Quick Transmigration: Heroine Arrives, Woman Rapidly Retreats!

Chapter 281

Light Queen of the End of the World vs. The s.p.a.ce Ability Woman (25)

She felt as if she discovered something.

Gu Shengyin asked the system: “System, do you still remember the ravaged lands in the Light magic world from before?”

The light on the system"s body flashed to indicate that it remembered.

Gu Shengyin continued speaking: “I suddenly remembered that the ravaged lands also did not have sunlight year-round, and it"s very similar to the situation here.”

She began muttering to herself: “The reason why the ravaged lands became like that was due to Demons being exiled by the Light G.o.d. The resentment in their hearts was infinite, and their dark powers practically materialized. This resulted in that sort of situation.” (她开始喃喃自语:"困厄之地之所以变成那个样子,是由于魔族被光明神放逐,心中的怨念无限,黑暗力量几乎实质化,这才形成了那样的情况)

“But this world…” Gu Shengyin frowned. “Is it just a corpse leaking out a bit of dark power that could cause this result?” (仅仅是一具尸体泄露出的丁点黑暗之力,就能达到这样的效果吗)

“System, tell me, exactly what kind of existence is that corpse?”

After a long time, the system"s reluctant voice was slowly heard: “The dark planet is entirely formed from dark power. This corpse should be the Dark G.o.d carrying the faith power of thousands of people from the dark planet.” (良久,系统不情愿的声音才慢慢响起:"黑暗星球,整个星球都是由黑暗力量构成,这具尸体生前,应该是黑暗领主这一级别的人物,身负万千黑暗星球子民的信仰之力)

That was the disguised form of acknowledging Gu Shengyin"s conjecture.

Gu Shengyin felt pleased in her heart: “In that case, as long as I can purify the dark power in this world, I can successfully break the barrier built by the dark forces.”

She slowly began to contemplate about which Light magic that she knew that was a powerful purifying magic.

When she thought about it, there was only one magic that could have such a powerful purification ability—The Light magic"s Great Purification Spell. (想来想去,唯一能够做到如此强大的净化能力的,只有一个——光明系禁咒,大净化术)


Gu Shengyin suddenly said: “System, did you already know what the solution is and deliberately keeping me in the dark?”

System did not speak.

Gu Shengyin also became silent.

In the previous world, she was Hathaway, the Saintess who possessed a natural Light physique, a scepter bestowed by the G.o.d of Light, and a strength reaching the Holy stage. Purging the dark power in Icefield City once with the Great Purification Spell consumed half of the magic power in her body. (上个世界,她是海瑟薇,光明圣女,拥有着天生的光明之体,还有着光明神亲自赐予的权杖,实力更是到达了法圣阶段)

With her current strength, it was impossible to complete the task in one swoop. (以她如今的境界和实力,想要一举达到任务根本不可能)


Using her own body and blood as a guide, she would sacrifice her own faith and soul and cast the most powerful Light magic—Great Light Magic. (以自身躯体和气血为引,献祭自己的信仰和灵魂,施展传说之中最强大的光明系禁咒——大光明咒)

The Great Light Magic was an upgraded version of the Great Purification. It was also the Vatican"s secret spell. Besides the Pope and the Saintess, no one was qualified to learn it.

There was only one result using the Great Light Magic—death.

It was no wonder the system had been unable to tell Gu Shengyin.

Contrary to the system, Gu Shengyin said: “As far as I"m concerned, death in a world is just the end of a journey. System, how are you more reluctant than me?”

System: “Are you willing to part with your lover?”

Gu Shengyin became silent for a moment before saying with a strong smile: “If there is anything that I hate to part with, it"s not like I won"t see it anymore. In any case, parting ways is something experienced in every world, isn"t it?”

Seemingly perceiving that the system"s mood was not good, Gu Shengyin comforted it and deliberately asked: “This Great Light Magic requires a soul sacrifice. I wouldn"t really be offering my soul, right?” (似乎感受到系统情绪不高,顾盛因还安慰它,她故意问道:"这个大光明咒是要灵魂献祭,我不会真的要奉先出自己的灵魂吧)

As expected, the system"s attention got diverted: “How can it be possible!? Host, no one is qualified to take your soul away!”

“Then, it"s all right. Taking advantage of the moment, I can still enjoy myself.” Gu Shengyin said while pretending to be relaxed. (那不就得了。趁着现在还不到那个时候,我可得好好的享受一番。"顾盛因故作轻松的说道)

She also had no mood to continue laying down in bed, so she simply got up and went to find a certain man.

JMin"s Corner:

She gotta spend time with her hubby before doing great things.

P.S. It"s been a long time since a chapter has been posted and I feel bad. Gotta wait until Ari has free time to edit the chapters~ So until then, you guys can deal with my horrible translation XD

Ari"s Corner:

Join our discord for chapter teasers and announcements! 
