Real Cheat Online

Chapter 65

Publishedat 5th of October 2019 10:59:09 AMChapter 65

Chapter 65 : The Madness of Demon Starting From Twenty One

「NowYoU’VeDoNEIt . I’MGoNnAKiLlYoUiN40SeConDS . 」

The killing intent I directed at the Onitako hindered me from listening to its words clearly .

『DOn’TGETc.o.c.kY, YoUs.h.i.ttYBrAT, YOu’rE No――! ? 』

Not waiting for it to finish, I fired another rounds of bullets into that Onitako’s ears .

「35 seconds left . 」

Waiting for this b.a.s.t.a.r.d to finish its lines was simply a waste of time . As such, I just kept firing my guns while keeping my distance with that Onitako .

The two magics it had shown me so far were quite powerful . Honestly, the power behind the two magics it had shown were too risky for me to counter thorough middle-ranged combat, however, the risk was even greater should I attempt to engage it in close-quarter combat, considering its magic power .


Though I might be able to solo this Onitako if I used 【Red Ogre】 skill, using that skill would raise the level of difficulty in cooperating with my party members . That aside, currently,

「Mop-san! 」

「Yeah, leave it to me . Tokkun, fire breath! 」

Responding to Mop-san command, the fire winged eagle, Tokkun, breathed fire out from its beak .


Tokkun and I were shaving away the HP-bar of that Onitako face to separate it from Lilith . Since cooperating in close combat fight was too difficult, this way would bring more a.s.surance to us .

「Tokkun, Fire Wings! [TL : EH? did I just heard the name of certain super spicy “Fire wings”?] 」

The feathers from Tokkun’s wings transformed into fire arrows . Soon it fired the fire feathers toward the Onitako face . It’s really difficult to counterattack Tokkun who could attack from high alt.i.tude . Though it might be possible to hit Tokkun with magic, that moment would become the opening for me to attack . Oopsie, as soon as I pondered about that matter,


The fire pillar rose from the ground landing a direct hit on Tokkun . But, Tokkun immediately adjusted its crumbling balance, and soon made its counter attacked at the Onitako face .

「Mop-san, how’s Tokkun’s condition? 」

「He is fine, Tokkun has fire and heat resistance after all . 」

So that’s why that fire pillar only took away 2% of Tokkun HP bar despite being inflicted a direct hit . In that case, let’s keep this pace with Tokkun acting as a decoy, while I kept shooting bullets from that Onitako face blindspots .

『Don’TGeTc.o.c.kY, IRON WALL! 』

RIght after that, the body of the Onitako released a shiny l.u.s.tre as if it got metal coating . The h.e.l.l . It’s actually a real metal coating . [TL : Reference to gundam]




「Reload【Armor PiercingPT-04】」

I didn’t care .


Normal bullet usually wouldn’t give any damage to heavily armored enemy, but my armor piercing bullet was different . As its name had shown, it’s a bullet that would pierce armor and it would only display its full potential against those kinds of enemies . Like right now . The bullet’s easily penetrating the solid metal coating of that Onitako face and then, little-by-little, created a red blooming effect .

「20 seconds left . 」


「Is that all you want to say?」

Pointing the muzzles of my guns at the idiot’s mouth who kept babbling nonsense, I fired my bullets into it .

「I know that you’re just bluffing! 」

Dodging its attack, I kept moving to keep the distance between me and the Onitako face apart while simultaneously shaving off its HP bar .

『B-BlUFfINg! ? HoWCaNyOubESoSurE!? 』

I replied its question with lead bullet . The muzzles of my guns pointing toward the sky above .

『T-ThereWAs…… . . 』

Its line of sight looked at the ceiling at which I fired at just before . There was the answer we’re looking for .

【UFO-Like-Onitako is a liar . It’s going to release its host as long as you shave its head HP bar . 】

『NoWaY, ItWa.s.suPpOSeDToBEAnExTReMElYHaRdQueStION . WhErEInThEh.e.l.lIsThEGeNIuSWhOSolVeDThAtPrOBleM . 』

Naturally the genius you’re looking for was amongst us . She’s that genius .

Aoi-san was smiling awkwardly to my short glance .

When we entered this cave, we immediately noticed that there was a question written on the ceiling . Though we noticed that question, I was particularly weak against this type of question .

What was written on there was the things that dealt the greatest mental damage to me up till now, namely the 11th question . it was an extremely hard english sentence . I couldn’t make head or tail about it all, let alone deciphering it .

Despite solving it, G.o.d knew how, I still didn’t understand the meaning of that sentence . But if it could help us grant Kanon’s wish even just a little, I-no, we would and had used our greatest effort to decipher that question . Thus why all this time, Mop-san and I were distracting that Onitako while Aoi-san was deciphering that question .

Thankfully, Aoi-san lived up to our expectations . Written on there was a method to save Lilith . Thus, it’s now my turn to live up to their expectations .

