Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil

Chapter 182

Translator: Callis
Editor: Walker

Kun waited and waited, his heart beating like a drum, but he didn"t see them collapse.

The palms he had used to crush the peppers with felt like they had been burned by fire; they were very hot and uncomfortable. His thick, coc.o.o.n-covered skin even showed an unusual flush. The burning sensation scratching at his heart and lungs made him hate that he couldn"t cut away those pieces of flesh.

He had heard that some plants were so toxic that they didn"t need to be swallowed, just touching it was enough to make a person collapse. He had only a little bit of his skin come into contact with it, and it was already so painful and was bound to be even more miserable for Xiao An Chun and the others. It had been a long time since they finished their meal, so the poison should have spread all over their bodies.

With this thought, Kun quickly slid down the rope ladder and ran to the stone jar to wash his hands. He repeatedly washed and rubbed his palms until the coc.o.o.n layers were removed before stopping. However, the burning sensation didn"t fade, but became more intense instead and the poison seemed to spread.

He grit his teeth, decisively took out his dagger, and cut off the skin on his palm.

Blood splattered everywhere, dying the water in the jar red. In order to prevent wild beasts from attacking from the smell of blood, he immediately wrapped his palm in fish skin. Then he dug a pit and dumped the b.l.o.o.d.y water and pieces of flesh into it, covering it layer by layer.

The labor badly mutilated the palms of his hands, leaving Kun covered in cold sweat. He tightened the fish skin, leaned against the tree trunk and gasped. He told himself that he would soon be back together with Eddie, which made him feel better. After sitting for a long time, more than enough time for the poison to spread through the whole body, Kun hid his face and laughed.

He hadn"t died. He didn"t feel discomfort anywhere other than his palms, enough to prove that he had gotten rid of the poison.

Kun was glad for his success. He wrapped his hands tightly again and climbed up the rope ladder to the golden lion"s treehouse, looking for salt and red crystals. No, there was nothing. There was nothing in the room but a bed, a table, and chairs. How could this be? He had once seen the beautiful female playing with two pieces of red crystal in the sunlight, how could he not see them? Did he carry them with him? Thinking of this, Kun slid down from the treehouse, ready to search for the bodies of the two men and beasts. He had just walked a few meters, then froze, his eyes widening.

"You, you…" Actually didn"t die? He swallowed the last words in time, and his face grew increasingly pale.

Zhou Yun Sheng didn"t seem to notice his abnormal behavior and asked, "Do you want to go for a walk too?"

"Right, I ate too much, so I am going for a walk." Kun immediately echoed.

Xiao An Chun looked at his b.l.o.o.d.y palms and asked, "Are you hurt?"

He didn"t care whether Kun lived or died, he just wanted to figure out what he was up to.

Kun quickly hid his hands behind him and shook his head. "When I came down, I didn"t firmly grasp the rope ladder. So I fell and scratched my palms, it"s nothing serious."

This piqued Xiao An Chun"s interest. He forced the other to sit on the ground, unwrapped the tightly bound fish skin, and examined the wound. His eyebrows were slightly raised. It was suspicious, but he didn"t ask further. If this had happened in the past, he would have been very anxious, running into the forest to collect herbs for Kun. But now, it was as if nothing had happened. He didn"t remind Kun that the wound was dirtied, let alone wash and change the dressings for him.

Xiao An Chun tied the skin back and said softly, "Grinding away a layer of skin isn"t a big deal."

Kun didn"t know that there were people in the world who, from the shape of the cut skin and flesh alone, could tell what weapon had been used and whether the injury was fatal. Xiao An Chun was one of them.

Kun was quietly relieved and thought that he had fooled him. He rubbed his stomach and walked into the forest, saying that he would be back soon.

Xiao An Chun stared at his back, his expression unreadable.

Waiting until he was far away, Zhou Yun Sheng asked in a low voice, "What"s wrong with his hand? The cuts are so smooth that it couldn"t be from abrasions."

"Male G.o.d, you really have good eyesight. He cut it off with a dagger himself." Speaking of this, Xiao An Chun was still stuck in a fog. He didn"t understand why Kun abused himself. He never understood the way these primitive people"s brain worked.

Zhou Yun Sheng was stunned, and his expression was a bit tricky. A moment later, he slowly held his forehead and tried to stifle his laughter. Then he smacked the silly lion"s furry head and laughed loudly.

Xiao An Chun asked ignorantly, "Male G.o.d, what"s so funny? Say it out loud so we can have a good time too."

Zhou Yun Sheng laughed and waved his hand, it took him a long time to recover. He said, "Kun was afraid that you"d see the peppers, so he crushed them before he threw them into the pot. He completely crushed a few handfuls of pepper." As he spoke, he curled his fingers and made a rubbing motion.

At first, Xiao An Chun was still confused, so he copied the rubbing motion. Then he remembered the pepper he had just eaten. It tasted hundreds of times spicier than the capsic.u.m pepper. It was difficult to cut with a kitchen knife, nevermind crushing it with his bare hands. The thick pepper juice would invade the cell membrane and produce a horrible chemical reaction, burning off a layer of skin.

