Quick Transmigration: Heroine Arrives, Woman Rapidly Retreats!

Chapter 327

Publishedat 3rd of May 2020 07:52:08 PM
Chapter 327
Wretched Original Spouse vs Top Mistress (13)
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Zhang Mingshu had already pondered about a Meng family in the capital secretly; however, there were many people surnamed Meng solely in the capital, and there were no fewer than ten families . She could not guess which family Gu Shengyin was in .  (张明姝已经暗暗的思索了一下京城姓孟的人家,无奈孟氏是大姓,光是京城之中,就不下十家,她也猜不出来顾盛因到底是哪一家的小姐)

When Gu Shengyin took off her veiled hat to eat, Zhang Mingshu felt that the room had brightened .

She was usually conceited about her own appearance, but she did not think she would meet someone who would make her look like dust .  (她素来自负自身容貌,却不想,随处遇上的一个人,居然将自己比到了尘埃里)

She pressed down the jealousy in her heart and smiled: “Meng jiejie is really beautiful and really lets people feel ashamed . ”

Gu Shengyin brightly smiled: “For people like us, there is no need to rely on beauty to serve others . There’s no need to take it so seriously . ” (顾盛因粲然一笑:“我们这样的人家,又不用靠着美貌以色侍人,又何必太把它当回事儿呢)

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These words happened to stab Zhang Mingshu’s soft rib1 .

Yes, for xiao jies of high officials like Meng jiejie, all of them would have a father or elder brother who could take charge . Relying on their family status, they could find a good son-in-law . Where would they need to be like her, advancing one step after another just for the sake of her future? (对呀,像是孟姐姐她们这样的高官小姐,所有的一切,都有家族父兄为她们打点,凭着门第就可以觅得佳婿,又哪里需要像自己这样,步步为营,为自己挣一份前程呢)

Following that, her mood was somewhat lacking . Gu Shengyin also saw her expression and knew that she had a lot of thoughts in her heart . Rather than sitting there for a while, she departed .

Only, when Gu Shengyin left, she did not antic.i.p.ate that she would be seen by a certain someone .

Qin Shao recognized her at a glance . It was his xiao s.h.i.+mei, Liang Chenyu, who came out from the large courtyard .

According to reason, the two of them are not too familiar with each other . He did not pay too much attention to this xiao s.h.i.+mei before, but somehow, even if she wore a veiled hat, he could still recognize her with a glance .

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It was just that Liangfu seemed to not have a residence here?

He was doubtful and commanded the person at his side: “Investigate who the owner of this house is . Additionally, check what my xiao s.h.i.+mei did today and who she met . ”

He was worried that she was deceived because she was young .

The secret guard nodded before suddenly asking: “Xiao s.h.i.+mei?”

Qin Shao said faintly: “The daughter of Teacher’s family . ” (秦韶淡淡道:“老师家的女儿)

“Subordinate understands . ” The secret guard was surprised . He didn’t expect the Holy One, who was very serious with Taifu, would unexpectedly match courtesy with a fellow disciple(?) (属下明白。”那暗卫心中吃惊,没想到太傅圣眷居然如今深重,今上竟真的以弟子礼相称)

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Gu Shengyin was not aware that her whereabouts were being checked by someone .

By the time Qin Shao returned to the Imperial Palace, the things that he wanted to know had already been checked clearly .

If you aren’t already doing so, please read this at the original site, jiamintranslation . com .

“You’re saying that house was arranged by Zhenbei w.a.n.gfu for that biao mei who had an affair with Zhenbei s.h.i.+zi?” Qin Shao was furious when he heard this .

It turned out that Zhenbei w.a.n.gfu’s decision was to just change places and to taste honor? Zhenbei w.a.n.gfu, very good .  (原来敲打一番,镇北王府做出的决定就是换个地方,好吃好喝的荣养着)

“Then, how did xiao s.h.i.+mei know that person?” Seeing xiao s.h.i.+mei‘s appearance today, there was no anger and did not seem to appear to know the hidden matters .  (那小师妹如何知道那一家的?”看今日小师妹的样子,未有气愤之色,不像是知晓其中事情的样子)

“Liang xiao jie‘s encounter with Zhang Mingshu was just a coincidence…” The secret guard elaborated on the encounter between the two at Western Pavilion .

If Gu Shengyin heard this, she would have certainly exclaimed in admiration at the secret guard’s capability; even the slightest detail was not overlooked .

In other words, xiao s.h.i.+mei basically does not even know who Zhang Mingshu was? She still thought she made a new friend?

Qin Shao inexplicably felt distressed towards that girl with little deer-like eyes who aroused people’s pity .  (秦韶莫名的为那个有着小鹿一样眼神的姑娘感到心疼)

“Okay, you can go first . ” He waved his hand for the secret guard to retreat and stood alone, sinking into contemplation .

Rage welled up in his heart towards Qin Yuanzheng . He was indignant towards Qin Yuanzheng because he had such a good fiancee, yet his heart was still remembering a woman who did not know honor and shame for hooking up with her biao ge .

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