Chapter 14

In the courtyard, all of the children could be seen whispering and talking to each other.

"Oh my goodness!"

"That was so crazy! Everything happened so fast!", most of the students were exclaiming and talking to each other in a frenzy. Never in their very short life could they have imagined that something like this was possible. An up and coming professor on his way to the steps of popularity have been subdued and pummeled by a 4 year old boy. He wasn"t just pummeled, he was obliterated.

Some of the students were trying to poke combat professor Li Zhao to see if he was still alive, and surprisingly enough, he still was. Albeit struggling with every breath.

Elder Xing Cai on the other hand, was contemplating whether to kill the combat professor and hide his body somewhere to avoid future problems.

However, she put aside the thought when she remembered that she was still hugging the unconscious Viel in her arms. She patted the boy"s head before trying to place her qi inside the boy"s body to check whether he was alright. As she first injected her qi, she felt something wrong and was starting to think that this was a bad idea. But alas, it was too late, she proved herself right as she felt her whole consciousness drifting into the deep abyss which is Viel"s dantian.

She felt herself suffocate, trying to claw her way out but could not feel anything within her grasp. It felt like she was falling, how far she will continue to fall, she did not know. Hours, days, weeks, months, years- She felt her whole existence being scattered in the deep abyss.

But suddenly, she felt a cold touch on her shoulders and in the blink of an eye, her eyes started to see the light again. At first she was confused as to where she was at, but after a while, she started thinking clearly and realized that this was the place she was at before she entered the abyss and memories of the past events flooded her mind.

It is as if they were memories long forgotten, but clearly, were not. The time she spent on the abyss was not even a split-second yet it felt like an eternity for her. Turning her head to see whose hand was holding her shoulders, she saw a little girl with black hair looking at her.

"E-esteemed Elder, i-is Viel alright!?", Cynthia"s voice was cracking. Even though she has not been friends with Viel that long, she felt a weird connection with the boy so she was the most worried amongst all the people here.

"T-that"s right, is m-my future powerful h-husband alright!?", Diao Mei hurriedly walked towards Cynthia and Elder Xing Cai. Cynthia frowned when she heard the word husband but was not able to inquire further because she heard a loud shout.

"What has happened here!?"

The Taizhou Academy Headmaster walked into the courtyard, following him were Examiner An Da, Senior Professor Hamberg, the dark-skinned man- Geralt, and a few other professors that have yet to be introduced to the cla.s.s.

"Elder Xing Cai? Why are you still in the academy"s grounds? The scouting for new students are over already!", The Headmaster curled his eyebrows when she saw Elder Xing Cai but soon furrowed when he saw that she was holding an unconscious white haired boy.

"R-respected Headmaster, please calm down. I am sure there is an explan-", Examiner An Da was quick to stand between the Headmaster and the female Elder but before he could finish his sentence, Geralt suddenly shouted as he charged towards a spot on the dueling platform where some of the students were gathered.

The students quickly dispersed when they saw a huge lump of black muscle rushing to their direction.

"W- this… Li Zhao!? What happened!?", Geralt quickly pulled Li Zhao"s face which was almost embedded and sunked into the floor. "W-who did this!?", Geralt glared at the nearest student he could find.

The student, who couldn"t withstand the pressure that the dark-skinned man was emitting quickly confessed that it was Viel who attacked the combat professor and pummeled him into the ground with no chance to retaliate.

Geralt couldn"t believe to what he heard. No, he refused to believe it. Even though the white haired boy was rumored to be a monster, defeating someone who was leaps older than you was impossible.

"No! The boy did not do anything, I did it!", Elder Xing Cai quickly stood up while carrying Viel in her arms.

"Is this true?", the Headmaster calmly asked the student who was questioned by the dark-skinned man.

"N-no sir! T-t-t-the Elder only arrived w-when the combat professor was being pummeled to the ground, she was the one who stopped Viel!", the student was shaking as he recalled and explained the situation without lying once again.

"It seems that is the situation, Elder Xing Cai", The Headmaster glanced at Xing Cai before looking at Viel again.

As per the academy"s rules, punishment must be met! Harming each other in the academy with the intent to kill is not allowed, and with how combat professor Li Zhao is looking, Viel clearly had the intent to kill!"

"I agree! Punish the boy!", one of the unknown professors shouted. After he started, most of the other professors also exclaimed and agreed with him.

"W-wait a minute, respected Headmaster. W-what about the possibility that someone is backing up Viel?", Examiner An Da"s face was full of sweat.

"It does not matter. Even if there is someone who is backing up Viel, the academy shall and will not tolerate anyone breaking the rules!", The Headmaster"s expression slightly revealed a grimace before once again wearing an aura of pride.

