Raising a Fox Spirit in My Home

Chapter 47

Chapter 47

Chapter 47 The Big Circulation

It was midnight and Li Yundong, who didn’t close his eyes for almost one day and one night because of the moving, still didn’t feel exhaustion or drowsiness .

On the contrary, he felt that there was an unknown force in the body that gave him an inexhaustible power . He stood on the balcony and pa.s.sionately looked down at Tiannan City under the night sky .

He felt that he should conquer something even though he had no idea what it would be .

Like an ignorant newborn child facing this vast and complicated world, Li Yundong didn’t know that he would achieve earth-shaking achievements in the future . He was like a caterpillar struggling in the coc.o.o.n while waiting for his moment of emergence .

“Su Chan…” Li Yundong looked at the bustling urban night scene, and suddenly said with amazement, “Can you tell me what I can do in the future?”

Sitting with her legs crossed and her head resting on Li Yundong’s shoulder, she looked at the stars in the sky and said, “In the future? You can do anything . No matter what, you will be great in the future!”

Li Yundong smiled and said, “How do you know? When I was driven away by the landlady that day, I swore to myself that I have to be excellent in the future and let them admire me! However, after I calmed down, I realized that after so many years in school, I learned nothing . What a tragedy!”

Su Chan looked up at Li Yundong with a squint . She thought, “Even though you haven’t cultivated a single day, you have more power than most of the world’s cultivators . You are holding treasure while worried about future survival problems . What a joke!”

In this world, was there something more remarkable than becoming an immortal G.o.d by cultivating?


After receiving no response from Su Chan, Li Yundong didn’t push . He smiled and said, “I’m just complaining, don’t overthink it . I will work hard for you!”

Hearing this, Su Chan felt so warm in her heart and smiled at Li Yundong . She looked at the time and stood up, coming behind Li Yundong and said, “Yundong, can I ma.s.sage you now?”

At this time, Li Yundong had been able to figure out that Su Chan was definitely not an ordinary person . Considering her unusual ma.s.sage technique, she was different from ordinary people .

Since Su Chan appeared in his life, Li Yundong clearly felt that his life and body had changed, but he didn’t reject these changes . Instead, he was enjoying them, so he didn’t want to delve too deep .

Whatever Su Chan asked him to do, he did because he was convinced that Su Chan wouldn’t harm him .

The little girl let Li Yundong sit cross-legged, facing the balcony to the east, and opened all the doors and windows of the room except the main entrance . She even tied up all the curtains .

While looking at Su Chan who was busy working, he asked in a puzzlement, “Su Chan, can I ask why I have to sit cross-legged every time you give me a message? I am like a qigong master who is refining Qi!”

Su Chan said, “You are actually refining Qi! Where else would the Qi in your body come from? Think back in the cla.s.sroom, why did you suffer a Qi-deviancy? It was because you were being tempted and your Qi was running around . ”

Li Yundong shook his head and said with a smile, “I really can’t imagine that such a beautiful little girl like you is still practicing qigong, but still, why do people have to meditate cross-legged when cultivating? Why not stand?”

After Su Chan was ready, she stood in front of Li Yundong and pointed at Li Yundong’s feet . She said, “Legs take up half of the height of the human body or even more . The longer the legs, the more difficult it is for a human’s Qi to reach the Yongquan Acupoint which is very important for Shaoyin Kidney Channel of Foot as well as Taiyang Bladder Channel of Foot . If Qi can’t reach that spot, people are unable to cultivate the big circulation . ”

“When people sit cross-legged, their meridians will be stretched, which will stimulate the blood qi in the meridians, and this position can shorten the distance from the legs to lower dantian in the lower abdomen and then from middle dantian in the heart to upper dantian in the brain . In addition, the posture is stable and protective which can stop Qi from releasing . ”

Li Yundong suddenly understood and he said with admiration, “I used to think that they sat cross-legged just because it was more comfortable . That it was a habit and I tried it once . My thighs were numb and my calves were sore after awhile, so I gave up . After listening to you today, I realized that this was the reason to meditate cross-legged . Su Chan, I think that you are truly amazing . You are so beautiful and intelligent . It isn’t easy! ”

Su Chan laughed as she heard this and she looked even more beautiful at night . Li Yundong was stunned and felt a desire in his lower abdomen .

