Quick Transmigration: Heroine Arrives, Woman Rapidly Retreats!

Chapter 313

Cold and Elite #1 School Beauty VS Warm and Gentle #2 School Beauty (26)

“Have you seen that post? The person who posted it is from your Foreign Language department. Go find him and let him delete that post!” Yuan Chen"s voice on the phone sounded somewhat fl.u.s.tered and exasperated.

The smile that just rose on Qi s.h.i.+s.h.i.+"s face went rigid.

“That"s it?” She heard her calm voice.

Yuan Chen seemed a bit impatient: “Then what else do you want?”

Qi s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ suddenly felt that she was a fool to have hope from earlier: “Yuan Chen, do you have nothing you want to say to me?” (齐诗诗突然就觉得先前还抱着些希望的自己就是个傻瓜:"袁琛,你就没有什么话,想对我说吗)

Yuan Chen thought that she was ineffable: “If you have anything to say, just say it. I don"t have the time to play with you.”

Qi s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ stopped talking and put her phone down on the table.

Yuan Chen heard that there was no sound on the other end and waited a few seconds before hanging up.

Qi s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ shut herself in her dorm room for three days. When her roommates thought something was wrong and was about to inform the teacher, she got up from bed. (齐诗诗把自己关在宿舍里关了三天,直到她的舍友觉得很不对劲准备告诉辅导员的时候,她从床上起来了)

She pulled out her newly bought dress and applied delicate makeup. (齐诗诗看着镜子里精致完美的女人,提着包出了门)

Qi s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ took a look at the perfect, delicate woman in the mirror and carried a bag out of the door.

For three days, she did not receive a call from Yuan Chen.

“Is something the matter?” Yuan Chen looked at Qi s.h.i.+s.h.i.+"s appearance with a trace of surprise.

Qi s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ nodded: “It"s nothing major. Yuan Chen, let"s break up.”

Yuan Chen"s expression froze. (袁琛的表情一下子愣在了那里)

“You said…to break up?” Yuan Chen thought he might have misheard it.

He wrinkled his brows and looked at Qi s.h.i.+s.h.i.+: “Are you sick?”

Qi s.h.i.+s.h.i.+"s heart was calm: “Yuan Chen, you did not mishear it. I, Qi s.h.i.+s.h.i.+, came to break up with you.”

She paused for a moment, unable to bear the suffocation in her heart, and smiled bitterly at Yuan Chen: “Did you think I will always be like a fool, holding and praising you, Yuan Chen, to the skies? Comparing myself to dust in order to love you?” (她顿了一下,终究忍不住心底的那些戾气,冷笑着对着袁琛说道:"你以为,我还会一直像个傻子一样的,把你袁琛捧上天?将自己比到尘埃里去爱你)

She laughed grimly: “Yuan Chen, you see, when I loved you, I was willing to do anything for you. I don"t love you now, and you, Yuan Chen, can be regarded as what in my eyes!” (她冷笑:"袁琛,你看,我爱你的时候,愿意为你做任何事情。我现在不爱你了,你袁琛在我眼里,又算个什么东西)

She left without holding a banner(?) (她提着包头也不回的离开)

Tears, nevertheless, couldn"t help falling. Qi s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ thought, This is the last time that I will cry for him.

A vague, tall silhouette appeared in her sight.

Gu Shengyin had ordered two hot drinks.

“Thank you,” Qi s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ whispered.

Gu Shengyin took a sip as she stood up and looked at her: “You don"t have to urgently thank me. I merely came to take a look at your sorry figure.” (顾盛因端起来轻轻的喝了一口,看着她:"你不用急着和我道谢,我只是来看看,你狼狈的下场)

Qi s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ raised her widened eyes, as if she had understood Gu Shengyin for the first time.

“What? Feeling very shocked?” Gu Shengyin looked at her. “You, the gentle and generous Qi s.h.i.+s.h.i.+, could do such things…” (怎么,觉得很吃惊?"顾盛因看着她,"你温柔善良大方的齐诗诗,都能做出那样的事情来)

She spoke a few words softly, causing Qi s.h.i.+s.h.i.+"s complexion to turn pale. What Gu Shengyin was talking about were the exact small tricks that she had used on Sheng Lu. (她轻轻的说了几个字,齐诗诗的脸色变得煞白,顾盛因说的,正是她曾经对盛露使的小手段)

Gu Shengyin precisely wanted her to look like this: “I was simply looking at the liveliness, is there something strange?” (顾盛因就是要看到她这副样子:"我只是看看热闹,又有什么奇怪的)

Qi s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ looked at Gu Shengyin, whose complexion was full of momentum and calm, but felt her heart gradually turn cold: With the power of Shengjia, if she wanted to retaliate against her…

In the end, she nevertheless softened: “I"m sorry, I…”

Gu Shengyin interrupted her: “You don"t need to say sorry. Apologizing cannot settle this matter.”

Qi s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ clenched her teeth: “Then, what do you want me to do?” She was not foolish. Gu Shengyin coming to look for her meant that there must be a request. Otherwise, she would have directly dealt with her. (齐诗诗咬牙:"那你想要我怎么样?"她不傻,顾盛因来找她,肯定是有要求。不然的话,要做什么直接下手就是)

JMin"s Corner:

I have forgotten whether I left it as jia or family ;o

Ari"s Corner:

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