Raising a Fox Spirit in My Home

Chapter 135

Chapter 135

Flying without Wings!

Everything was perfect until Su Chan started sobbing into his chest again . Just like that, Li Yundong went from mushy, heart-and-flowers romantic mode to a full-blown panic mode .

"Hey, hey . What"s wrong, princess?"

Su Chan shook her head . "I"m just so happy and . . . " Suddenly, Su Chan looked up at him tentatively . "Aren"t you afraid of me?"

Li Yundong sighed inwardly, then smiled . Looks like it"s gonna take a long, long time to convince her that I don"t really care . "Nope . I"m not afraid . And I don"t get scared that easily . "

"But I"m a fox spirit . People see my kind as demons . "

Li Yundong shrugged . "So?"

"So—" Su Chan gaped, looking adorably baffled . "You do know what a demon means, right? Oh, you know, those vile and evil creatures that—"

"But you don"t kill people at random," Li Yundong said in a firm tone . "In fact, it"s the opposite . You even helped save lives . Look, let me make something clear . Labels don"t mean s.h.i.t . " Li Yundong shook his head lightly . "I a.s.sure you that there are some who are labelled as humans but are pure evil . "

People like He Shao, he added silently .

"Labels don"t mean anything, Su Chan . Only your thoughts and actions count…"

"But most people hate me!"

"Well I"m not most people," Li Yundong said pointedly . "And I happen to love you, so . . . "

Su Chan"s lips trembled slightly, after which she let out another sob .

Li Yundong patted her head . "Come on, stop crying already . It"s gonna be alright, I promise . "

Su Chan bobbed her head . "Mmm!"

Suddenly, Li Yundong lips curved into a smile . "Hey . . . I also have a secret to tell you . "

Su Chan raised her gaze and blinked those huge, watery eyes at him . "Hmm?"

Li Yundong"s heart might have just melted a little . He cleared his throat . "Come closer and I"ll tell you . "

Su Chan brought her face closer like an obedient little girl .

"You have snot all over your face . . . " he whispered into her ear .

"Kya!! Really? Oh my G.o.d!"

The next thing that happened took him by complete surprise . Su Chan yanked the front of his shirt and then used it as some kind of face towel . Li Yundong struggled not to laugh . A moment later, Su Chan released his shirt and started patting her face violently .

"Is it still there . . . " She glanced around frantically as though she was looking for something .

"Umm… You"ve actually made it worse . . . " Li Yundong said with a straight face .

However, when Li Yundong saw the horrified look on Su Chan"s face, he couldn"t hold back his laughter anymore . "I was messing with you, geez!"

Su Chan gaped at him for a moment . "Meanie, meanie, meanie!" She slapped his chest . "I thought I looked ugly and terrible and—"

Li Yundong trapped her hand against his chest and smiled . "You don"t look ugly, princess . You look perfect . "

Su Chan blushed and tried to look away, but Li Yundong held her chin and prevented her from turning away . "Now I"ve got some questions . "

Suddenly, Su Chan"s eyes turned wary . "W- What?"

Li Yundong gave her a rea.s.suring smile . "There"s nothing for you to worry about, okay? I won"t abandon you . . . Ever . "

Su Chan sighed . "Okay . . . "

"What happened back at the motel?"

Su Chan hesitated for a few seconds, then said, "I"ll tell you everything . But not here . Let"s head back to the motel first . "

Li Yundong slapped his forehead . "Oh, s.h.i.t . . . "


Li Yundong ran a hand through his hair . "I didn"t tell the driver to wait for me after I paid the cab fare . The guy left already . It"s pretty hard to find a cab here . " Li Yundong paused in thought . "We"ll have to walk out to the main road, and who knows we might get lucky and see one driving by . "

"No . We don"t have to do that, silly," Su Chan smiled brightly . "I can fly . "

Li Yundong looked up sharply . "But you"ll be carrying me and I"m kinda heavy . . . Um . . . Will that be a problem?"

"Nope! Hehehe . . . "

Wow . Okay . He was going to fly . Not by mechanical means, but by magical means . Holy frigging wow .

"Come on," Su Chan said, tugging Li Yundong"s arms .

Li Yundong frowned in confusion . "Where are we going? I thought we"re flying . "

Su Chan led him away from the s.p.a.ce Shuttle towards the amus.e.m.e.nt park"s gates . "It"s too open here . People might see us . "

Li Yundong glanced around . The place was pretty much empty at the moment, but Su Chan was right to practice precaution . They"d had too many close calls lately .

Su Chan led him into a dark alley beside the park .

