Rebirth As a Fatuous and Self-indulgent Ruler

Chapter 190: Becoming a Murderous Demon (II)

Chapter 190: Becoming a Murderous Demon (II)

But, even so, Long still felt exhausted after a day’s journey.

At night, they slept outside because they did not arrived at the next city.

To prevent attacks from enemies, many guardians kept watch at night.

After a makes.h.i.+ft tent was pitched, Long simply wiped his body with water and then fell into a deep sleep.

Without knowing how long had pa.s.sed, the voice of a guardian sounded outside.

s.h.i.+ got up and walked out, “What happened?”

Ying Qiu answered, “I got a message from spies in the Eastern Darkness.”

A little surprised, s.h.i.+ took over the message, then shattered the script with internal strength after glancing over it.

The guardian stood there, waiting for s.h.i.+’s command. But s.h.i.+ said nothing.

The guardian did not dare to leave without permission, just waiting quietly.

After a long time, s.h.i.+ finally said, “Keep guarding.”

Knowing that s.h.i.+ asked him to guard the tent, the guardian immediately responded, “Yes!”

s.h.i.+ walked toward Liu and Ouyang.

Both of them were good at martial arts, who could just rest in the tree without pitching a tent.

s.h.i.+ directly flew to the branches of the tree.

Ouyang and Liu glanced at each other, then Liu asked, “s.h.i.+ Qingzhou? What’s the matter at this hour of the night?”

“Go to the city with me now. I need your cooperation.”

Liu was stunned, “What happened?”

s.h.i.+ turned around and flied away without saying any word.

Liu frowned slightly, “Follow him to check it out.”

Having no comment on it, Ouyang nodded.

Then, they followed s.h.i.+ like a shot…

Three persons hurried on with their journey in tandem.

After about two hours, they had entered in the city.

s.h.i.+ kept heading in one direction on purpose. Liu did not know what s.h.i.+ wanted to do, so he could only follow s.h.i.+.

s.h.i.+ flew very fast. The only reason that Liu and Ouyang could catch up with him was their powerful martial arts.

Finally, s.h.i.+ stopped at a place like a house.

“There are 29 people with strong martial arts in the house, kill all of them.” s.h.i.+ coldly gave an order.

Liu looked solemn, “Who are they?”

s.h.i.+ did not reply, but intended to rush inside to kill them.

Frowning greatly, Liu stopped him, “s.h.i.+, leave them to us. Don’t forget your sequelae of the insect. If you keep acting recklessly, I will get Long here.”

Hearing this, s.h.i.+ got chills all over his body, and he coldly gazed at Liu as if he was about to attack Liu.

Liu said in a cold voice, “I’m not kidding, s.h.i.+ Qingzhou, I will go back to get Long here as long as you kill a person.”

For the time being, Ouyang kind of admired Liu’s courage to confront s.h.i.+.

However, Liu’s confrontation did not make s.h.i.+ compromise. On the contrary, s.h.i.+’s homicidal intent became stronger, and the light red of his eyes changed to deep red.

s.h.i.+’s voice turned even colder than that of Liu, “If you dare get Long here, I will kill Ouyang.”

s.h.i.+ then flew into the house, starting killing people cruelly.

Liu gasped with shock.

Ouyang was slightly stunned that s.h.i.+ was supposed to be a little weaker than them in martial arts, but he unexpectedly had a b.l.o.o.d.y murderous aura several times stronger than that of them.

s.h.i.+’s words definitely made Ouyang feel his homicidal intent. If Liu dared get Long here, no one would doubt whether s.h.i.+ was kidding.

Ouyang and Liu glanced at each other. At last, Ouyang said, “There’s something wrong with s.h.i.+ Qingzhou… He certainly would become a demon if he continues killing.”

Liu tightly clenched his fists, “Yes, … he would become a demon if he continues killing.”

Ouyang lightly pursed his lips, “Regardless of what he will be later, today… follow him.”

Liu gave a bitter smile, “If it goes on like this… s.h.i.+ is destined to be a real murderous demon. When it comes true, everything will be late… No, we need to stop it. Ouyang, let’s try our best to kill more enemies and end this action as soon as possible.”

“Agreed.” Ouyang nodded. Both of them hopped to struggle through the day first.

Then, they stopped discussing, but rushed into the fight…

Long was sleeping soundly that night, who had no idea about the absence of s.h.i.+ and things happened to s.h.i.+.

When Long woke up, it was the morning of the next day.

He looked at the sky and found the absence of s.h.i.+, but he didn’t think too much, just thought his lover got up earlier as usual.

After yawning, Long got up.

“Qingzhou.” Long smiled when he got out and saw s.h.i.+ walking to him with a basin of water.

s.h.i.+ gave a slight nod, with a smile on his face, “Yes, you’ve gotten up?”

In a tree, Liu and Ouyang looked at each other, finding some imperceptive panic in the eyes of each other.

As a matter of fact, they killed the enemies very fast last night, but relatively slow compared with s.h.i.+.

In addition, after they came back late last night, s.h.i.+ unexpectedly attacked Ouyang and threatened, “If Long knows what happened last night, I will kill Ouyang no matter who reveals it to him.”

To prevent Long from getting to know what he did, he even could kill Ouyang, which really frighten them.

It did not mean they were afraid of death… it meant s.h.i.+ seemingly had turned into a demon.

Last night, Ouyang responded, “So, we choose leave.”

But s.h.i.+ laughed, “Leave? It was Ouyang who brought the most toxic insect. Do you want to s.h.i.+ft the responsibility? Alright, one of you could leave at the cost of the other one’s life.”

s.h.i.+ just bounded them together, so no one could leave.

How terrible such a s.h.i.+ Qingzhou was!

Honestly, s.h.i.+ probably could not stop them if Liu and Ouyang tried best to escape.

But all this territory belonged to the emperor. If s.h.i.+ did not let them off, they absolutely believed that they could not escape successfully.

Moreover, the disaster from the most toxic insect was indeed brought here by Ouyang, even if they were victims too.

But, if the most terrible murderous demon was created by the insect, they would be too shamed to see their master. So they had to stay, and found a way to stop s.h.i.+ from being a murderous demon.