Quick Transmigration: Heroine Arrives, Woman Rapidly Retreats!

Chapter 332

Publishedat 24th of May 2020 11:08:04 PM
Chapter 332
Wretched Original Spouse vs Top Mistress (18)
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Gu Shengyin was gently awakened by a female official in the palace .

After all, if word spread out that she, an official’s daughter, was drunk and stayed in the palace overnight, it would ruin her reputation .

After drinking a bowl of sobering soup, Gu Shengyin finally became clear-headed . In a daze, she remembered an embrace full of lotus fragrance . Could it be Emperor Xiande who sent her back?

She tried asking the female official by her side: “I could not hold my alcohol; I wonder which jiejie sent me here . I should properly thank her . ”

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The female official at the side smiled and curtsied: “This duty is what nu bi should do1 . Liang xiao jie is too polite . ”

However, she had seen how His Majesty treated this Liang xiao jie very carefully, regarding her as if she was a treasure . So it was only natural to treat Gu Shengyin very politely . But His Majesty did not allow anyone to speak of the previous affair, so the credit was quietly placed on her .  (不过陛下交待了之前的事情谁也不许说出去,这份功劳就安在她身上了)

Gu Shengyin was disappointed in her heart, but did not show it on her face . She thanked her, examined her clothes, and found no problems . The female official guided her back to the banquet .

The palace feast was just about to end . Grand Princess Ronghua saw her granddaughter and couldn’t help but rebuke her: “Where did you just go? If you didn’t come back, I would have had to send someone to find you . ”

Gu Shengyin laughed ‘hee hee’ and pulled her grandmother’s hand: “Granddaughter was a little drunk and went outside to feel the wind blow for a while to sober up . ”

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The Grand Princess knew that her granddaughter could not drink wine, and seeing how there was nothing wrong, she felt relieved .  

If you aren’t already doing so, please read this at the original site, jiamintranslation . com .

After the palace feast ended, Gu Shengyin followed her elders to return to the fu .  Contrarily, Emperor Xiande was caught in an inner turmoil .

When he was alone, the figure of the little girl would flash in his mind: those round eyes that were looking at him, her satisfied face while gently sniffing flowers, and how lovable she was when she nestled in his arms .  (他一个人的时候,脑海之中总算会闪现出小姑娘的身影,先前瞪着圆溜溜的眸子看他的样子,一脸满足的轻嗅鲜花的样子,乖巧的依偎在自己怀里的样子)

Qin Shao exerted strength to shut his eyes and repeatedly told himself that she was not someone he could touch .

At this time, f.u.xi, the chief of the inner court, came to inform the Empress Dowager that His Majesty had asked her to go to Shoukang Palace .  (这时候,内侍总管福喜来报,太后娘娘请陛下去寿康宫)

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Qin Shao kneaded the s.p.a.ce between his eyebrows, having an endless headache . He didn’t need to think to know what his mother’s plan was . It was nothing more than the issue of the harem being empty and having a royal heir .  (他想都不用想就知道母后打的是什么主意,无非就是后宫无人,皇家子嗣的问题)

But the problem was that he was not really interested in those women . When he was sixteen years old, the late Emperor gave him two palace maids to teach him about bedroom manners2 . As a result, he sent them out in a rare fit of anger . He directly left in his carriage and spoke bluntly to the late Emperor that he did not like females(?) (可问题的他对那些女人真的没兴趣,十六岁的时候,先皇指给了他两个教导人事的宫女,结果他那一次罕见的发了怒火,将人直接辇了出去,并对先皇直言一心向学,不喜女色)

At that time, the matter was dragged on like this, and by the time he ascended the throne and became Emperor, there was no one who could control him .

Who knew how many pieces of the Empress Dowager’s heart broke into over this matter . Every year, the palace’s flower viewing banquet was held several times and its purpose was naturally self-evident . However, Qin Shao only had one reply each time—Zhen has no interest .

This time, there was someone who caught his eye, but unfortunately, he had given her to someone else .  (这一次倒是好不容易有个看得上的了,可惜,早早的就被自己指给了别人)

A subject’s wife could not be easily bullied .  (臣子妻,不可欺)

Qin Yuanzheng . The young Emperor inwardly said: Zhen will give you one more chance . If you don’t know how to cherish it, then don’t blame zhen for being rude .

Gu Shengyin was not aware that a mere simple banquet let her lover’s mind turn over so much information .  (顾盛因可不知道不过是简简单单的一次宫宴,自己的恋人脑子里就转过了这么多的信息)

During this period, she was very busy with ‘chance encounters’ with Qin Yuanzheng and being Zhang Mingshu’s intimate jiejie .

She had to say that Zhang Mingshu’s eloquence was quite good . Even Gu Shengyin’s close maid, Jian Jia, began to have pity towards this Zhang gu niang, who was ruthlessly persecuted by her sweetheart’s fiancee, after following along several times to visit her courtyard .  

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