Su Chan quickly pressed his head and said, “Close your eyes and raise your tongue to the palate . Clear your mind and don’t think about anything!”

Li Yundong did what she said . After a while, he felt that his waist was hot . The strange feeling he felt in the hotel returned again .

Su Chan slowly ma.s.saged Li Yundong’s acupoints for a while with one of her hands, and then she put both hands on Li Yundong’s waist, activating the Qi of the gold pill inside Li Yundong with her energy .

At this time, Li Yundong almost had no sense of consciousness . He felt confused and it was as if he was immersing himself in a hot spring and was being submerged in the hot, running water .

The advantage of the Dual Cultivation was that one of them could be half awake and simply adapt to the Vital Essence flow .

The human body was the most amazing and subtle existence in the world . Even the world’s advanced scientific instruments couldn’t explore all the subtleties of it and the advanced machines couldn’t compare with the human body’s own coordination and self-reaction .

Only in cultivating this way in the purest natural reaction of the human body would the Qi be the purest . It was comparable to the innate Vital Essence brought by the mother .

However, cultivation in such a situation made it easy to go mad . With a companion, people could be at ease and gained greater progress .

Su Chan felt that Li Yundong’s brain had slowly acc.u.mulated with a large amount of pure Qi of the gold pill, and at this time, the Baihui Acupoint at the top of Li Yundong’s head slowly opened . A faint white mist, which was almost invisible, steamed up from his head .

At this time, Su Chan knew Li Yundong had completed the acc.u.mulation of Qi . As long as she took a tapped on the top of Li Yundong’s head, this acc.u.mulated Vital Essence would immediately rush into his channels and forced him to break into the big circulation .

Su Chan took a deep breath and exhaled a mouthful of air that looked like a white arrow . A faint cyan airflow rolled out of her palms before she patted the Baihui Acupoint at the top of Li Yundong’s head!


Li Yundong trembled fiercely as it felt as if hot water was poured over him from head to toe . He felt his body and mind be at ease .

Li Yundong’s face flushed, and all his meridians bulged everywhere . The Qi over his head suddenly swelled and turned visible . At this time, it was as thick as a baby’s little finger and became stable .

Su Chan looked at Li Yundong nervously . She knew that this was the so-called “three flowers gathering top” which was described by the ancient pract.i.tioners . When he overcame this, Li Yundong would enter the big circulation .

This steam lasted for a minute or so . Suddenly Li Yundong trembled as if he was set to stand up and dance .

Su Chan secretly said, “After the gold pill developed the other six channels except for Ren Meridian and Du Meridian, it began to attack Li Yundong’s twelve channels . She didn’t know whether he could succeed tonight . ”

While she was worried, Li Yundong suddenly jumped up and shot out a roar! He did it so fast that even she couldn’t stop him .

The shouting sounded so clear and loud that it spread afar like rolling thunders or a tiger .

Hong Ling, who also lived in Hongsheng Garden, suddenly woke up from meditation . She opened her eyes with some surprise, and secretly sneered and speculated, “Which cultivator will roar like this? He must be afraid of being unknown . What is he showing off?”

After a while, Hong Ling discovered that the shouting had not weakened and, instead, became more and more deep, like a rushing river which would surge a bigger wave after every turn .

“Who is he? How impressive!” As a disciple from a famous sect, Hong Ling believed he must have been guided by a famous teacher, and he must be so talented that he could make a long roar .

It wasn’t until Hong Ling discovered that the long roar had lasted for five minutes without stopping and was becoming even louder and louder, that she couldn’t help changing her face, and quickly walked to the balcony, looking in the direction of the sound .

Soon, Hong Ling became more and more shocked, because this shouting had been going on for ten minutes, and it sounded like mighty mountains or huge sea which was majestic and endless!

Hong Ling felt so shocked that her scalp became numb . “w.a.n.g Yangming’s shouting only lasted for five minutes while this guy’s shouting actually has lasted ten minutes!! Who is this pract.i.tioner with such powerful Qi? Is he an obscure master, or the head of a sect who is secretly cultivating here?”