Raising a Fox Spirit in My Home

Chapter 170

Chapter 170


The only thoughts running inside Li Yundong"s mind at that moment were: run; flee for your life .

So he did .

He leaped to the side, not caring where the golden apparition was . His knees sc.r.a.ped against something rough when they hit the ground .

Then, he scrambled to his feet and ran .

The temple . He had to get to the temple .

He channeled more Qi into his legs and pumped his legs harder .

Somehow, the strange feeling inside his chest had spread to his entire body . Some kind of invisible force or pressure was squeezing his body from all sides . It was as though something was trying to flatten him and forcibly fit him into some kind of two-dimensional flatland .

What the f*ck is this s.h.i.t?

Li Yundong gasped, and before he knew it, his knees. .h.i.t the ground again . This time, he couldn"t even get up .

He gasped for air and started to crawl his way towards the temple . His eyes darted around their sockets, scanning the area for more threats .

He didn"t see the golden apparition anywhere . Was it gone?

Come on . . . Move . . . Move!

He reached forward to grab hold of something . Anything .

Something tickled his palm . He opened his eyes and realized that he had just grabbed a fistful of gra.s.s . d.a.m.n it . He wasn"t even facing the right direction . He pulled back his hand and re-oriented himself on the ground .

Don"t give up . . . Don"t you dare give up!

Li Yundong growled and mobilized more Qi from his lower Dantian .

The pressure squeezing against his body grew stronger the moment he did that .

Su Chan . . . Think of Su Chan . . .

Li Yundong fought back against the pressure with everything he got . Alas, it seemed like the more he struggled, the stronger the pressure grew .

"d.a.m.n it!" He slammed his palms against the ground and tried to push himself up .

Suddenly, he heard a whisper .

"Do not harbor hostile intentions . . . "

The voice sounded feeble and frail, like the voice of an old man .

"Malevolence fuels its power . Rein in your Qi, young man . "

Li Yundong gave up the struggle right then and guided his Qi back to his lower Dantian . The effect was almost instantaneous—the pressure vanished and he felt like he could breathe again .

Li Yundong rose to his feet and scanned his surroundings . The temple lay about thirty meters ahead . Trees lined both sides of the inclined path . He didn"t see any old man around . Nor did he see the golden apparition of the arhat .

He sighed in relief .

He wondered who gave him the tip just now .

Li Yundong shook his head and forged on . Better get inside that temple before the attacker returns…

He made it to the temple in a couple of minutes .

He stood in front of the temple and studied its facade for a while . The temple was quiet and peaceful, almost idyllic . Beside the temple were shops selling incense, food, and drinks . Li Yundong directed his gaze to another corner and saw several hoses scattered around . Beyond the hoses were several water faucets .

Seems like a good place to rest and stay overnight…

He approached the steps leading up to the temple and lowered his backpack onto one of the steps . Then, he sat down to take a much-needed break .


It was almost nightfall by the time Meiduo and her fellow pilgrims arrived at Kathok Monastery . Light from the temple pierced through the darkness of their surroundings, illuminating their path . Meiduo smiled at the metaphorical significance: the path towards enlightenment .

The smell of incense greeted Meiduo as they approached the temple"s facade . Wisps of white smoke swirled around them . The rhythmic sounds of Tibetan drums drifted from inside the temple with chants of mantras forming a soothing background noise . Meiduo closed her eyes and spent a brief moment to soak it all in . This was home .

The head of Kathok Monastery was a close acquaintance of Changabela . After Changbagela exchanged a few pleasantries with the head, the rest of the pilgrims went about their own business . Everyone seemed tired and weary after the long journey . Some sat on the stairs, chatting with their companions . Others picked a spot and lay down on the ground to get some shut-eye . Meiduo scanned the crowd for Changbagela . She found him sitting on one of the steps, staring up into the sky with both hands hugging his knees . Meiduo walked over and sat down beside him . The moon shone down at them from the clear sky .

After a while, Changbagela broke the comfortable silence . "Meiduo . . . "

She turned to regard the old man . "Yes, Changbagela?"

