Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil

Chapter 19

Chapter 19

Translator: Jostena

Unedited – it"s edited only a little at the beginning

Warning: The beginning has a rape scene but it"s not too detailed

It was night; Mu Ruiling tossed and turned in his sleep. The sense of humiliation was like a poisonous insect in her bones, moving and gnawing, and the pain was unbearable. Thinking of Zhan Chenyang"s disgusted eyes when she left the flower hall, she subconsciously burst into tears. In a trance, she could faintly smell a sweet and delicate fragrance and was about to get out of bed with her heart thumping, but she found herself weak, as if she had softened muscles.

"Come! Someone, come!" She tried to shout loudly, but when she opened her mouth, she could only let out a low, obscene groan.

Several dark shadows leapt into the room from the half-open window, stripped her clothes and undergarments, spread her legs and raped her one by one. So that they could have more fun, they held her up and clamped her in the middle. They worked together, and entered her from front and back until her two holes were b.l.o.o.d.y. Then they stopped with delight and laughed while one said as they walked away: "”It tastes good. It"s more energetic than the flower heads in Qinhuai Fang. You rest first. Tomorrow we"ll change the pattern.”

The guards and death men in change of this place were all killed in the previous conflict. The defense problem could only be handed over to the soldiers sent by Yuan Kunpeng. But these people have already come to the place and refused to contribute at all. They clearly saw a few figures drilling out of Mu Ruiling"s room, but they had no intention of pursuing them. They were acting completely blind.

The room was very quiet, and all the previous gasps, growls and abuses disappeared, leaving only a pungent stink.

Mu Ruiling thought that she was only going to be at her most helpless at the General"s Palace, but it is only now clear that once something begins, it will never stop.

Her reputation must have been smelly, labeled as "every man can have", and she had made many enemies. So if she loses Yuan Kunpeng"s protection, her fate is bound to be many times more miserable than it is today.

She regretted so much until her heart broke. Only then did she understand that good and evil will be repaid in the end. But who can rescue her from the quagmire? Zhan Chenyang"s desire for power is greater than anything else. In order to win over Yuan Kunpeng, he will not hesitate to send her out. From then on, she was really a b.i.t.c.h, a prost.i.tute, trampled to ashes sooner or later.

Who will save me? G.o.d, please send someone to save me!

As the effect gradually faded, she covered her face and cried bitterly, knowing that it was impossible, but wondered like under a spell: If Yu Canghai hadn"t found the truth, he would surely come and take me away. He is the strongest martial artist of all time. There is no place in the world that he can"t go to and no one that he can"t kill. With him, no one can humiliate me or trample on me, including the master of the Southern Frontier and the future emperor! Where are you, Yu Canghai? I regret it. Can you hear me?

Nevertheless, she could never guess that her fate today was the result of Zhou Yunsheng"s efforts.

Yuan Kunpeng"s angry revenge, the publication of the treasure map and the Wuji Xin Jing, the confrontation between everyone and the exposure of their evil deeds. The fate that Mu Ruiling and the others face is all with his calculations.

If a woman wants to have a foothold in troubled times, she needs to be strong, low-key or dependent on the strong. Mu Ruiling herself is not strong, nor does she act in a low-key manner. What"s worse is that she has repeatedly calculated against the strong people who wish to shelter her.

She was always "Being too clever", the result is often only one, which is "Inversely calculating the life of Qingqing". So it"s not necessary for Zhou Yuncheng to do it himself. How many sins she made before and is how much debt she"s going to pay now. So far as Zhan Chenyang and Mu Jinsong are concerned, their deaths are not far behind.

In the Dharma Cave of Shaolin Temple, Zixuan has been closed for 7×7 or forty-nine days. The demons of the heart have been locked in the depths of consciousness, and it is difficult to find out any storms.

He tapped the woodfish and chanted his sutras.

A cute little monk with jade and white as snow looks walked in with a food box and put a bowl of white rice and a plate of boiled vegetables on the ground.