"No! But the combat professor was clearly taunting and teasing Viel!", Diao Mei suddenly shouted.

"T-that"s right, respected Headmaster! It was the combat professor who provoked him!", Cynthia backed up Diao Mei"s words.

"T-this…", the Headmaster revealed a hint of hesitation. "I really should have retired"


Outside of the academy, a beautiful red-haired woman can be seen examining the gates of the academy.

"Tch. So this is Taizhou Academy? What"s with these gold gate, do they think they"re a bank or something?"

"Hmph. I could crush these tiny walls with my bare hands, can they really protect their students like this?"

"Why is the air here so humid? Are they trying to suffocate the students?"

The woman with the red hair, Empress… Headmaster Su Xue, was currently in the middle of ridiculing and cursing every inch of Taizhou Academy"s entrance. As she was thinking of more negative things to say about the academy, a man approached him.

"B-beautiful Lady, I have brought you to the academy… I was wondering about..", the man was fiddling with his hands in a repeating motion. Before he could finish his words, a bag was thrown in front of his face.

"Hmph! I know the deal! Now get out of my face, mortal!", Headmaster Su Xue was clearly annoyed and tired of this man who he asked for help.

"T-this… is it really t-two thousand silvers?", the man was about to check the bag of coins before he felt a killing intent near him. He saw the beautiful red-haired woman looking at him with emotionless eyes. He gulped before forming a fist and bowing to the lady. He quickly ran away after thanking her.

"Tch, even the mortals here in Taizhou are shameless! Truly shameless!", Headmaster Su Xue covered his nose as if she was pa.s.sing by a pig sty.

"Meng Ying!", Headmaster Su Xue waved her hands.

"At your command, Em- Headmaster Su Xue!", a bald woman with big b.r.e.a.s.t.s suddenly appeared from Headmaster Su Xue"s shadow.

"Find us a place to stay in this pig sty, the more expensive the better! This city is full of snot and pretentious r.e.t.a.r.ded people!"

"Yes, respected Headmaster!"

"And after you do that, find the family of our spy in the academy. Give them 3 gold coins for the services of their son to Long-… What is this weird aura!?", before Headmaster Su Xue could finish her orders, she felt a weird aura inside the academy. "This is.. in the academy!?"


"Even if you are the Headmaster of Taizhou academy, this boy is now under the protection of the Nine Golden Pavillion!", Elder Xing Cai could be seen arguing with the Headmaster while still carrying Viel in her arms. Her aura rising drastically, some of the students" legs were starting to shake.

"T-this… even so, the academy has to follow its rules, Elder Xing Cai!", the Headmaster stood his ground and released his aura as well, followed by the other professors at his back.

Both parties were staring at each other intently, waiting for the other to move. But before they could do so, they heard an applause.

"Oh my oh my, what is going on here?", a red-haired woman appeared from the entrance of the courtyard, clapping while walking towards to their direction.

"E-empress Su Xue!?", the Taizhou Academy Headmaster retracted his aura when he saw who the red-haired lady was.

Elder Xing Cai frowned, she clearly also knew who this woman was.

"HEADMASTER! I am now a Headmaster!", Su Xue was clearly annoyed at the Taizhou Academy Headmaster.

"I apologize, EMPRESS Su Xue, but you are in Taizhou Academy, and the only one that should be addressed as Headmaster here, is me", Even though the Taizhou Academy Headmaster"s tone still contained respect, he was clearly not giving Su Xue any face.

"Y-you-!", but before Empress Su Xue could talk, the Headmaster interrupted her.

"May I ask what is your highness doing here? Did your father, the respected High Emperor, send you to meet with our city lord?"

Empress Su Xue was clearly annoyed at the Headmaster and wanted to beat his head off, but she knew that would not lead to anything good- Taizhou Academy was afterall, one of her father"s greatest a.s.set.

"No, I did not come here to talk with your mortal lord", Empress Su Xue retracted her annoyed expression. "I just came here to see what my rival school is up to… but it turns out you are just bullying your own students".

Empress Su Xue glanced at Viel before giving the Headmaster a mocking glance.

"This is none of your concern!", the Headmaster quickly retaliated.

"Oh? That is where you are wrong. As a fellow educator, I can not stand by idly while you people are bullying this fragile little boy", Su Xue once again glance at Viel. White hair, small, and looks like a girl- these features matched the data that was given to her by her spy. Clearly, this unconscious little boy was the one in the report.

"T-that is… No! He is our student and will be tried by our academy"s rules. And since there have been witnesses that this situation was instigated by the combat professor in the first place, only light punishment will be met upon the boy!"

"Oh ho, is that so? Well, we"ll see what the boy thinks after he wakes up. Our academy has a lot more to offer than this academy of yours, after all", Empress Su Xue covered her mouth and chuckled.