"Put your arms around me," Su Chan ordered once they were standing in the alley . "Hug me from behind . "

Li Yundong quickly did as he was told . A moment later, Su Chan turned her head around to look at him .

"Whatever you do, don"t let go of me," she said . "I don"t know what I"d do if you fall off . . . "

Li Yundong chuckled . "Of course I won"t let go . I"m not that stupid, you know . . . "

Su Chan pouted and turned away from him . "Okay . . . Ready?"


"Here we go . . . "

Li Yundong gasped and closed his eyes instinctively when a burst of green light exploded around them . The wind howled beside his ear, bl.u.s.tering against his face . When he opened his eyes slowly a few seconds later, he saw nothing but darkness in front of him . But then when he glanced lower, he saw tiny dots of light flying past them . Holy s.h.i.t . . . They were G.o.d knows how many feet above the city .

"Hang on! We"re almost there!" Su Chan voice sounded amidst the wind . A second later, he felt a sharp dip, like they were taking a deep plunge . Li Yundong hugged Su Chan"s body tighter . Green light blinded his vision . A moment later, the wind stopped blowing . When he opened his eyes, they were hovering above the balcony of their motel room .

"We"re here," Su Chan said .

Slowly, they descended onto the balcony until their feet touch the floor .

Li Yundong unwrapped his arms around Su Chan"s waist and stared at Su Chan for several seconds . "You have got to teach me that . "


"So . Ready to tell me what happened?" Li Yundong asked once they got settled on the bed .

"I had to remove my Vital Orb from my body," Su Chan said .

"Vital Orb? Wait, is that the thing that caused the room to glow?"

Su Chan nodded . "I had no choice . That was the quickest way to remove the Divine Aura from my body . I knew I wouldn"t survive if the Divine Aura stayed in my body for too long . "

Li Yundong sighed and drew her into a hug . "I"m glad you"re okay . " He went quiet for a few seconds, pondering his next question . "Is that why you changed into…" He cleared his throat . "I mean is that why your tail came out?"

"It takes a lot of magical power to maintain my human form . And the Vital Orb is like a reservoir inside the body that stores magical powers . So if I take it out…"

"Your body will eventually run out of magical powers?"

Su Chan nodded . "I tried to work as quickly as possible before my magical powers are depleted . But I was too late . I couldn"t . . . " Su Chan stole a tentative glance at him . "I couldn"t maintain my . . . my human form . "

Li Yundong rubbed her back gently . "For what it"s worth, it wasn"t so bad . I mean, other than your fluffy tail—which looked super cute by the way—you looked pretty much the same . "

Su Chan suddenly withdrew from their hug . She slid away to the edge of the bed, then hugged her knees . She looked like a frightened child .

"Hey . . . What"s—"

"That wasn"t my true form . . . Not even close . "

"Okay . . . So you"re saying you can actually transform into a fox?"

Su Chan hugged her knees tighter and nodded weakly . "D- Do you feel disgusted now?"

Li Yundong yanked Su Chan back into his arms . "No, silly . I told you already that I don"t care about that . And besides . . . " Li Yundong caressed her shapely b.u.t.t . "I kinda like your human form . "

Su Chan moaned at his touch . "No . . . Stop touching me there, Yundong . . . " she said breathily . "I- I can"t . . . " She moaned again .

Li Yundong jerked his hand away . "S- Sorry . . . " He cleared his throat . "You forgot again . "

Su Chan looked thoroughly puzzled . "About what?"

"I told you to . . . you know . . . kick me in the nuts if I try to touch you again . "

There was a moment of silence . Then, Su Chan burst into giggles .

Li Yundong pinched her nose . "Stop laughing," he growled playfully . "You have no idea how hard it is not to touch you . "

Su Chan removed his hand from her nose, then laced their fingers together . "I really don"t mind giving myself to you, beloved . But not until you"ve pa.s.sed the Zhuji phase . "

Li Yundong smiled and lifted their joined hands . "I know," he said, dropping a light kiss onto the back of her hand .

Su Chan sighed and snuggled into his chest, causing their thighs to rub against each other .

Dang . This no-touching policy was a lot harder than he thought .

Li Yundong cleared his throat harshly .

"So… Um… Where"s your tail now?"

"After I flew off, I hid myself away . " Su Chan scratched the fabric of his shirt . "Once I recovered enough of my magical powers, I transformed into my human form again . "

"I see . . . " There was a pause, then a curious thought hit him . "Is that why you ran? Because I saw your tail?"