"Are you angry at me for yelling at you in front of the others?"

Meiduo shook her head . "No, Changbagela . I think you were right in everything you said . I shouldn"t judge a person"s worth by their appearance . " She sighed . "Looks like I still have a long way to go towards enlightenment . "

Changbagela said nothing after that and kept staring at the sky .

Minutes later, Meiduo detected movement from the corner of her eyes . She turned and squinted through the darkness . She caught a glimpse of dark, s.h.a.ggy, shoulder-length hair spread across a set of broad shoulders . The man disappeared around the corner a split second later . Meiduo sprang to her feet . "I- It"s him!"

Changbagela stared up at her . "What?"

Meiduo reached down and pulled Changbagela"s arm . "He"s here! The Han Chinese who saved your life!"


Meiduo tugged Changbagela"s arm until he was up on his feet .

"Where? Where is he!"

Meiduo pointed at the corner of the temple . "I saw him rounding that corner!" she said, then began to pull Changbagela in that direction . "Come on, Changbagela! Let"s go!"

They rounded the corner in record time and walked on for a few more seconds . Meiduo helped Changbagela stepped over a bunch of tangled hoses, then continued forward . They reached another corner, by which time they could hear the sound of running water . Maybe he was taking a drink—

Meiduo blushed the moment she and Changbagela walked around the corner . The Han Chinese was completely naked as he stood in front of the faucet . Under the moonlight, the sharp planes of the man"s muscular back gleamed at them . Meiduo blushed even harder and turned away .

Changbagela patted her shoulders and said, "Let"s give him some privacy . "

Meiduo fought down the burn in her cheeks and nodded meekly .

After that, the two of them retreated around the corner and waited . A while later, the sound of the water stopped . Meiduo shared a glance with Changbagela .

Changbagela shook his head gently . "Not yet," he whispered . "He still needs to get dressed . "

Meiduo flushed again . It seemed like her common sense had left her tonight .

When the Han Chinese man didn"t show after twenty minutes, Meiduo began to worry . Surely it wouldn"t take that long to get dressed .

Had the man left?

Meiduo shot a worried glance at Changbagela, whose lips were moving as he spun a prayer bead in his right hand .

Meiduo shifted forward and shook Changbagela"s knee .

Changbagela opened his eyes a second later . "Hmm?"

"Shall we take a look? It"s been nearly twenty minutes . "

Changbagela got to his feet . "Sure . "

They walked around the corner again .

Relief coursed through Meiduo when she saw that the young man was still there .

However, her relief was short-lived .

Something strange was happening . Something really, really strange . Like supernatural .

The young Han Chinese appeared to be meditating . Dust and leaves spiraled around him as though he was the center of a tornado . Then, something even stranger happened . A jet of white, gas-like substance shot out from his mouth . The white jet travelled forward for over ten meters before it ran into a huge rock and vanished in a puff of white smoke .

All of a sudden, the young man sprang to his feet and c.o.c.ked his fist back . A split second later, the air in front of him exploded in a soundless clap . The ground trembled under Meiduo"s feet as some kind of shockwave shot out from the man"s fist . The ground shook again when the shockwave slammed into the giant rock ten meters away, releasing a m.u.f.fled crack .

Meiduo turned sideways to look at Changbagela .

Changbagela wasn"t looking at her, but she could tell that the old man was in shock .

When Meiduo looked to the front again, the young man was nowhere to be seen .

Meiduo turned to Changbagela . "Hey, where did he—"

Changbagela was already making his way towards the rock .

Meiduo hurried after Changbagela .

Seconds later, they were both staring at a deep imprint of a fist buried several inches deep into the rock .

"Mahakala . . . " Changbagela mumbled .

Meiduo turned her head sharply . She gaped at Changbagela, too stunned to speak .

Changbagela closed his eyes and pressed his palms together . "Amitabha . . . We have just encountered the living reincarnation of Mahakala . The great Dharma Protector . The Defender of the Law . The Lord of Justice . "

Meiduo shook herself out of her stupor right then .

