Rebirth As a Fatuous and Self-indulgent Ruler

Chapter 212: Ying Qiu Got Serious Injury (I)

Chapter 212: Ying Qiu Got Serious Injury (I)

Some shadow guardians had arrived at Songye City and arranged the residence in advance.

Normally, they rented a residence to live during the trip.

As a matter of fact, they didn’t plan to stay long, so it was suitable to rent a residence instead of buying one.

Even a deep-pocketed man would not willfully buy a residence where he would just stay for a few days.

The residence the guardians rented was quiet big, which was similar with the imperial manor…

Long had little requirements on the residence.

But in Long’s opinion, it was not bad to live more comfortable and happier in a good residence.

“Would you like to walk around the house?” s.h.i.+ asked after going inside.

“Good idea.” Giving a nod, Long sauntered in the house hand in hand with s.h.i.+.

The house had a beautiful setting, and the sea of flowers in the central winding corridor was a feast for the eyes.

“It is a wonderful house. Why was it rented?” Long was puzzled.

“The owner of the house was an old couple. Their children took them to Imperial City. The old couple had lived here for a whole life and were not willing to sell this house, so they rented it.”

“Oh, I see…” Long looked around, “The house was taken good care of. Did they move to Imperial City?”

“Yes, they moved to Imperial City.”

“We come from Imperial City and reside here, while they moved to Imperial City. How coincidental…”

s.h.i.+ smiled slightly, “Hmm.”

It was time to have lunch after they sauntered in the house for a while.

Long and s.h.i.+ headed to the main hall for lunch.

Although they just arrived here and shadow guardians had no time to cook, restaurants could provide all kinds of food.

The shadow guardians only need to buy some food from those restaurants.

“These are the special dishes of the biggest restaurant in the city. Qingzhou, have a try.” Long said.

Only Long and s.h.i.+ had lunch at the table, because no one knew where Liu and Ouyang had gone. So Long enjoyed some private time with s.h.i.+…

Ah… as long as they ignored those shadow guardians who were safeguarding them outside.

“Hmm.” s.h.i.+ responded before tasting those food.

Long also ate some food, then he said, “Those food taste good, but not as good as those cooked by imperial chef. Qingzhou, what do you think?”

s.h.i.+ nodded, “Yes, exactly.”

Long smiled, “Qingzhou, do you really think so or just chime in with me?”

s.h.i.+ gave Long a casual glance, “Why do I need to chime in with you?”

“Right.” Long agreed and nodded, “Hmm, you don’t need to do that. So what I said is right.”

“Hmm.” s.h.i.+ softly responded, with a faint smile in his eyes.

Long and s.h.i.+ were having their meals while bickering.

Liu and Ouyang still didn’t come back after Long and s.h.i.+ finished the lunch. Long couldn’t help saying, “Where did the two guys go? Are they having lunch outside?”

“They are not kids anymore.” s.h.i.+ looked very indifferent.

Blinking, Long caught s.h.i.+ by the arm and said softly, “Qingzhou… I felt you seemed to be a little cold to Liu… in these two day…. Is it my misconception?”

s.h.i.+ pursed his lips without saying anything.

s.h.i.+ had tried best to control himself these days, but Long still perceived his emotion.

As s.h.i.+ expected, Long not only knew s.h.i.+ more than s.h.i.+ imagined, but also could perceive s.h.i.+’s change.

Sighing in his heart, Long said softly, “Qingzhou, are you blaming Liu for failing to protect me well?”

s.h.i.+ tightly pursed his lips after hearing this.

Seeing s.h.i.+’s expression, Long confirmed his guess.

“Qingzhou,” Long gave s.h.i.+ a peck on s.h.i.+’s ear, “Listen to me, ok?”

s.h.i.+ turned to Long, his eyes not calm anymore, “What do you want to say?”

Long gazed at his empress and didn’t flinch at all.

“Qingzhou. It was Liu who intercepted all the enemies and a weird man in black when shadow guardians were all trapped in fight that night. Liu wanted to accompany me. But I’m not good at martial arts. If I stayed with Liu, I would be hurt by those poisonous people and doomed to be killed. Liu intercepted all of the and didn’t let any of them break through his defense. He had several wounds that night. Qingzhou… we couldn’t just see one side of a thing, right? The fact is that he saved my life. The reason that I fell into the hole is that I was too careless…”

Hearing what Long said, s.h.i.+ kept silent for a long time.

Long knew it was impossible to make s.h.i.+ bear no grudge in short time.

Long also understood what he said was true, but how many rulers would think from the perspective of their subordinates and show some understanding?

However, Liu was not their subordinate, who was more like a friend.

But Long was the most n.o.ble person as well as the one s.h.i.+ cared so much, so s.h.i.+ would not forgive any negligence to Long.

If Liu wasn’t good at martial arts, if Liu wasn’t regarded as “a friend’, if Liu didn’t save all the people in Quanzhou, s.h.i.+ probably had launched an attack to Liu that day.

But s.h.i.+ refrained.

To bear no grudge completely, it would be possible for or at least not a big problem for the previous s.h.i.+ who wasn’t poisoned by the most toxic insect.

But s.h.i.+ at present needed to control his murderous intent all the time…

Long was afraid that s.h.i.+ would never trust Liu ever if this grudge was not eliminated.

That would be a bad thing for both of them.

Therefore, Long talked about this topic for the sake of Qingzhou, not others.

“Alright, Qingzhou. I know you can come around. Since we’re just full up, let’s get out and go for a stroll?”

Long changed the topic with the purpose of not talking too much on it.

s.h.i.+ nodded slightly, “Hmm.”

Long held s.h.i.+’s hand and went out… Long didn’t loosen s.h.i.+’s hand until they got outside of the house.

“Where are we going?” Having no idea where to go when standing outside the house, Long turned to s.h.i.+ and asked.

s.h.i.+ answered, “The street is over there.”

“Eh? Alright, let’s go there.”

There were four downtown streets in Songye City.

Long and s.h.i.+ was heading to the East Street which was said to be the oldest one among the four streets.

As soon as Long and s.h.i.+ entered the East Street, they felt it was bustling with noise and excitement.

“There are so many people here. Qingzhou, stay close with me.”

“Hmm.” s.h.i.+ nodded.

Long went in a store with s.h.i.+ at will.