Qianmen Zhimen

Chapter 6


Nangong Rui"s tone was calm, but Ding Jianfeng knew he already make the decision. He had to turn to Luo Wenjia, hope he can put aside his wish of keep Luojiazhuang, and try to sell it with a good price. But Luo Wenjia slowly stood up, bow to Ding Jianfeng: "Master Ding, thank you for your help, I will always remember your kindness." Ding Jianfeng breathed a sigh of relief, was about to say some words to make him feel better, but Luo Wenjia has turned his head to Nangong Rui, proudly said: "Mahant Nangong, we can sell Luojiazhuang, but I have a condition."

"What condition? Just say it." Nangong Rui asked.

"If you agree to give us your Nangong family"s graves, we can immediately removed!"

Nangong Rui"s smile froze on the face, he slowly pick up the cup, mention casually said: "You can leave now!"

Ding Jianfeng"s expression greatly changed, he flurried submissively apology: "Young people always don"t know how to speak, Mahant, you are the bigger person, please don"t put it in the heart."

Nangong Rui softly smiled: "I won"t dispute with a child, Master Ding, you don"t have to worry."

"Mahant Nangong, I can say that for my uncle at now, even we only remain one person, we will never sell Luojiazhuang to you!" Luo Wenjia said, and turned to walk. "I don"t believe the world has been can"t find justice, I don"t believe your Nangong family really can covering the sun with one hand!"

Ding Jianfeng see Luo Wenjia angrily go away, he hurrily submissively to Nangong Rui, hurriedly go out the front door and asked: "Where are you going?"

Luo Wenjia turn back and said: "Master Ding, you have do your best, although the result is not very satisfactory, but also can be regarded as you had repay the kindness of my uncle, I still very much indebted to you. From now on, you and Luo family to be quits, you don"t have to worry about us."

Ding Jianfeng stood straight motionlessly, he ashamed looked at Luo Wenjia proudly go away. He saw Luo Wenjia stop in front of a fried fritters eating shop, bought a fried fritters and began to eat, seems what just happened completely didn"t affect his appet.i.te.

Ding Jianfeng with both hands slowly go to the front of the eating shop, the peddler hurrily stop the hand work, said with a smile: "Master Ding, do you want to eat?"

Ding Jianfeng not to say yes or no, just staring at the boiling oil pan without any words. When the peddler ready to turn back to take the fried fritters, Ding Jianfeng grind his teeth, put his hands into the hot oil pan.

"Arrrrrrrrrrrrrr" with a scream of Ding Jianfeng, the air immediately filled with a strange smell of meat. The peddler terrified looked at the scene, in a long time don"t know what to do.

"Master Ding! You, what are you doing?" Luo Wenjia horrified looked at Ding Jianfeng, Ding Jianfeng"s face already very pale because of pain, and can"t stop trembling. He lift his appalling hands from oil pan, ghastly smiled to Luo Wen jia : "My good nephew, trouble you to tell your uncle, I, Ding Jianfeng, my iron plams has been disabled, unable to help him." He just finished his words, his body suddenly collapsed, faint on the ground.

People rush to help lift up Ding Jianfeng, hurriedly carried him to the medical center, until everyone has gone away, Luo Wenjia still can"t believe his eyes. If Nangong family really so terrible, even Ding Jianfeng known as "Jiangnan Iron Plam", he would rather disable his palms, but don"t dare to against them? He suddenly feel cold in the back, cold hands and feet, a chill overcame his body from the bottom of his heart.

I don"t believe it! Luo Wenjia forced dispel fears, in the heart told to himself: I don"t believe the world has been can"t find justice, I don"t believe Nangong family really can covering the sun with one hand! Angrily throw away the fried fritters, Luo Wenjia take wide steps, not far from here it"s the judgment hall of Yangzhou, outside the solemn mansion, a huge Tell Grievance Drum stands majestically, to desperate people with a trace of slim hope.

"Knock knock knock..." Dully drumbeat awaken the lifeless mansion, outside the door, the drowsy huperetes immediately raise spirits, they asked together: "Who is beat the drum?"

"I have grievances!" Luo Wenjia handed his written complaint, "I want to see the prefectural magistrate!"

"Wait for a minute!" A huperetes left a word, hurried into the door, after a moment he heared the dignified and solemn shouting of the huperetes came from the hall: "Hold court trial --"

Under the eyeing of several huperetes, Luo Wenjia proudly into the hall. He see a clean-shaven offical dress in robes already sitting behind the table, by his dress he is clearly the Yangzhou Magistrate Fei Shiqing. "Tai! Who are you? Since see the offical, why you don"t kneel?" Fei Shiqing struck the gavel, the huperetes immediately shouted "Wei -- Wu --", They momentum are terrible, but Luo Wenjia neither overbearing nor servile and respectfully said: "My Lord, I"m a Xiucai, according to the "law of Ming Dynasty", I don"t have to kneel to any officials."

"So you are a Xiucai!" Fei Shiqing with a sneer, "Give me your written complaint!"

The private adviser take over the written complaint and hand over it on the table, Fei Shiqing took a look at it, he suddenly change his countenance, throw down the written complaint: "Full of nonsense, show him the door!"

"My Lord! I do not know why you say my written complaint is full of nonsense?" Luo Wenjia questioned aloud.

Fei Shiqing with a cold smile: "You say the third childe of Nangong family, Nangong Fang, because he wants to force buy your clan"s land, so he sent two killers of black and white unruly snakes, repeatedly killed the villagers of Luojiazhuang, do you have any proofs?"

"I saw it with my own eyes, I heared it with my own ears."

"So, you haven"t witness and material evidence."

Luo Wenjia reluctantly said: "No."

Fei Shiqing sneered: "You haven"t witness and material evidence, so how can you sure they are died in the hands of black and white unruly snakes? And how can you slander their death are because of Nangong family? What is this if it"s not nonsense?"

Luo Wenjia wept and pleaded: "My Lord! There still some people dead every day in Luojiazhuang, even if my written complaint case is not precise enough, My Lord also should first sent someone to Luojiazhuang to understand the situation, and protect the safe of villagers! "

"How to handling the case, I needn"t you to teach me." Fei Shiqing sneered, "You should go back first, waiting for ten days or half month, if there is still someone dead in Luojiazhuang, I will send someone to go and have a look!"

"Ten days or half month?" Luo Wenjia freezed, he has to said loudly: "In that case there will has much more people dead in Luojiazhuang! My Lord, how could you bear..."

Befor he finished the sentence, Fei Shiqing has stroke his sleeve and go away, the huperetes also shouted in unison: "Trial -- ended --"