Quick Transmigration: Heroine Arrives, Woman Rapidly Retreats!

Chapter 331

Publishedat 24th of May 2020 11:08:04 PM
Chapter 331
Wretched Original Spouse vs Top Mistress (17)
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When Qin Shao came, he saw a scene that made him unable to restrain a smile .

A little drunk cat with hazy eyes leaning comfortably on a chair in the pavilion, trying hard to reach out to a branch with flowers in front .

One of those flowers was not too far, yet not too close . If she could sit up straight, she could pluck it . Unfortunately, she was not willing to get up and simply waved her hand in the air in vain repeatedly .

Qin Shao had seen Gu Shengyin several times, and all those times, he had seen her with a dignified and perfect-mannered appearance . Where did he see her appearance like this?

He thought it was amusing for a bit and actually did not say anything . He stood there watching her trying to grab that flower again and again .

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Her silk sleeve slipped down on her arm due to the motion, revealing a portion of her jade-like arm .

Qin Shao saw it and felt that the flower was not as beautiful as that half-exposed skin .

Recalling what he had just thought about, Qin Shao’s old face turned red and spurned himself . Just now, he unexpectedly had this kind of thought towards this little girl who was nearly ten years younger than him .

Just about he was about to leave, Gu Shengyin apparently seemed to be upset .

She actually stood up and plucked that flower, fulfilling her wish .  (居然撑着站了起来,如愿以偿的摘到了那枝花)

Gu Shengyin revealed a perfectly contented smile, placed it under her nose, and gently sniffed it .

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However, in the eyes of the Emperor, that flower completely lost its color due to her satisfied smile .

Unknowingly in his mind, an idea popped up: If she could always smile like this, which man would not be willing to give up everything? (他脑海中不知怎么的,就冒出了一个念头:若是能一直让她露出这样的笑容,任是哪个男人,怕是都愿意倾其所有吧)

At this time, he unexpectedly felt jealous towards Qin Yuanzheng .  Please read this at jiamin translation dot com .

However, Gu Shengyin was seeking death herself . She was drunk yet was using one hand to lean against the chair with difficulty to stand up .  (然而顾盛因却是自己作了个大死,她原本是喝的醉醺醺的,靠着手扶着靠椅才勉强站了起来)

When she got the flower, she had forgotten about it and turned around . Her left foot tripped over her right foot and stumbled down just like that .  (这一拿到花,一时忘了形,一个转身,左脚绊着右脚,就那么一个趔趄摔了下去)

Unfortunately, she was not even aware of it and unexpectedly wore a smile on her face .

Qin Shao still had not made up his mind whether to pull her or not, but his body already reacted quickly and embraced the person in his arms .

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Really small .

That was Qin Shao’s first thought .

The little girl in his arms was soft, lovable, small, and also fragrant to the point where you wouldn’t want to let go when you hold her .

He looked at her once again and let out a laugh . This heartless little girl had already pinched that flower, and he didn’t know what good dream she was having .

“…Your Majesty!” The young inner court servant, who came over carrying sobering soup, saw Qin Shao holding the girl in his arms and frightened him into kneeling in a hurry .

The gentleness on Qin Shao’s face disappeared and he said in a cold voice: “Taifu jia‘s xiao jie is drunk . Go find two palace maids to come stay with her to rest and make sobering soup . Then, notify the Grand Princess . ” (秦韶脸上的柔情消失不见,冷声说道:“太傅家的小姐喝醉了,你去找两个宫女来将她待下去小憩一会儿,另去煮点醒酒汤。再去通知大长公主一声)

“Yes, Your Majesty . ” The young inner court servant withdrew in a hurry so as to not see something that should not be seen .  (是,陛下。”小内侍慌忙下去,至于不该看的东西,他什么也没看到)

On this side, Gu Shengyin felt that she was caught in a familiar embrace full of lotus fragrance . She subconsciously drilled deeper into Qin Shao’s arms and even habitually wrapping her arms around his waist, causing his arms to stiffen completely .  (这边顾盛因感觉到自己陷入了一个熟悉的充满莲香的怀抱之中,下意识的往秦韶怀里钻得更紧,甚至习惯性的抬手环住了他的腰,浑然不觉抱住自己的怀抱僵硬的不行)

Qin Shao was somewhat embarra.s.sed and at a complete loss . Ever since he became an adult, no one dared to hold him like this .

But looking at the little girl’s full of dependence and satisfied expression, a strange sweetness rose in his heart .  (可是看着小姑娘满心满脸依赖满足的神情,他又诡异的心中升起一股甜蜜来)


She was someone else’s fiancee .

Qin Shao strived to persuade himself, ignoring the faint unwillingness welling up in his heart, and placed her down leaning on the chair .  

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