"Even after I reabsorbed my Vital Orb, I didn"t have enough magical powers to maintain my human form . My tail appeared and… and I didn"t know what else might appear, so . . . so I left . . . "

Li Yundong sighed . "Don"t do that again, okay? I was trying to tell you that I didn"t mind . But then you just flew off . . . "

"S- Sorry . . . I panicked . "

Li Yundong smiled . "It"s okay . Just know that I really don"t mind . "

The relief on Su Chan"s face was palpable . She nodded . "Mmm . . . "

Li Yundong chuckled . "Seriously though . . . " He gave Su Chan a sidelong glance . "I do find your tail cute . It"s so fluffy and bushy . . . "

Li Yundong laughed out loud when he saw the look on Su Chan"s face, which was as red as a tomato .

"S- Shut up . . . " Su Chan mumbled . "And . . . And . . . "

Li Yundong laughed again . "What?"

"It isn"t . . . It isn"t my only tail!"

Li Yundong nearly fell off the bed . "What? You mean you have more than one tail?!"

Su Chan"s tentative expression made her look like a frightened puppy . She nodded slowly .

Li Yundong glanced down at her curvaceous booty . "Um . . . How many?"

Su Chan held up three fingers .

"Three tails . . . " Li Yundong leaned back and tried to picture it in his head . Nope . He couldn"t come up with a good picture . "Wait . . . How many tails do fox spirits have?"

"Well . . . In our strongest physical form, we have nine tails . . . "

"You mean the stronger you are, the more tails you have?"

Su Chan nodded . "In humans, having large muscles is a sign of physical strength . But in fox spirits, physical strength depends on the number of tails we have . Nine is the most number of tails we can get . "

Another thought occurred to Li Yundong . "So if you consumed the Renyuan Jindan . . . You would get nine tails?"

Su Chan shook her head . "Six . But it"s also possible to enhance our physical form through Cultivation . . . "

A pang of guilt speared through Li Yundong . "I"m sorry, Su Chan . " He sighed . "If I didn"t end up with the Jindan, you would"ve been a six-tailed fox spirit by now . . . "

Su Chan snuggled up to him . "Yundong . . . I don"t care about that anymore . Even though I"m a lowly three-tailed fox spirit, I know I can be happy . "

Li Yundong frowned . "Are you sure?"

"Mmm!" Su Chan nodded enthusiastically .

"But how can you be sure? I mean you went through so much trouble to steal it . You even told me you nearly died in the process—"

"Because I have you . "

Li Yundong stopped talking and stared at her .

Certainty filled Su Chan"s eyes when she nodded . "I"m sure because I know you"ll always be there by my side . Power doesn"t make me happy, Yundong . You do . "

Something wet slid down Li Yundong"s cheek . It took him a second to realize that it was his own tears . Su Chan"s face became a blur, and he had to bit his lip to stop himself from sobbing . He drew Su Chan tightly against him, pressing his chin on the top of her head . More tears fell, but he forced himself to speak anyways . "Thank you, Su Chan . You"re the best thing that happened to me . Never forget that . "


"A- And . . . I"ll w- work hard to become stronger . " Li Yundong"s voice cracked a little . "W- We can help make each other stronger . You can help me become a Cultivator while I help you become a nine-tailed fox . How about that, huh?" Li Yundong cleared his throat .

There was a moment of silence .

"S- Su Chan?"

"I heard you . . . " Su Chan sighed . "I don"t think it"s possible for me to reach a nine-tailed fox form through Cultivation alone . I don"t think I have the talent . . . "

Li Yundong sniffed loudly . "What? That"s ridiculous! Have you seen the stuff you did? You"re a total bada.s.s! I mean just look at the way you—"

"There are only two known fox spirits who had achieved the nine-tailed fox form . The founder of the Fox Zen School, and also the Mystical Silver Fox . "

"So what? You"ll get there one there . " Li Yundong wiped his cheeks with his sleeve .

"I doubt it, Yundong . " The dejection he heard in Su Chan"s voice brought a sharp pang to his chest . Then, her tone turned cheery again . "But it"s okay, hehehe! n.o.body will dare bully me once they know that I"m the great Li Yundong"s lover!"

Li Yundong chuckled a few times before his expression turned somber . He patted Su Chan"s shoulder and turned her around so that they were looking into each other"s eyes . "I promise you I"ll work hard, Su Chan . And then we can become stronger together," Li Yundong stated firmly . "n.o.body"s leaving anybody behind, okay? We"re both in this together . Am I clear?"

Su Chan smiled, then bobbed her head up and down . "Mmm!"

"I think it"s time, Su Chan" Li Yundong took a deep breath and looked straight into her eyes . "Help me pa.s.s the Zhuji phase . "