes."

Luo Wenjia hurriedly put down the book, then he noticed the old man has behind him, with a dagger against his eyes. He hasty said: "Old man, I, I do not know..."

"What do you see?"

"I didn"t see anything, just to see the first page!"

"Since you see it, I should cut out your eyes!" The old man said and move wrist, when he was about to begin, but out the window there suddenly heard a loud sound of broken branches. The old man first in a daze, then he suddenly pull over Luo Wenjia"s body, then inverted dagger, forced gave dagger into his hands, then he grabbed Luo Wenjia"s wrist thrust the dagger into his chest wound.

It all happened so suddenly, when Luo Wenjia recovering from the shock, he only to find himself holding a dagger thrust into the old man"s chest, and then see the old man slowly fell back. Luo Wenjia holding the b.l.o.o.d.y knife, scared froze on the spot, stammered: "I know... Me I... I didn"t mean it!"

The window suddenly silent opened, two men in black hold sword jump into the house. When they see what happened in the house, two people"s face all turn into pale, hurriedly hold sword guard themself, staring at Luo Wenjia and asked: "Did you kill him?"

"Not me!" Luo Wenjia quickly threw away the dagger, pointing to the old man, "It"s he..."

Two men in black look at the old man motionless lie on the floor, then look at the flat-footed Luo Wenjia, thay snapped: "Since you kill him, so that thing must in your hands, hand it over quickly!"

"What thing?" Luo Wenjia with a dazed expression on his face.

"Here it is!" Another man in black suddenly discovered that sheepskin book on the floor, he suddenly shining eyes, is about to stretch hand to pick it up, at his side a cold light flash past, his companion unexpectedly thrust his sword into his flank. The man in black clutching his wounds and staggered back, angrily asked: "Why you..."

The other man in black give a sneering laugh: ""Secret code of Qianmen", everyone hold it will hide it, don"t blame me." Then he added a last hit, killing his companion. But just at this time, the old man suddenly jumped up and use his hand cut at the man in black"s throat. The man in black did not think the old man never dead, he suddenly was. .h.i.t on the throat, can"t help but cried out in pain, staring eyes collapsed on the ground.

The surprise attack make the old man"s wound broken, the blood welled up again, wet his shirt. He paralyzed on the ground and gasping for breath, then he hook his finger to Luo Wenjia: "You, come here!"

"I don"t!" Luo Wenjia scared and backed away nervously.

"You don"t worry, I won"t hurt you." The old man picked up the parchment into the bosom, softly said, "You were just saved me, I won"t embarra.s.s you. If we have a chance to meet again, I will repay you for your help."

"Need not need not!" Luo Wenjia hurriedly waving hands. He saw the old man has no malicious, he unsettling asked, "Don"t know how to call you, why you being chased?"

"My first name is Yun, you can call me Grandpa Yun. You needn"t know these underworld murders." The old man said, and pointing to the corpse: "Help me to bury them."

Luo Wenjia has been scared out of his wits by blood and corpse, completely lost the ability to think. The old man told a sound, he immediately went to the backyard to dig a big hole, hastily buried the two bodies. When he finished it and get back to the study room, the old man has disappeared.

"Clang clang clang!" The ancestral hall there suddenly came a series of rushed sound of gongs, very abrupt in the night. This is an emergency signal to call all the clan"s people, Luo Wenjia did not have the time to told his mother, immediately rushed to the ancestral hall.

There has been gathered many clan members in the ancestral hall, the patriarch Luo Zonghan stand proudly on a high platform, with the light of lanterns and torches, his face was livid, his short beard with a little quiver, his eyes flash with a kind of decisive cold light. See the clan members are almost all arrived, he said loudly: "Today the third child of Nangong family make a personal visit to our village, he wants spent three times price to let us moved and to alienate all our Luojiazhuang"s land to him, do you have any suggestions?"

"How is that?" Someone shouted "We live in this place generation by generation, even our ancestral"s graves are buried here, how can we move?"

"Yes!" The crowd echoed, "Only living can move, never heard of the graves can be moved!"

Luo Zonghan said in a clear and loud voice: "Today Nangong Fang has said, if we don"t move, from this tonight on, each day pa.s.ses, our Luojiazhuang will has one person dead. At first I just think he is tell lies to threat us, but unexpectedly when the sky just black, the village is indeed a man inexplicably dead, so I have to gather you to talk about this thing. " He waved, two young men carried in a stretcher, there is a bent corpse on the stretcher. People recognized the corpse is Granny Mei, a lonly old woman who is from the outside wandering to this place.

"I checked the body of Granny Mei," Luo Zonghan said, "No bruises, no signs of poisoning, even we notify the local government, the official also maybe think it"s because she was old and feeble, die a natural death. But I don"t believe it could be a coincidence, it seems that the Nangong Fang is to kill an unrelated people to warning us, if we insist again, the next dead people shall be our Luo family. "

People looked at each other, the ancestral hall suddenly in silence, a young man suddenly lifting arm and shouted: "We can never retreat! We can"t let other people ride on our head!"

This voice is echoed by many young. Luo Zonghan"s eyes reveal a satisfied smile, then he proudly said: "From today, every household should offer a man, they should carry weapons, once hear gongs they should immediately rushed to the ancestral hall to gather around, handle all emergencies. On weekdays they should take turns patrolling in the village." When Luo Zonghan talks, he suddenly noticed Luo Wenjia, then he said, "Wenjia, you are the only boy of your family, you are also a Xiucai, you are not suitable to playing with weapons, to study hard is the best thing you can do."