But I,

「I’M gonna rip that filthy face from Lilith! 」

『Guh-MUH,GGAAH……… YoUCReTIN, Don’TGeTc.o.c.kY . 』

As expected, Armor Piercing bullet was lacking in term of attacking power . But, I’d shaved off 40% from its HP bar . A bit more, just a bit more . If this guy situation was similar to the Onitako from before, it should’ve released its host when its HP bar went below the red zone of 25%, or maybe it would only do it when it was around 10% left . Even if right now it wouldn’t separate itself, it should leave its host as long as I shaved away its HP bar .

『DiE, ExPLoSIoN! 』

「WHAAAT! ? 」

My field of vision was suddenly enveloped by a gigantic blazing fireball .

I could hear the faint voice of Aoi-san inside of the blazing fireball . As if depending on that voice, my body moved inside the blazing fireball before I fell .


I who popped out from inside the blazing fireball rolled on the floor so that I wouldn’t get caught up in another explosion .

c.r.a.p, it’s critical damage . Rather, what the heck was with that explosion magic? That was foul play for this Onitako to suddenly released an AOE explosion without any sign .

「――N――Ou-kun―― Sou-kun! 」

I could hear Aoi-san’s voice clearly now . Why did you seem to be in such pain, Aoi-san? Who, WHO’S the b.a.s.t.a.r.d who made her cry?!

After rolling in such unsightly manner, I looked up at the Oni who stood before me .

――So It’S YOUUUUUUUUUU! [TL : OMAEKAAAAAAAAAAA!, for those who puzzled, it’s a reference from MSGIBO season II last episode]



I raised my fist overhead, and drove in an uppercut to that big face of the Oni . My fist was enveloped by red aura, and pair of horns grew from my forehead .

「Now that it come to this, I’m gonna lift the ban of close combat to beat the h.e.l.l out of you . 」

I summoned my katana, Autumn Moon from my item box and pointed it toward this Oni .

「It’s just right since I really wanted to punch that disgusting face with my own fist . 」

I also pulled out my Shidarezakura and ran toward that oni with two blade in my hand .

『GuGAH, BeATmEyOUsAY . 』

Though it was a bit different from what I had said before, for me punching the face of this b.a.s.t.a.r.d or making it be filled with windhole was the same things . It’s just a trivial matter anyway . Rather than that, I had an even more urgent problem right now .

「5 seconds left . 」

This oni HP bar only had 20% left . No other choice . I’d have to go all out at once without stopping .


One of my signature move, a thrusting skill by twisting the upper-half of my body to exhibit the maximum power of my thrust . . I named it――

「Blazing Shears! 」

I drove in the two blazing blades intersected like a cross . I then drew an orbit from there, the weakness of this skill was the fact that its power would be weakened for a moment .


Yeah, my blade couldn’t reach the inside of this guy in time . I might be able to obtain a different result if I my reliable partner [shield] was here .

But here, in this《Nagasaki》, I gained a new reliable sword [Partner] . If our defense wasn’t enough, we just needed to increase our offensive power . Right,



Her brandished sword stroke thrice at the oni face .

『GuGAH, BuT, I’MsTiLL』

「HA! 」

A sharp kick that was more splendid than the sword exploded on the oni face .


Right after that, its HP bar downed to 10%, Onitako let out an anguished scream from its hanging jaw .

『ImPossiBle, ImPosSiBlEEEEEEee . 』

Its huge face was also writhing in agony . It’s desperately trying to tear its main body from its host . So far, its action was similar to the oni from before .


――HoWCaNitBE . 』

「…… . EH」

After that, the huge face of Onitako was separated from its host body, then fluttered in the air . However the body that was left behind in that place had suddenly swung the club in her hands toward Yukihime-san .

「OU! ? 」

Yukihime-san was blown away like a golf ball due to that attack and only stopped when her body crashed against the wall .

「――Blue, I’ll leave Yukihime-san to you! 」

「Y-Yeah!  」

Though I managed to give an appropriate instruction to Aoi-san immediately, I’m currently in an extremely confused state .

――Wait a minute, what in the h.e.l.l was this, please tell me that this was just a joke . I mean, we managed to separate Lilith-san from that Onitako . And yet, why did she attack us? Why did we fail to release her from that Onitako control?


「… . . Quite a nice hobby you got there . 」

『FuHAaHAahAhAhAHA, YoU’ReWelCOmE . IguESsiT’STiMEToReVeAlMySeCrET . 』

When the Onitako said so, Lilith’s finger pointed at the ceiling .

『It’SWrITtEnRiGHt? WeArELiARs . 』

What was this thing lying about now? The deal in the beginning? No, I had refused that deal . Nothing else come to me . Then what, what was the thing that I missed?



『I’VeSuCkeDDryThISGiRlLifEForCeLonGtImeAgO . 』

Were you…kidding me?! This b.a.s.t.a.r.d must be joking . Right?

No, since Lilith’s body that was separated from that Onitako was still under its control, this meant she was already………