Elder Xing Cai, who was carrying Viel, furrowed her eyebrows. She was completely ignored with the whole exchange.

In the corner of the platform, Li Zhao starts to wake up. The dark-skinned man, Geralt, helped him to stand up.

"D-d.a.m.n it. M-my face!", Li Zhao was furious when he touched his face, there were some parts that were placed clearly where they should not be. "T-that boy!", Li Zhao quickly scanned the area, trying to find the white haired boy who did this to him.

"Calm down, Professor Li Zhao!", Geralt quickly advised Li Zhao. Li Zhao was going to rebuke before he realized that there were other people in the courtyard.

"The verdict is as follows!", the Headmaster waved his hands.

"V-verdict!? Is the little boy going to be expelled!?", Li Zhao thought. He was clearly happy that he was awake to see the little boy being expelled from the academy.

"Li Zhao, who instigated the situation will be transferred to a lower cla.s.s and will teach there!"

After hearing this, Li Zhao couldn"t help but shout, "M-me!? But I was the one who was attacked!?".

"Ah, combat professor Li Zhao, how good of you to join us. The verdict is final, we have witnesses backing up the claim that you are the one who provoked the student", the Headmaster acknowledged Li Zhao"s presence before continuing his verdict.

"As for the elite student, Viel. Even though he was provoked, he should have kept a calm mind and a.s.sessed the situation first! A clouded mind can and will lead to death in battle!", the Headmaster looked at the other students that were present, clearly also lecturing them.

"However, the student Viel did produce amazing results and showed prowess way beyond that of his peers and that is worthy of praise. I shall now state the student"s punishment!"

Everyone held their breaths, waiting for the Headmaster"s verdict.

"He shall be the one responsible for guarding the gate for a whole week! Listing those who have arrived after the bell and reporting only to me! That is all!", the Headmaster waved his hands as if saying that the verdict is over.

"T-that.. isn"t that punishment too light!?", Li Zhao was clearly disappointed with the verdict.

"Enough! That is my decision as the Headmaster. Empress Su Xue, if we may, let me offer you tea. Everyone else, you are free to go!"

Empress Su Xue nodded and walked away with the Headmaster. Li Zhao, who was still angered by the verdict, took a glance at Viel before leaving with a dark expression on his face.

The rest of the professors and students left one by one until only Elder Xing Cai, Viel, Cynthia, Diao Mei, and Xiao Pei remained on the courtyard.

"R-respected Elder, is Viel going to be alright!?", Xiao Pei, who was keeping quiet the whole time, finally had the opportunity to talk.

"He is alright now, I will bring him home to his grandparents", Elder Xing Cai smiled.

"M-my future husband"s home!? Can we come with you!?", Diao Mei revealed excitement on her face.

"Can I come too?", Cynthia furrowed her eyebrows at Diao Mei before asking the Elder as well.

"T-this, of course, you children could all come with me", Elder Xing Cai was touched, even though Viel could be considered as an odd-ball, he was still surrounded by kind friends.

"I-i-I will come along as well to protect all of you from this monster!", Wei Song, who was hiding behind the shadows suddenly appeared as the group was about to leave. Elder Xing Cai glanced at Wei Song and nodded before they all continued their short journey to Viel"s home.

Can we come with you

Wei song tags along


"d.a.m.n IT!", Li Zhao could be seen throwing a tantrum inside his quarters.

"Li Zhao, calm down! Your wounds are still healing!", Geralt, who was with him, was trying to comfort Li Zhao. "Your wounds will heal!"

"I swear, when I get my hands on that boy-", Li Zhao gritted his teeth as Geralt was wiping the blood that gushed through his face due to his outburst.

"We can not do anything to the boy, he clearly holds a position at the academy and with the Headmaster, let this go. Just flip this from your book and be done with it", Geralt shook his head as he stated calmly.

"Tch", Li Zhao was clearly annoyed at Geralt for stating the obvious. The room was quiet for a while until a sudden thought appeared from Li Zhao"s mind as he suddenly stood up.

"Yes… maybe we can"t do anything to the boy", Li Zhao revealed a wicked expression. The expression was even more accentuated by his wounded face.

"Y-you!? What are you thinking!? I hope you are not thinking of doing anything to the boy! This story is over!", Geralt quickly grabbed Li Zhao"s hands tightly, as if he was not allowing Li Zhao to do anything that he will regret.

"Me? To the boy? Oh no… I won"t do anything..he..he", Li Zhao started to laugh maniacally. His pride was clearly hurt by the beating he received from the boy. He was a student, and most of all, the boy was a westerner! This should not be tolerated!

"I won"t do anything...

...but someone else will"