Originally, he could tolerate it, but Kun thought that the peppers were poisonous. In that case, how could he bear it? How would he dare endure it? What if the poison spread from Kun"s palms to his whole body? In order to stop the poison from spreading, he quickly reacted and resolutely cut off his own palm. It was both sad and ridiculous.

Thinking of this, Xiao An Chun couldn"t help but laugh, shaking and clutching at his shoulders. A chill went through his bones. The primitive people were ignorant and uncivilized. They didn"t have a complete worldview or values, nor had they established a sense of morality. They had their own code of conduct to help them survive and improve their quality of life. In order to achieve their goals, there wasn"t much they were unwilling to do, including cheating, hurting, killing, and even eating people. They were sometimes naive, but most of the time they were cruel, an ignorant sort of cruel.

Xiao An Chun couldn"t contain his trembling but spoke firmly, "Male G.o.d, we must drive Kun away. He"s too terrible!"

Zhou Yun Sheng indifferently shrugged his shoulders. "We really need to get rid of him, but not right now. I"m not going to let him go back easily. Give him to me, you just keep quiet." He raised his index finger against his lips and made a silencing gesture.

Xiao An Chun nodded and didn"t ask any more questions. Of course, he had 100% faith in the male G.o.d.

Kun arrived at a secluded s.p.a.ce and made sure that they hadn"t followed him. Then his face distorted and he gave off a silent cry.

Who could tell him, why aren"t they dead? It was clear that the rabbit had turned into a cold corpse not even two breaths after eating the horn-shaped fruit. Why were they still living well? Something must have gone wrong!

"Could it be that the ones I took weren"t poisonous?" He unconsciously felt around the hide pouch and discovered that there weren"t any horn-shaped fruits left, so he had to go back and look for more. Thinking of the mad rabbit and his almost rotted palms. He dared to swear on the name of the beast G.o.d, the red horned-fruit must be poisonous, very poisonous!

"They might not have been poisonous enough, I need to put more in next time." He muttered to himself all the way to the edge of the forest, and found that the red horn-shaped fruits that had grown here before had all disappeared. There was only a freshly dug pit left behind. It was obviously man-made, had Xiao An Chun and the others pa.s.sed through? Had they discovered his secret?

He went around in a circle twice, searching to confirm that the horn-shaped fruits had been dug away. So he headed back, crossing a stream. Suddenly, he felt the urge to return to the tribe, regardless of the consequences. But his heart was tough and he finally restrained himself. He thought of some excuses and languidly headed back towards the camp.

The golden lion and the beautiful female hid in their treehouse and Bai laid in the shadow of the branches and leaves to cool off. Only Xiao An Chun was digging a pit with a piece of bamboo. There was a small tree beside him, covered with green horn-shaped fruits.

Kun"s whole body stiffened, neither approaching nor retreating.

Xiao An Chun didn"t want to mention the poisoning. When the male G.o.d silenced him, he pretended that he didn"t know anything. He didn"t ask or think about it. He just kept the pepper tree alive.

He waved his hand, as if ridiculing him, and continued to dig the hole. He carefully planted the pepper tree, pouring a ladle of water on it.

"What is this?" Kun played the fool, and he would never admit it. If they asked him, he"d blame the birds. They liked to throw the leftover seeds around anyways.

"It"s delicious, we"ll eat this tonight." Xiao An Chun smiled wickedly, but because of his drooping head, Kun didn"t spot it.

"It can be eaten, and tastes especially good. It really makes you feel great." Xiao An Chun looked up, eyes bright.

Being looked at, Kun was uncomfortable and his voice was dry and hoa.r.s.e. "But it looks strange, like it"s poisonous."

With that, his antic.i.p.ation-filled heart sank. After two or three months together, Kun knew Xiao An Chun well enough. He knew that once the other decided which plant could be eaten, there wouldn"t be a mistake. In other words, the poison that he thought he had wasn"t poison at all.

But why was his palm burning and so painful, as if there was a fire burning? Kun couldn"t figure it out. He stared at his palm, where there was still a bit of blood seeping out. His face was blank. In the evening, Xiao An Chun fried a dish with the green horn-shaped fruits and tested the spicy flavor. Only then did he realize that he had cut his palm for no reason.

This feeling would pa.s.s if he tolerated it a little. At most, he would just shed a few more tears, and besides, it wouldn"t harm his body. Kun swallowed a whole horn-shaped fruit under the pressure from the golden lion. He poured himself a large bowl of water and returned to his treehouse with his stomach in his arms. When he got up the next day, he was very energetic. He showed no signs of poisoning at all.

How could it turn out this way? Why couldn"t he poison them to death, but he had to sc.r.a.pe away a layer of his own flesh? He broke down completely and hit the floor with his forehead. When he had breakfast, he sat at the stone table with his back hunched. Kun looked like he was wilting.