"Shishu, it"s time to eat.” He whispered a reminder, waiting for Zixuan to pick up his rice bowl, as if accidentally saying, "”Did you know ShiShu? It turned out that everyone had wronged Yu Canghai. The seven families ma.s.sacre was committed by Zhan Chenyang, the owner of Biyunzhuang Village. He was planted with other people"s misdeeds. Unfortunately, the children of the Holy Sect have not survived. The world really is dangerous." He frowned as if he were very frightened.

Zixuan ate in silence, as if indifferent, but his eyes dimmed for a moment.

LThe little monk waited and waited. Seeing that he had never responded, he had to tidy up the dishes and turn around three times while leaving. When he came to the entrance of the cave, he stared at him obscurely.

The little monk took the food box back to the kitchen and muttered words all the way, with a very angry expression.

He couldn"t understand why the Sect Master wanted to make him a monk and keep near the aloof, cold-blooded and ruthless monk. Although the Sect Master will come to pick him up and leave in five years, the days when he can"t eat meat are really too hard.

He tidied up the food boxes and dishes and saw n.o.body around. He tiptoed along a small bag of salt and a jar of chili sauce on the stove and ran back up the hill secretly. He wanted to cook some birds to relieve his appet.i.te, but as soon as he left the front yard, he saw a group of people dressed in fighting clothes coming face to face with solemn and dejected expressions.

The little monk quickly hid behind a bodhi tree and peeped out half of his naked head. Because of his youth and lack of martial arts, these people perceived that his peeping vision was not suspicious, only curious as a child.

The little monk had received the advice of the Sect Master before he came. Once the news of treasure map and martial arts relic was introduced into the world, it would surely arouse the salivation of all parties, including the Wulin sects and the imperial power. The compet.i.tion was very fierce.

Because the masters of martial arts are so outstanding that they are difficult to deal with, these people will gather as many top players as possible to help them.

Speaking of martial arts training, the monk Zixuan and Abbot Zhishen each occupied a place in the top of the list of the outside world respectively. If they were invited to join, the odds would be much higher.

Therefore, in the moment of seeing these people, the little monk guessed their intention, and thought in his heart: I don"t know how the abbot of Shaolin Temple would choose, and if he really would join the team of pursuing him as the Master said? But shouldn"t monks be without desire and compa.s.sionate?

Although he had only been in the temple for a few months, his brothers in the temple took good care of him. They not only taught him how to practise Chinese characters, but also often told him to keep his heart and be kind to others. He really did not want to think these monks are so bad.

The Sect Master has clearly found evidence to clear the stigma of the Holy Sect. Why do the people of the world who owe the survivors such a blood debt do not plead guilty and repay, but turn around and rob them of their skills and wealth?

Little Shami was indignant and puzzled. He had forgotten the idea of beating a tooth sacrifice and crept close to the Daxiong Palace.

Outside the hall are five people from the outside world, who have a long breath and have a heavenly realm. They are masters at first sight.

They stood silently for a while, feeling that there would be no danger in the Shaolin Temple, and gradually laid down their guard and began to talk.

"That fellow Yu Canghai is a real misfortune. He held a black pot for Zhan Chenyan and now he has to carry another one."

"There"s no helping it. Who"s going to carry it except him? We"re always looking for a good reason to fight against him, aren"t we?"

“But a reason is too crude that it could be fabricated. Why wouldn"t he steal the families" treasures and move it to someone else"s land? Dozens of big chest will have to be moved. Aren"t all the guards of Biyun village dead? I almost laughed when they charged Yu Canghai with crimes. It was f.u.c.king perfunctory.”

“When dealing with the survivors, why do we need to find the right reasons to kill them?”

The idea of splitting chapters is annoying me but even my editors are busy recently so it"s hard posting these long chapters daily without cutting them into two parts T^T Anyway I wanted to let you guys know for those who aren"t part of our discord that I won"t be posting any chapters tomorrow because I have cla.s.ses from 10am to 9pm so I will have no time to post the chapter. So the next part should be out on Tuesday!

The tale behind ““

When the rape scene almost started:

Shirubame: Oh no I know where this is going. Better not be detailed. The only detailed scenes I want are with ZX and ZYS

Jostena: Same here and I have to translate it so I can"t even skip it T^T

Callis: urk

When the little monk thought the abbot is a good guy:

Jostena: Poor little boy who doesn"t know how the world works…