Quick Transmigration: Heroine Arrives, Woman Rapidly Retreats!

Chapter 255

The Holy Saintess vs. The Maid Who Wants to Climb Ranks (21)

She smiled gently and bowed to the sole idol of the Light G.o.d in the great hall.

“Oh Light G.o.d above, your most faithful believer, Hathaway Louise, pledge to dedicate the most pure body and mind to you with no second heart for a lifetime. If there is betrayal, let me be punished with no redemption eternally.”

The Light G.o.d supported his chin with a hand as he looked at his believer with a smile. She said that her whole heart was offered to G.o.d, but did not mention anything about her chast.i.ty.

He recalled her abundant bizarre facial expression when in private, and it was completely different than this holy, dignified appearance. The Light G.o.d held his forehead and laughed.

How…could she be so cute.

The entire hall was quiet. Only Gu Shengyin"s clear voice echoed in a steady pace.

The idol above did not react one bit.

Gu Shengyin turned around and leisurely looked at Heidi.

Heidi"s eyes widened: “Impossible. This is impossible! I clearly saw it with my own eyes…”

She knelt down under the Light G.o.d"s idol and prayed to G.o.d, “Oh G.o.d above, you must have been deceived by this woman. I saw with my own eyes that she is not chaste. She…ah!”

Everyone stared in horror as a golden fire of nothingness ignited from her body. 

Looking at the woman who was rolling on the ground because of endless pain, everyone remembered her oath from earlier, “G.o.d of Light above, if I, Heidi, am maliciously vilifying the reputation of the Saintess, let me be bathed in the Holy Fire, and be irredeemable for life!”

G.o.d was omniscient.

Gu Shengyin looked at Heidi, who had previously knelt and prayed under G.o.d"s idol, with no pity in her heart.

In any case, her scheme was unsuccessful. Now, she was pleading while kneeling on the ground, afraid of Hathaway.

“Take this sinner away and expel her from the Holy Church forever!” Gu Shengyin said indifferently.

Immediately, there was a clergyman who came out from the side and brought Heidi, who was in excruciating pain, away.

The sacred fire on her body was G.o.d"s punishment, which was inflicted upon Heidi"s soul and did not affect others.

The Emperor of Aoqi Empire also immediately said that territories of the Aoqi Empire did not welcome sinners who were rejected by G.o.d.

Heidi"s anguished voice gradually became distant, and the blessing ceremony that was previously interrupted started once again.

Only this time, everyone had a deeper understanding of the G.o.d"s Saintess. Their att.i.tude towards her had become more and more cautious.

The Emperor of Aoqi Empire personally picked up the Crown Prince.

Gu Shengyin gently condensed the power of purifying light to her hand above the area between the baby"s eyebrows: “May the G.o.ds above hear my prayers to grant the most beautiful gift to this child, allowing him to possess unrivaled talent and a beautiful, unselfish character. May he become the most heroic warrior on the mainland, and the most enlightened monarch, bringing peace and prosperity to his people.”

She opened her eyes and withdrew the power from her hand.

At this time, the baby held in the arms of the Emperor suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Gu Shengyin with a giggling smile. His emerald green-colored eyes were perfectly clear, like the most transparent crystal.

Gu Shengyin couldn"t help but to laugh and reach out to gently caress the baby"s tender face.

“Many thanks to the Saintess.” The Emperor sincerely thanked Gu Shengyin.

“Your Majesty is too polite. Not to mention, the Crown Prince is also my little brother. This is also considered me being an older sister doing my best for him.”

Gu Shengyin"s voice had just fallen before a soft white light descended from the hand of G.o.d"s idol onto the Crown Prince.

“Many thanks for G.o.d"s blessing!” The Emperor was overjoyed.

The n.o.bles of Aoqi Empire was also overjoyed. This was the Light G.o.d"s mercy1 towards Aoqi Empire.

Only Gu Shengyin"s face was red. She just clearly heard a sentence in her ear:

“This is also considered an act as his brother-in-law by sending him a meeting gift.”

JMin"s Corner:

She got BUUURRRNED~! Expected nothing less from our ML, taking every opportunity to show his status as MC"s hubby ^w^

Ari"s Corner:

sorry updates r so late rn; tbh jmin and i are dying 

this week i had cla.s.s AND work every single day and i get home past 10pm after a 13-14 hour day so

i just finished my cla.s.ses today have tmrw (sunday) off so im gonna try to get another chapter out and work on the next white lotus chap too

垂怜 –  translates to ‘kyrie" which is part of the Greek derived Christian phrase “Kyrie, eleison,” or “Lord, have mercy”; (ex: Matthew 17:15: “Lord, have mercy on my son”); the prayer is simultaneously a pet.i.tion and a prayer of thanksgiving; an acknowledgment of what G.o.d has done, what G.o.d is doing, and what G.o.d will continue to do↩

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