Zhou Yun Sheng pushed a dish of friend peppers in front of him and smiled. "Eat. After you finish, you can go train with Xuan and Bai. You"re too weak." Looking at Xiao An Chun, he added, "You go too, you"re even weaker."

"Ah?" Xiao An Chun didn"t understand.

"What "ah"? We are now a tribe. In order for the tribe to develop and grow, every member of the tribe must be as strong as they can be as quickly as possible. You follow Bai, and Kun will follow Xuan." Zhou Yun Sheng tossed a leather bag at Kun while he spoke in a careless tone. "Take a look, the things you need are inside."

Kun opened the bag and his hands trembled. Red crystals, the bag was full of hundreds of red crystals. Don"t even mention one person, even if the males in the whole tribe used it, it was enough for all of them to be promoted several cla.s.ses.

"You, you"re giving this all to me?" He felt that his throat was blocked, and he couldn"t help but swallow his saliva.

"All for you. You"re the only one who can use it anyways. Keep up with Xuan and don"t drag everyone behind." Zhou Yun Sheng looked down slightly to obscure the malice hidden in his golden-brown eyes.

Bai and Xiao An Chun didn"t know what was going on, turning together to look at Zhou Yun Sheng. But then they remembered their previous instructions and endured without asking any questions, silently leaving.

From that day on, they followed the golden lion to the southern forests every day. On the way, they were met with many dangers. There were several times when their lives were on the line, but under the golden lion"s protection, they were safe and their strength rose rapidly. The fastest increase was none other than Kun. At first, it took him half a month to absorb a red crystal, and then it only took ten, then seven, then four, then three days…In the end, he could absorb two a day, one in the day and one in the evening. Even while he slept he was practicing. Despite his sinister methods and unfathomable heart, Xiao An Chun had to admit that he was hard-working and resilient. Sooner or later, he would be able to accomplish something.

Seeing Kun become more and more powerful, to the point where even Bai wasn"t his opponent, Xiao An Chun began to grow anxious. Kun was a venomous snake. He would awaken very soon and kill the farmer who had saved him.

Xiao An Chun didn"t want to see the male G.o.d ruined, so he urged the golden lion to take them back quickly and abandon Kun halfway.

He didn"t dare to kill people, and could only think of a way to get Kun to leave them. Kun was very strong now. Even without them, he could find a way back to the Bayan tribe. Now he was a seventh-cla.s.s warrior, surpa.s.sing all of the Bayan tribe. Once he returned, he could take over the leader"s place and become the new leader for the tribe. Eddie would also desperately commit himself to him. Maybe he would immediately agree to marry him. Instead of mixing with them, it would be better for him to go back to the tribe.

"……The poor farmer died like this. Do you think it"s worth it?" When Kun was absent, Xiao An Chun told the golden lion the story of "The Farmer and Snake" for the third time, getting more and more frustrated.

Zhao Xuan lifted his eyelids, and disappointed sigh coming from his nose.

Xiao An Chun wanted to grab his ear and roar: You fool, you are the farmer and Kun is the venomous snake. The stronger you train him, the worse your death will be later. Do you understand?

But in the end, he only dared to think about it. He didn"t have the courage to put it into action, so when Kun came back, he could only purse his lips.

Only then did Zhao Xuan get up lazily, and returned the same way they came. He had been out for three months, and it was really boring to play in the forest with these pups. Halfway through, his lover had separated from them and went to inspect the large heavenly pit in the forest. It was probably a product from the black holes" explosion. By investigating the geological changes of heavenly pits, he could deduce the time coordinates.

Of course, in order to precisely align the coordinates to the minutes and seconds, the computational process was extensive. His lover had determined that it would take at least four or five years. Zhao Xuan felt quite satisfied that his honeymoon trip, which was originally a year, had been extended to four or five years. He licked his lips and his steps became more and more hurried.

Bai carried Xiao An Chun on his back, following in the same direction. It gradually grew to be a little strenuous, but Kun was behind them not too far away with a relaxed expression on his face. Warriors at the top of the seventh-cla.s.s were very rare. Even the Renault tribe, which didn"t lack red crystals, couldn"t produce even a few. Now Kun could refuse to bow down to most males, and ancestral beasts weren"t his opponent.

His gaze was trained on the golden lion"s back, his eyes bloodshot. His strong killing spirit burst out from his heart and he quickly converged.

No, he couldn"t do it yet. He had to go back to the camp and find out where they were hiding the red crystals. After all, his greed overshadowed his desire to kill. Kun closed his eyes and resumed his silence.

Zhao Xuan had already been aware of his desires for a long time. His golden, vertical pupils were equally fierce. However, he was in the front, and n.o.body could see it.

Thanks to Arlene for the kofi!

Kun you got bamboozled "ψ(`∇´)ψ

I"ve started a new project! It features guides and sentinels, quantum beasts, plenty of face-slapping, and a meng, meng egg!