Mahakala . One of the most powerful G.o.ds known in Tibetan Buddhism . The G.o.d with three faces and six arms . . .

Before Meiduo could open her mouth to speak, a cold voice sounded behind her .

"What are you two planning? Why were you following me?"


Li Yundong stared at startled faces of the young girl and the old man . He had heard their whispers with Eryue while he was washing himself earlier and had decided to confront them .

The girl was still in shock when the old monk recovered his composure .

"Well?" Li Yundong said sternly . "State your purpose! Why were you following me!"

Suddenly, the old monk lowered himself to the ground and prostrated himself before Li Yundong .

Alarm coursed through Li Yundong . "Hey! What the—"

"Hail, great Lord of Justice, Mahakala!" said the old monk . "I thank you for saving my life!"

Li Yundong moved forward and quickly pulled the old man to his feet . "Please rise, old sir . This isn"t necessary . "

The old monk grabbed Li Yundong"s hands . "Thank you, my lord . "

Li Yundong smiled . "You don"t have to thank me, sir . Any decent human being would"ve done something to help . "

"But still . . . My lord—"

"I prefer Li Yundong, thanks . "

The old monk stared at him for a few awkward moments .

"You have my utmost grat.i.tude, then, Mr . Li . "

Then, the old man nudged the girl with his elbow .

"Meiduo!" he hissed . "What are you standing around for? Say something!"

The girl"s eyes cleared a little .

She stepped forward and gave Li Yundong a bow .

"I am terribly sorry for the way I"ve treated you today," she said shyly . "I shouldn"t have yelled at you . And I should"ve at least tried to properly thank you after you brought Changbagela back to life . "

Li Yundong nodded . "You"re welcome . "

Changbagela stroked his long, white beard . "If you don"t mind me asking, Mr . Li, are you here for a vacation? Or are you here for some other purpose?"

Li Yundong regarded the old man warily . What should he tell them? After a moment of thought, he decided to answer with the truth but keep his answer vague .

"This trip is part of my training . "

"I see, I see!" Changbagela said pensively . Suddenly, Changbagela beamed at Li Yundong . "Well, I"m leading a group of people on a pilgrimage to the summit . You can join our group if you like?"

Li Yundong rubbed the back of his neck . "Well . . . I"d like to, but you see . . . I"m kinda in a hurry . . . And you guys . . . Well…"

Kowtowing once every three steps didn"t exactly fit the definition of "hurry" no matter how he looked at it .

"Come on… You don"t actually think we have to perform the kowtow ritual for the whole journey, do you?" Changbagela said as though he"d read Li Yundong"s mind .

When Li Yundong didn"t answer, Changbagela laughed and waved his hand casually . "We don"t actually have to do that . The ritual is only necessary when we are near the foot of the holy mountain . " Changbagela laughed harder . "Come on, the whole journey is more than 100 kilometers long! Most of us would die of head traumas if we kowtowed all the way up . "

Li Yundong burst into laughter .

"Am I right, Meiduo?" Changbagela nudged the girl again .

"Yep! Yep!" Meiduo nodded with zest . "Changbagela is right . Besides, we could use some protection . "

Li Yundong raised a brow . "Protection? From what?"

Meiduo stared at Li Yundong as though he"d grown three heads . "Wolves, of course!"


Meiduo nodded again . "Mm-hmm! This mountain is filled with them!"

Li Yundong tried his best not to gape .

Wolves . He"d been running around in a mountain full of wolves, and he hadn"t a single f*cking clue .

Well . s.h.i.t .

Li Yundong cleared his throat . "Umm… That"s… that"s good to know . "

"Like I said, you can protect us from wolves," Meiduo said . "And in return, we can be your guide towards the summit . It is very easy to get lost as you go further along this path . "

Li Yundong studied the pair for a moment . Should he accept the offer? Or was this too big of a risk?

Argh . Screw it .

Li Yundong sighed . "Fine . "