Quick Transmigration: Heroine Arrives, Woman Rapidly Retreats!

Chapter 301

Cold and Elite #1 School Beauty VS Warm and Gentle #2 School Beauty (14)

She looked at Qi s.h.i.+s.h.i.+. If it was said that Qi s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ did not move her hand, Gu Shengyin would not believe it.

Gu Shengyin had a smile yet not a smile on her face: “This list, if I recall correctly, requires the approval of the head of the Literature and Art department ah.” (顾盛因似笑非笑:"这个名单,如果我没有记错的话,好像是先要由你这个文艺部的部长审核通过的才行的啊)

Qi s.h.i.+s.h.i.+"s face flashed with difficulty. She forced a smile: “I was feeling ill a couple of days ago. Another person was in charge of the Literature and Art department, so I"m not too clear about what had happened.” (齐诗诗脸上狼狈之色一闪而过,她强笑道:"我前几天人有些不舒服,文艺部的事情是由别人负责的,所以也不太清楚到底是怎么回事)

After she finished speaking, she did not wait for Gu Shengyin to say something to refuse. She exaggeratedly said with pity: “Please! Your reputation as Sheng Lu is there, and even if we find someone to replace you, it"s also impossible. For the sake of our Foreign Language department, I"ll have to trouble you this once.” (说完她也不等顾盛因再说出什么拒绝的话语,连忙可怜兮兮的说道:"拜托你啦,你盛露的名气摆在那里,哪怕是招人顶替你也是不可能的。为了咱们外语系,就麻烦你一次啦)

Qi s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ really planned very well.

Sheng Lu came to First University for so long, but did not specialize in any form of art. (盛露来到第一大学这么久,都没传出来过有什么艺术特长)

In her heart, students at this age who were in their prime of youth, have some talents that they are eager to reveal in order to make it known that they are multi-talented. (在她的心里,学生时代的人,哪个不是年轻气盛的,有什么才能那是巴不得展示出来,以表明自己多才多艺)

Such as herself. Many freshmen know the flower of the Foreign Language department, Qi s.h.i.+s.h.i.+, couldn"t help but study well. She is also skilled in cla.s.sical dances and many performing arts students even feel inferior. (就比如她自己,大一的很多人都知道,外语系的系花齐诗诗,不禁学习好,还擅长古典舞,就连不少艺术系的学生都自愧不如)

After Qi s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ left with a satisfied smile, Gu Shengyin laughed softly.

Apparently, Qi s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ wanted to let her, the school beauty, embarra.s.s herself in the Literature and Art performance.

If Gu Shengyin really did what she said, just performing casually, it was estimated that rumors of the talent of the Foreign Language department"s flower could win over the school beauty would come out the next day. (估计第二天,外语系的系花才能完胜校花的流言就要出来了)

It"s truly a pity.  Gu Shengyin was in a very good mood as she thought. I"m afraid that I will have to let you down. (真是可惜呀,顾盛因心情很好的想,恐怕不能让你如愿了)

Qi s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ was in a very cheerful mood.

It was not known whether Sheng Lu was intentional or unintentional, but she actually chose modern dance.

Speaking of dancing, Qi s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ was still very proud. Compared to those dancers who were genuinely majoring in it, she was quite confident in her dance skills.

Since the magnificent school beauty also chose dance, then…

“Senior, the list has come out.” She handed over a piece of paper.

“Oh! Sheng Lu xue mei is also dancing?” The person who was called ‘senior" hesitated for a moment. “It"s not a good idea to put the performance of both of you together, right? One dance ended and then there"s another dance.” (噢?盛露学妹也是跳舞?"被称为学长的人迟疑了一下,"你们两个人的节目放在一起不太好吧?一个舞蹈结束又是一个舞蹈)

Qi s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ said with a smile: “I am doing a cla.s.sical dance. Sheng Lu"s is modern dance, which are entirely different experiences.” (齐诗诗笑着说道:"我跳的是古典舞,盛露的是现代舞,完全不同的两种体验呢)

That senior thought about it without speaking and nodded.

Qi s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ saw this and became even more happy: Not only are they entirely different experiences, but our pros and cons can also be compared, isn"t that right? (齐诗诗见状笑的更开心:不止是完全不同的两种体验,而且,一下子就能对比出来优劣,不是吗)

Gu Shengyin sighed as she listened to the system report to her: Really, everyone is smooth and steady. After a few years, I would also be on my sunlit road. You have already pa.s.sed your difficult path, isn"t that good? (顾盛因听着系统回报过来的消息,叹了口气:真是,大家安安稳稳的,过完这几年之后,我都我的阳光道,你过你的独木桥,不好吗)

System was somewhat curious: “What do you plan to dance?”

Gu Shengyin replied: “Didn"t I put it on the list? Waltz.”

System: “Oh! Host, are you going to look for your lover?”

Gu Shengyin praised it with a beaming smile: “Really smart.”

Gu Shengyin gave Lu Zhangting a call.

Lu Zhangting heard a girl"s voice on the phone: “Senior, can I trouble you with something?”


“I am intending to dance waltz on the Literature and Arts performance. Can I invite senior to be my male partner?” The girl"s voice seemed somewhat embarra.s.sed.

Lu Zhangting smiled the moment he heard this.

Although she didn"t have any meaning in regards to being a couple, he was the first person to think of when this kind of thing happened.

This was a good start, wasn"t it?

JMin"s Corner:

Oh, our MC is being a wolf in sheep"s clothing.

Although I"ve said that I"ll start translating again, I"ve only translated one chapter lol. RIP. There"s still 4 more chapters left in stock tho. I"ll slowly work on another chapter by then. ?

Ari"s Corner:

Join our discord for chapter teasers and announcements! 
