Quick Transmigration: Heroine Arrives, Woman Rapidly Retreats!

Chapter 10

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Meanwhile, a report from an investigation was placed in front of Ji Yu.

Ji Yu picked up the report about Gu Shengyin.

“So originally, she was called Jiang Lingzhen, Aunt Wencheng’s daughter.” Jiang Lingzhen, Ji Yu slightly opened his mouth and repeated the name several times.

Ever since he was “exiled” to Qianlong Temple, the Imperial clan members all couldn’t wait to hide from him. Princess Wencheng was one of the rare people who showed concern about him.

For this elder, Ji Yu was somewhat grateful.

“Huh?” Ji Yu noticed a string of words in front of him.

“An engagement with the Crown Prince since childhood?” Ji Yu couldn’t help but think of that woman he had talked and smiled with in the bamboo forest. To give her to Ji Ye, that type of guy, it was really a pity.

However, since he had made up his mind, this engagement was doomed not to exist.

Ji Yu, once again, held out a hand to pick up another report, this one pertaining Jiang Yunshan.

“An illegitimate daughter trying to seduce the legitimate older sister’s fiance?” Ji Yu clenched his hand. The report on Jiang Yunshan appeared to have been crushed by an invisible force.

“Since you want to climb the bed of my good second brother, I shall help you.” Ji Yu gave a meaningful smile.

Facing towards a hidden area, he clapped his hand and a black shadow appeared kneeling in front of Ji Yu.

“Do something for me…”

Princess Wencheng returned from Qianlong Temple and went directly to the Great General’s house.

“There was such a thing?” Jiang general was shocked and angry. Regarding Yunshan, this daughter, he had no impression at all. Back in those days when he and Wencheng were in love with each other, Jiang Yunshan’s mother took advantage of him when he was drunk and climbed his bed. Afterwards, even though Princess Wencheng expressed that she was not bothered by it, he, nevertheless, felt that he owed his wife. For Jiang Yunshan, he really did not have any love for her.

“Rebellious daughter! I must punish her with the family law!” The general was furious.

(T/N: Inserting emoji for the general >> (╬⓪益⓪) )

“Wait a minute.” Princess Wencheng stopped the raging general. “Disciplining Jiang Yunshan is only a trivial matter. Our top priority now is to cancel Ah Zhen’s engagement with the Crown Prince. With Ah Zhen’s marriageable age coming soon, the Empress will send an imperial decree to confer the marriage and we’ll have no time to deal with it. I am not willing for Ah Zhen to be married off to a fiance who had improper relations with her Shu mei!”

“You’re right.” The general calmed down.

The married couple began to consider how to bring up this issue to the Imperial family.

They didn’t expect an Imperial summon to come when they had yet to come up with a solution.

“Long live the Emperor!” Princess Wencheng and Jiang General bowed to the Emperor sitting above.

“You may rise.” The Holy Emperor, who was sitting above them on the dragon chair, was feeling somewhat embarra.s.sed. He looked at the face of his sister, Wencheng. He always felt that some of the following things could not be said.

“I and the Queen had the same dream every night.” The Emperor muttered to himself for a while before resolving himself to speak.

Princess Wencheng and Jiang general glanced at each other. What was the relations.h.i.+p between the dreams and them? The Emperor’s next words shocked them.

“One day (something) fell from the East and descended into the Eastern Palace.” The Eastern was the residence of the Crown Prince.

(T/N: I didn’t know what it was so I put ‘somthing.’ I’ll leave it up to your imagination~ ;D)

Jiang general said: “Congratulations, Your Majesty! This is an auspicious sign.”

However, the Emperor’s next sentence frightened the Jiang couple: “A month had pa.s.sed since the arrival of the Western Hills(?) and it had stayed in my Palace.”

Princess Wencheng made coughing sounds in her mind. What did the Emperor mean? The Sun and Moon descending, this was indeed a lucky omen. The Crown Prince is the Sun. Who is the Moon in their Jiangfu?

After pondering for a while, the person who most qualified was Ah Zhen.

The Grand Princess was scared by her thoughts and got cold sweat. At this time, many people believed in Buddhism and thought highly of this sort of matter. If Ah Zhen was the one who brought this omen, then the engagement between her and the Crown Prince could no longer be canceled, and they could not do anything about it.

Translator’s Corner:

Do you guys think this omen is real? What shall happen to our MC?!

There will be another chapter today, so hang on tight!
